
★ one word titles ★

[ note: romantic-repulsed leo ]

He feels disgust flooding his system as the couple nearby him ended their date with the cliched romantic kiss. The dark haired man had long stopped having a taste for romance. He finds this despicable thing sickening to his heart. Those years of meeting new people, new friends, all said the same thing. That he will fall in love and marry someone.

Leo hates it, he has a heavy grudge against being in a relationship and anything to do with it. He had all the time to be bitter over a past relationship, the very reason he’s grown detached from even feeling that fluttering attraction in his chest. Hakyeon could only deduced it as some extreme case of being heartbroken, which Leo could only reply with a snort.

However, as much as disgust rotted his core, it was quickly overcome with a sudden collision of confusion and then just pure frustrated agony. Despite his passive expression, the same anger tightened his knuckles as he tried to control his hastened breathing. Leo hated knowing that Hakyeon was right, that the reason he’s so repulsed to romantic attraction was because of him. Leo detested love and Leo also detested Kim Wonshik. His blood boiled when the taller male had the audacity to greet him with a warm, welcoming smile.

“Taekwo–” Leo interrupted Wonshik with a right hook to his temple.

A purple bruise was forming nicely on Wonshik’s skin. All these months, Wonshik still looled exactly how Leo first met him. From his bleached hair, wide shoulders and skin tanner than his own, Leo remembered Wonshik as his walking contrast. They were a juxtaposition of their own past, present and future which Leo could only scowl at the very thought.

“Taekwoon,” Wonshik’s pained voice called out to him and Leo could only shoot him a glare. Wonshik was not allowed to call him by that anymore, they were not on those terms now. Hearing Wonshik calling him that was disgusting. Repulsive and sickening, that same welcoming tone once sweet on his ears was now bitter, like the black coffee he drinks every morning.


Wonshik looked up at the raven in confusion. He could see the extreme animosity his beloved Taekwoon had for him. Moreover, Wonshik finds it strange that his Taekwoon introduced himself with a new name. Wasn’t he the one and only Taekwoon? The soft-spoken, quiet and willowy Taekwoon? Importantly, Wonshik’s Taekwoon? The fair haired man paused his doubtful thoughts.

Oh, that’s right. He remembers now, he left Taekwoon at the aisle.

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