
When Our Mom Sick



That morning the sun was already high up in the sky, shining brightly. Some birds were singing happily outside the window. Jin shifted in his sleep but found it hard because he was wrapped perfectly in Namjun's embrace. He opened his eyes, trying to let go of his leg first, only made the other tighten his grip, and earning a groan.

"Let me go. I need to wake them up" he said softly, almost a whisper that only Namjun could hear it.

"You sounds so weak and it's too early, just back to sleep" said Namjun with his oh-so-y morning voice. 

"Nooo, I need to make them breakfast too" totally not agree with the idea, Jin looked up to his face, pecking Namjun's jawline. Once again, earning a groan as protest but still, it was his reponsible as the oldest. "Come on, mind to help?" as he rubbed the younger's back in circles.

"Sure" they got up and headed off to the bathroom. Brushing teeth together, washing each other's face, and not forget to share some kisses here and there.

Jin told Namjun to wake Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung up because they were just easy to be awaken, then he went to the youngest room to wake the sleepyhead up.

"Jimin, wake up" Jin carresed his cheek softly.

"Uuh, what time is it?" he asked rubbing his eyes in a cute way that Jin almost pinch his cheeks.

"It's 7. Come on, we have to wake your bunny up" Jimin quickly sat up, still adjusting to the sunlight then went to the bathroom to do a quick washing.

"Jungkookie, wake up, baby" Jin cooed at the death-sleeping figure on the matress.

"Jungkookie, hurry up, the others are already waiting for breakfast" Jin took off his blanket and shook his body, the other just turned around backing him.

"Jungkookie wake uuup, my cutie baby" he patted his only to got some incoherent words "Namjun, I need your help here!" he shouted then saw Jimin who was just walked out of the bathroom.

"Let me do it" Jimin then made his steps to the youngest, shifting his body to lay on his back and setted himself on the other, palms propping his body on both side. Jin only stared at them, waiting what would he do.

"Wake up baby Jungkook, I'll count to 10"

"One" Jimin lowered his body, doing push-up on him, kissed the younger's forehead. Jin widen his eyes, couldn't believe what he just seen.

"Two" this time his nose.

"Three" his right cheek.

"Four" left cheek.

"Five" chin.

"Woah, you enjoyed it aren't you? Six" jawline.

"Seven" pecked his lips.

"Eight" down to his neck.

"Nine" Jimin it. Jin felt like fainting right now, how could he didn't even give any respond when someone tried to him.

"Ten" Jimin kissed his collarbone, and Jin couldn't believe his eyes even more when he saw Jungkook opened his eyes, giggling innocently.

"See, Jin hyung? It's not that hard to wake this boy, also, it counted as a healthy work-out in the morning" Jimin pulled Jungkook's hands to sat him up, earning a kiss on the lips.

"You evil, kid!" Jin threw a pillow to Jungkook, but Jimin quickly blocked it before it touched him. "I'll do that next time!"

"Woah, sorry but it's my own method and I will never let someone else touch my Jungkook. And else, I don't want you to be punished by Namjun hyung" Jimin ended his last sentence in whisper, that made the two lovebirds giggled seeing the oldest blushing in front of them.

"Then you wake him up everyday" Jin said as he exited the room.

"What's happening there?" Namjun approached him, resting his arm around the older's waist who was leading the way to the kitchen. Jin just shook his head, actually he was feeling a it dizzy today. Namjun just shrugged it off and sat on the chair, watching the other busying himself from afar.

"Good morning, Jin hyung, Namjun hyung" Taehyung entered the kitchen, greeting his hyungs.

"Morning Taetae, did you sleep well? Sit down here" Namjun pulled the chair beside him that Taehyung straightly sat on it, nodded his head. Not long after, came Yoongi and Hoseok and joined them to sit.

"In case we're running out of ingredients, I'll just make sandwich and milk for today's menu, okay?" Jin spoke up, wiping sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

"Yeay sandwich!" Taehyung excitedly clapped his hands. Motioning to the other two who just entered the kitchen to sit with them.

"It's okay, hyung. Even if you're just going to make boiled eggs, I'm still going to eat it" Yoongi placed his head on the table.

