
Picture Of You(One Shot)

Tsuki POV

I couldn’t believe it after everything we had been through he picked them over me. Even just thinking about it I could feel the tears falling down my face. I was sat in the airport waiting for my flight to states. I figured the only way I could get away from him was to leave the country so I was of the states, my English was good enough to get me by. He’d taught me that. 

Yoochun POV

‘ I can’t do this anymore guys’ I said to the rest of the members, just before we went back on stage for the encore.

‘What do you mean Yoochun?’ Yunho asked looking confused

‘I’m letting one of the best things that ever happened to me walk out of my life forever, because Manager Hyung made me pick,’ I answered tears already starting to form

‘Hyung..----’ Changmin started but I cut him off

‘Don’t say it Changmin ...I love her,’ I confessed the tears now falling freely. Just then Manager Hyung walked in ‘What is going on? Why aren’t you guys on stage? And Why is Yoochun crying?’

‘He’s upset that you made him pick,’ JaeJoong answered

‘Then why didn’t he pick her?’

‘Because I thought letting one person down wouldn’t hurt as bad as letting millions of people down, but I was wrong, this hurts like hell!’ I cried

‘Then what are you still doing here?’ I looked at Manager Hyung confused ‘Go get her, she’s at the airport, her flight to the states leaves in 45 minutes so you better hurry,’

‘Yeah Come on Lets go,’ Junsu said already shoving me out the door, the rest of them followed. I stopped and turned to look at them all

‘What are you guy’s doing?’

‘We’re coming with you of course, we all want to see this end happily, stuff the fans for the minute they can wait,’ Yunho said with a smile

‘Okay lets go. Oh and Thanks guys you’re the best,’

The drive to the airport was quiet, which gave me plenty of time to think. I didn’t know letting Tsuki go would hurt so bad.

* Flashback*

Me, Tsuki and the guys were gathered in the meeting room. Manager Hyung had called us together because he wanted to talk to us about something important. I was quite surprised he wanted Tsuki here, what could be so important that she had to here as well. Before I had much time to dwell on the matter Manager Hyuang walked in,

‘Okay, now I know you’re all wondering what I called you here for, so I’ll get straight to the point,’ He started then turned around to face me and Tsuki ‘Ever since you met her Yoochun your heart hasn’t been in the group, You’re always distracted,’

I was shocked and angry. I had no idea he felt this way and from looking around the room I could tell everyone else was thinking the same. I stood up angrily

‘What am I not allowed to be happy, is it a crime?’ I cried ‘So what are you gonna do, make me pick?’

‘That’s exactly what I’m going to do. You have to pick Yoochun, Its either TVXQ or Tsuki you can’t have both?’

I couldn’t believe him, everybody else stood up in protest except Tsuki, she stayed sat down staring at the table. I couldn’t leave her, she makes me so happy and I can be myself around her and also she likes me for me not my fame. I turned and looked at the guys. We’d been together 5 years now. They were like brothers to me then just band members, we’d been through everything together. Could I really just leave them just like that? They’d grown close to Tsuki aswell over the past few months, she was like a sister to them Changmin especially he loved that there was someone around that was younger than him. What to do? Do I let one person down or millions? I already knew the answer. I turned back to look at Tsuki to see that she was staring at me, she knew the answer. She stood up and everyone went quiet I could already see the tears forming behind her glasses. She put her hand on my cheek ‘Goodbye Yoochun Oppa,’ she kissed my cheek and then turned to they guys

‘Goodbye Yunho Oppa, JaeJoong Oppa, Junsu Oppa and Changmin Oppa. It was nice getting to know you,’ Her tears were flowing freely now as she kissed them all on the cheek and then giving me one last smile she left. The guys looked at me they all had tears in their eyes. It was then that I realised I was also crying. Then it sank in Tsuki was gone, I fell to the floor and cried my heart out hardly aware of the guy’s putting their arms around me. What had I done?

*End of flashback*

We were at the airport now and we had 5 minutes to spare. We ran straight to the departures and looked for her. I couldn’t see her anywhere but then I spied long brown hair tied up roughly I’d know that hair anywhere. Tsuki.

‘Guy’s she’s there,’ I said pointing. We started shouting her name but she didn’t hear us she almost through the gate now. So I did the one thing I knew how to do. I sang.