"Aww, that's actually sweet, Min Suga" Jin gave him a wink, that Namjun quickly glared at him.

"Hey, even if you're going to make a burnt omelet, I will still eat it" Namjun stated, not wanting to lose his attention but only to get a death glare.

"Did you just underestimated my cooking skill?"

"That's not what I mean!"

"Whatever" Jin turned the stove off, bringing the plates with sandwich on it to the table. Yoongi quickly got up to help him bring the other plates and glasses. "Thanks" Jin smiled at him.

"I'm going to kill you at studio later" all of them laughed at Namjun's jealousy that was so childish. Jin took a seat on the end of table, watching them eating like pigs.

"Guys, don't forget that we have a schedule for practice today" Namjun reminded them, getting a loud groans and some nods.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Namjun asked, just realizing there were only 6 plates, and none in front of the older. Jin just shook his head, he sneezed, covering half of his lower face.

"I'm not in the mood to eat sandwich" he lied, the truth was they completely ran out of the ingredients.

"But at least you must eat something. Let me check the fridge," Namjun stood up and Jin quickly held his wrist pulling him back to sit, shaking his head.

"No, just finish your meal already"


"I'm done!" Jungkook brought the dishes to the sink, followed by the others but Namjun.


"Hey, I just realized that you looked kinda pale" Namjun cupped his face. "You're just overreacting," Jin took his hands off his face.

"What do you want to eat? I'll go to buy it" Namjun held his boyfriend's hand on the table, Jin played with his fingers. "I don't know, I just not hungry yet" he said as he walked to the sink.

"Let me help" Namjun pushed him away and started to wash the dishes. Jin chuckled at him and walked away to clean the table.

"Thanks, Mr. Kim"

After finishing the kitchen chores, Jin headed off to the laundry room. He needed to wash his own dirty clothes and the others’ too sometimes, because they were too lazy and just pile up their dirty clothes, even though Jin often nag them not to do that, especially Yoongi and Jungkook.




Jin laid on the bed, had his arm covering his eyes. He fell into a deep slumber. Jin joined the others on the living room before, but he sneezed a lot and felt dizzy so he excused himself to get some rest, also, not wanting to spread the virus. 

Namjun entered their shared bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed beside Jin. He took the other's arm that hiding his beautiful face and wiped sweat on his forehead.

'Something wrong' Namjun thought when felt the temperature.

Jin opened his eyes a bit.


"Am I distracting you?"

"Of course no" Jin tried to get up but Namjun stopped him to not to.

"Are you sick?"

"No, I just need some rest" Jin shut his eyes again, probably falling asleep. Namjun thought that it was so not Jin, he never go back to sleep if he was woke up already, so he had to make sure. Namjun put his palm on the other's forehead once again and some other space too and,

"! You got a fever!" he cursed a little too loud that it woke Jin up again. He quickly stood up.

"BANGTAN!!" Namjun shouted and the next second he got all the members in the room.

"Jin hyung is sick." Namjun started off.

"Seriously? Jin hyung don't be sick, pleeaseee" Jungkook whined.

"I'm not done yet. Follow my instructions," he demanded but Jin quietly said "Namjun, I told you I just need some rest. Don't worry too much," that Namjun doesn't even want to hear and just shrugged it off.

"First, Jimin and Jungkook, get a bowl of cold water and a small towel to compress him"

"Yes, captain!" they both quickly exited the room.

"Then Hoseok and Taehyung, buy some medicines for fever and flu"

"Yes, sir!" they went out following  the others.

"And you" Namjun pointed at Yoongi that quickly gave him an ‘I-am-still-your-hyung’ look then Namjun quickly pulled back his hand. "I mean, Yoongi hyung, buy some porridge. We're run out of ingredients, beside, there none of us who can cook"

"Okay" he exited the room and then Jimin and Jungkook came bringing the orders, handing it to Namjun then sat on the floor watching quietly.



"I don't need it, Namjun" Jin weakly said when Namjun pressed the towel on his forehead.

"Stop being so stubborn and just be a good boy, please" he answered while soaking the towel, squeezed it and put it back on his forehead.

"Don't treat me like a kid, I'm still older than you" Jin sneezed at the end.

"Yeah but mentally not when you're sick"

"Well, I can't deny that" Jin chuckled. Somehow, it made Jungkook giggling hearing his hyungs conversation, he playfully hit Jimin's arm, whispering 'They're so sweet' that made Jimin messed up his hair.

"I'm coming" they all looked up to the door seeing Yoongi walked toward them and handing the bowl to Namjun and joined the youngers to sit on the floor.

"Thanks, hyung" he started opening the bowl that covered with plastic and put it on the side table.

"We're coming. We're not late right?" Taehyung said as he entered the room with Hoseok, placing the plastic bag of medicines on the side table. Namjun thanked them who were already sitting on the floor with the others.

"Can you sit?" Namjun offered his hands to help him up but Jin just ignored it.

"Of course, I am"

"Fine, carefully please"

"Do you think I'm that weak?" He quickly got up but it made his head suddenly spinning around. "Akk" Jin almost fall backward and hit his head to the headboard, thanks to Namjun who caught him before it happen.

"I told to be careful and stop being so stubborn please!" Namjun yelled at him. Somehow it made all of them shocked, included Namjun himself.

"Hyung, calm down" Jimin reminded him. Jin turned his body around, backfacing Namjun, backfacing everyone there.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. You know, I'm just worry, love. Come on, let's eat now" Namjun softly tried to pull him but Jin didn't even move an inch.

"Jin hyung, let's eat with me before the porridge get cold" Jungkook stood up and shooed Namjun to go away. Of course, Namjun refused it at first, but Jungkook gave him a 'Just follow my instruction' look so he had no other choice.

"Seokjin hyuuung" Jungkook called his name in a cute way, he knew that Jin could never resist it. He climbed on the bed and titled his head to see the older's face.

"Let eat with Jungkookie~" Jungkook lowered his head and pecked Jin's right cheek. Seriously Jimin need to held Taehyung's shirt to hold his urge to pull his boyfriend from there, either Namjun.

"Fine, Jungkookie feed me, okay?" Jin rolled his body to face Jungkook. It was really surprising the others who were watching. Jungkook helped him to sat leaning on the headboard, then took the bowl on the table and started feeding the older.

"It's bland" Jin made a weird face, swallowed it forcefully.

"Really? Then, Jungkookie will blow some love on it" Jungkook blow on the bowl and it made Jin laughed. Some minutes later, the two on the bed had their own world, talking about everything.

"You know, Namjun hyung was just too worried about you, the same as me and all"

"But he yelled at me" Jin pouted his lips.

"But he didn't meant to" Jungkook wiped the older's side of mouth with his thumb. "Forgive him, promise?" Jungkook gave his pinky finger, Jin hesitatedly locked his pingky with him.



"Someone help me, please. I really confused now who's the oldest and the youngest here and what is my position in this group" Yoongi said and they were all nodding their head in agreement, eyes not leaving on the said figure. Jeon Jungkook's magic.


"Yeaaay Jin hyung have finished the porridge" Jungkook clapped his hands. He left the bed and back to his original position. Jimin pouted at him, still jealous, and Jungkook quickly kissed his lips.

Namjun stood up to get the medicines and took a glass of water then sat on the bed beside Jin.

"Now, take your medicines, okay?" Namjun gave him the pills.

"Okay!" Jin said as he placed the pills in his mouth as Namjun led the glass to his lips to help him drink.


"Ah, right. Just stay here while we go for practice later, hyung" Hoseok said and they all agreed, except Jin who was pouting.

"No, I'll go with you guys"

"Hyung, we will tell Ssaem that you're sick. Just stay, okay?" Namjun caressed his head.

"Noo, I don't like being alone. What if I die alone here? Noooo" Jin cried and threw some pillows to everyone in the room. Namjun hugged him and kissed him several times, telling that everything gonna be okay and there was no way he would die.

Jimin phone rang, he quickly took it out of his pocket.

"What a coincidence. It's manager hyungnim, you talk to him," Jimin handed his phone to Namjun who picked up the call immediately, turning the loudspeaker mode on.

"Hello, Jimin?"