*chagaun barame umchurin ne okkaega
naeryo antgi jone naega gamssajulke
nal bwa love
you babogatun gudae
gu modun goshi naegen da sojunghangol
*gudae wiro toorun taeyangmankum
nuni bushin i gasumuro
gidaryojun shiganmankum nol naega jikyojulke
gidohan modun kumi ganjolhan
nae hyanggiro nama uril hyanghae isso
More than the air I breathe


Tsuki POV

While waiting I couldn’t help but think of Yoochun and how we met.


I was on my lunch break and was walking back to the school after getting the rest of the teachers coffee’s. I was busy concentrating on not spilling the drinks that I didn’t watch where I was walking and bumped into someone spilling coffee all over me and making them drop all their papers.

‘I am so sorry!’ I said while bending down to pick up the dropped papers.

‘No, it should be the one apologising,’ he said and he bent down to help me pick up the papers

‘Why? I’m the one who walked into you,’ I stated I stood up and gave him the papers while lifting my head and seeing him for the first time. He was extremely handsome from what I could tell, the majority of his face was covered up sunglasses but he had short dark hair and he had a killer smile

‘Thanks but I’m the one who made you spill coffee down you,’ he said pointing to my shirt.

‘Oh great! I’ve got to go back to work still and can’t with a giant stain on my shirt!’

‘Here come on,’ The mystery guy grabbed by hand and dragged me into the nearest toilets.

‘This is the guy’s toilet, I can’t be in here!’

‘No ones in here,’ He said while starting to take of his shirt

‘What are you doing?’

‘Come on, take off your shirt you can have mine and I’ll have yours dry cleaned,’ he said now holding his shirt out for me. I started taking off my shirt and being a gentleman he looked away while I changed

‘There all done, you can look back now,’ I said ‘Thanks I’m Tsuki by the way,’

‘You can call me Micky for now,’

‘Well I have to go now I’m already late for class,’

‘Let me give you a lift, it’s the least I can do, my cars just outside,’

‘Okay thanks,’

A little while later we arrived at my school

‘Well thanks for the lift and shirt,’ I said while getting out the car

‘No problem, see you later Tsuki,’

‘Bye Micky,’ and with that he left and I walked to class with a smile on my face.

*End of Flashback*

I came back to reality with a smile. All that was over now Yoochun had picked TVXQ over me and that was that. Just then my flight was being called so I stood up and headed for the departure gate, while walking I could have sworn I heard someone screaming my name but I thought I was just imagining things. Just as I arrived at the gate was when I heard it. Singing. I turned around and was shocked with what I saw. There singing my favourite song was TVXQ, they started walking towards me, people were staring now but I didn’t care. When the singing stopped I was speechless and it took me a while to regain by ability to speak

‘What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in a concert at the minute?’

‘Well what can I say, there was something I needed to tell you,’

‘What?’ I asked Yoochun looked at Junsu and he started singing again

saranghandago ijen gudae punirago
jo hanul kkute sorichyo jonhago shipo
love you tojildutan gasumi
gudaerul burugo isso
apun shiryoni uril chajawado
gu apume mok meowado
da orumanjyo jul su innun naega do saranghalke
tumyonghan usumkochi banjaginun jo byol
dulchorom arumdapge nol nomanul bichwojulke
gudae wiro ttoorun taeyangmankum
nuni bushin i gasumuro
gidaryojun shiganmankum nol naega jikyojulke
aranghae nol saranghae
sesang gajang nunbushin gudae kumgyolgatun i mam
More than the air I breathe

‘I Love you Tsuki,’ Yoochun said I could feel tears falling ‘I don’t care what manager Hyung says I’m not letting you walk out of my life,’

‘I love you too Yoochun, but what about they guys,’

‘I’ll have both, you all mean the world to me,’ Yoochun said

‘Yeah, our lives changed so much when you came and then they changed again after you left, we love you as well Tsuki,’ Changmin said

‘Oh Oppa’s come here,’ I said opening my arms and they all ran forwards and hugged me, all except Yoochun. After the guys hugged me they stepped to the side

‘Come here you,’ Yoochun ordered, and with that I ran forward into his arms, I was vaguely aware of everyone around clapping, I looked at Yoochun and he leaned his head forward ,then his mouth fastened to mine and my world turned upside down for all time.

*Lyrics from DBSK - Picture Of You


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Chapter 1: nice story thank yoooouuuuuu^^
dr_elf15 #2
this is such a cute story..glad i stumbled upon it...^_^