"Hello hyung, it's Namjun"

"Oh, okay. I just want to remind you guys about the practice later"

"Jin isㅡ"

"Your choreographer said that he spotted a mistake on your last performance, he sounded like, you know, kind of angry, so he wanted me to tell all of you have to come"

"But Jinㅡ"

"There's no exception. I'll pick you up at half past twelve and don't be late"

"" Namjun cursed right after the call was being hung up one sided. He looked at the wall watch.

"You stil have at least 3 hours to rest. Just sleep, I'll wake you up later, okay?" Namjun Jin's head who was smiling, weakly nodding his head, then kissed his burning forehead. He exited the room with other members to let the oldest rest.




Jin tried his best to dance along with the others, though his body struggled a lot. His head was still spinning around and the practice wouldn't make it any better. So when the practice ended after being implemented for 3 hours a row, Jin quickly walked to the corner side where there was no one, sat leaning on the mirror closing his eyes, still trying to catch the air into his lung until someone poked his cheek.

"Hey, drink it" Namjun sat across him and gave the mineral water bottle to him that Jin gladly accepted.

"Thanks" Jin said as he drank vigorously.

"Slowly, please" Namjun said as he wiped sweat on the other's face. "Are you okay?"

"Feel like dying, man" Jin put the bottle on his side and stood up afterward. "I'm going now"

"Me too" Namjun packed his things then told the other members who quickly followed them.


Namjun just stepped out of the bathroom after showering to clean himself of the stickiness, towel hanging on his head. He stood in front of the mirror while drying his hair.

"Jin hyung, your turn" he said as he saw the older who was laying on the bed through the mirror but only getting a hum as response.

"But you don't have to take a bath if you feel your body still not good" Namjun saw him slowly getting up, massaging his temple for a while then walked to the bathroom, hands grabbing the wall to support his weak body. Namjun turned around to help him but right when Jin was about passing him by he collapsed down.

"Jin hyung!" Namjun quickly ran to him and caught his body before it crashed the floor or wall.


"YOONGI HYUNG, GET THE CAR HURRY UP" Namjun shouted as he carried Jin and walked out.

"What happened?" Yoongi ran out of his room and looked surprised when he saw Jin being carried, so does the other members.

"Hurry up, please!" Yoongi quickly took the car key and started the engine while Namjun getting in with Taehyung helping him to open the door.

"You guys just stay here now and tell the manager then you guys can come with him, understand?" Namjun told the other members through the opened window.

"We get it, just drive safely"


Namjun tried to wake Jin up by carresed his face on his lap but the older still didn't give a single response. The car that he was riding now was given by their CEO, but it could only used for something urgent, like this.



Namjun rested himself on the long couch after taking care of the older, Yoongi has back to the dorm few hours ago because he hadn't showered earlier. Jin was already placed into a room and was falling into a deep slumber, the mask of a nebulizer strapped over his face.

The room service has brought Jin's dinner, so he just need to wait the other to wake up. He changed the tv stationss but found nothing interesting when some knocks was heard from outside the door. Getting up quickly to check who was there through the curtain and opened the door afterward.


"Hiiiii, Namjun hyuuung" Taehyung entered the room and Namjun quickly put his finger on his lips. Taehyung nodded his head when he saw Jin was sleeping.

The other members settled themself on the floor in circle, started opening some plastic bags they brought earlier.

"We bought some food because we haven't eaten yet and bought some for you too because we knew that you would forget to take care about yourself, hyung" Jimin pulled Namjun's pants who was standing to sit beside him and eat with them.

"That's right, thanks" he said and they started eating in peace.


Namjun looked at the watch that showed it was 7. "He has been sleeping for 2 hours and half, after done with his lunch and taking his medicine"

"So what about his condition? Not really bad, right?" Hoseok asked as he putting his food trash into the plastic bag.

"Yeah, fortunely. The doctor said that he's just too tired. His body need a lot of rest but it looked like he forced his body to work, and there's also a possibility that it because him thinking too much" all of members focused when Namjun explained it to them.

"You guys came" They all moved their attention towards the voice, quickly gettting up to see the oldest closer. Jin tried to take off the mask.

"Did we talking too loud?" Namjun asked him, helping the other to take it off then put it on its place.

"Honestly, yes. But it's okay, I'm glad to see all of you guys here" Jin smiled weakly towards them.


"Are you okay now?"

"Much better, Min Suga. Thanks for asking" Yoongi chuckled at the nickname.

"That's good. Jungkook cried for hours in our room right after you were gone" Jimin nudged the youngest shoulder beside him.

"I didn't!"

"Really? Aww, that's cute!"

"He said that it was his fault for making you do his laundry often"

"Jimin hyung you promised to keep it as secret!" Jungkook smacked the said boy's arm hard. Somehow it made all of them laughing at his cute action.

A knock was heard and there were a doctor and nurse entered the room.

"Hello, Mr. Kim, we want to check your condition now, okay?" The doctor smiled and Jin gave him a nod.

"Now, let me take a bit of your blood, okay," the nurse started opening her stuffs.

Jungkook and Taehyung had already hiding themselves behind Jimin and Hoseok.

"Is she going to inject Jin hyung?" Jungkook whispered beside Jimin's ear and the older gave him a nod.

"Didn't you already do it earlier?" Jin asked nervously, looking for his boyfriend who was immediately came to his side, holding his hand.

"We did, Mr. Kim, and I promise this is the last one to make sure that you're completely fine. If you are, you can go home tomorrow after the final check" she assured with a smile.

"I'll do it now" the nurse wiping some alcohol on his skin and Jin had Namjun's body to block his sight. Eyes closing tightly and bit the younger's clothed back when he felt the bee sting.

After that the doctor and nurse excused themselves to go.

Time flies so fast, they talked about many things non-stop until the manager came.

"Sorry, Jin, I'm late. I’m just done with the administration" as he checked the other's condition, ruffling his hair. "Let's go guys, the visitor time will end at half past 9, and it means 10 minutes from now on. The gate will closed if we’re late, come on"

"Ah, hyuuung, why is it so fast?" Jungkook whined at him who was chuckling at his cuteness.

"I'm staying here!" Jungkook said, Taehyung looked at him and followed him.

"Then me too"

"Me too"

"Me too"

"Me too"

"Seriously, guys!" The manager messed up his hair and Jin couldn't hold his laughter.

"Hey, if all of you are going to stay here then who will greet me when I'm home?" Jin looked at them one by one.

"Uh, that's right. Fine, we will back now" Taehyung said, walking to Jin's bed and hugged him as goodbye that followed by others behind. Jungkook has the last turn and he hugged Jin so tight, the oldest patted his back.

"Come back home soon, hyung" he said as he pulled away and followed the members out.

"Of course, baby"

"Get a lot of rest while you can, Jin. Also, get well soon as soon possible. We're going now"

"I will, manager hyungniiiim, thank you so much and I love youuu, drive safely!" Jin said as the manager chuckled and closed the door afterward.


"Am I being forgotten now?" Jin laughed and looked to the side where Namjun sat beside his bed holding his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh god, I'm forgot to feed you!" Namjun quickly get the food on the side table and back to his previous position. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"No problem, I'm not hungry, Mr. Kim"

"You must eat"

"I said I'm full"

"Jin, don't be like this. Come on, I'll feed you"

"Fine" Namjun gave him a peck on the cheek and carefully helped Jin to sat on the bed and started fed him while hearing the other mumbling.

"I was really dizzy when we practiced earlier. Well, it's my choice to come with you guys, so at least I'm not dying alone at our dorm. I felt like an angel has come to me ask ed me to go with him to heaven"

"Hey, don't say such a thing" Jin giggled a bit. "But I was really shocked when I opened my eyes that I was at the hospital. Can you tell me the detail, please?" Jin titled his head aside that made him looked so freaking cute. Namjun fed him once again.

"It was your turn to wash so I told you that you can use the bathroom after me, but if you're condition still not good it's okay not to take a bath. You didn't give me any response and then you just walked off to the bathroom and before you could reach it you fell down not so far from me. So thanks to me that I could caught you before you hit the floor"

"Woaaah, Namjun is my real knight!"

"Of course" Namjun fed him one last time then put the bowl on the table side. "Now take your medicine" he handed Jin the pills and a glass of water, the older quickly obeyed. Namjun got up but Jin grabbed his wrist.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me"

"I need to pee"


Namjun back to sat beside Jin, hands holding each other.

"I miss you"

"Really? But I'm here the whole time"

"Hum, can you sleep here tonight?" Jin patted the space beside him. The bed was actually quite big for one person, of course, they got into a VIP room anyway. But it was impossible to have Namjun sleep on it.

"Noo, I'll just sleep on the couch"

"But I'm used to your hug when I sleep" Namjun couldn't hold his smile, hell yeah, this side of Jin just came when he was sick.

"Then I'll hug you before you sleep" Namjun stood and opened his arms wide, then he hugged Jin tightly.

"Are you sad that I'm sick?" Jin asked in his embrace.

"Of course, I want to switch our position if I could" Namjun kissed his crown.

"But your face said otherwise" Namjun laughed because why on earth Jin noticed that little happy look on his face.

"No no, it's not like that. I'm just a little bit happy because you're being clingy when you're sick, and it proves how much you love me. Also, this is the time where there are only two of us and I can have you all by myself"

"Aww, that's so sweet yet cute"

"Sweeter than Yoongi hyung?" Namjun pulled away to look at his face.

"Hey, why are you bringing up that again?" he laughed and hit Namjun's chest slightly. "I'm sleepy" he yawned.

"Alright" Namjun helped him to lay on the bed as comfortable as possible. "Goodnight" he said as he kissed Jin's forehead, and when he was about to kiss his lips Jin covered his mouth.

"I'm still sick, it included flu. No lips kissing, okay?" he carresed Namjun's cheek who groaned, doesn't liking the idea.

"Fine" the younger kissed his forehead once again before walked off to the couch to sleep.




The next morning, they were busy with packing the stuffs, fortunely it was not that many. Jin had completed the final test and was allowed to go home. Once it’s all packed, Namjun carried the bag ready to go.


"Wait, wait" Jin struggled tying his shoelace, so Namjun put the bag back and helped him.


"Where's my reward?" Namjun pouted his lips.

"I told you no kissing till I'm completely healthy"

"You're wearing a mask, though"

Namjun said and Jin thought about it for seconds then nodded his head"


Namjun immediately pulled the other closer and kissed his lips for about 5 seconds, though the mask made it into an indirect one.

"Let's go!" Namjun carried the bag in one hand and held Jin's hand with the other one. They walked out where the manager haad been waiting for them in the car. Getting in into the car and arrived safely at the dorm. They walked towards the front door together.

"Why am I so nervous?" Jin tighten his grip on Namjun's hand.

"Calm down" the other said as he entered the passcode. The door opened and they stepped into the dorm.



"WELCOME BACK OUR JIN HYUNG!" There were Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin spreading something blink blink. Also, Jungkook and Taehyung who were immortalizing the moment with taking pictures with their phone. Jin couldn't hide his smile and his eyes started watery so he took his mask off.

"Thank you, guuuuys" Jin opened his arms widely that Jungkook quickly hugged him first, followed by the others and it made it into a big grup hug.

Jin couldn't stop his happy tears. He just out of the dorm for one day but it felt like a really long time without the noisy members around him.

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Chapter 1: Best part of the story; WHEN JIMIN DID HIS PUSH UP MORNING WAKE UP CALL OMGERDDDD JIMIN IS THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER <33333 Kookie is lucky damn.
churroseventeen #2
Chapter 1: Jungkook's alarm clock was Jimin's morning exercise. Aawwww...how cute. And by the way, this story is so fluffy! It's just so wow. Definitely Bangtan. (^-^) and Namjoon's so sweet. Hahahaha!
Chapter 1: Jimin's exercise!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: This story is sooo cuteeeeee. Can totally imagine them being this fluffy and caring if one of them gets sick. And I love Jimin's exercise routine in the morning, and the way Jungkook giggles because of it.
KiwiPrincess #6
Chapter 1: Ah, such a heartwarming story..Bangtan family!! ^_^
faith3_13 #7
Aww this story just gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, such a lovely Bangtan family.