The Doll

Doll, The Seeker

Changmin looked at the house he just bought at a low price. The house painted with a light brown on the outside of the house. At the backyard, there was a garden and two swings at the corner. Why would no one buy this beautiful house? For a while, Changmin thought he was the lucky person on the Earth.

The front door was screaming when he opened the door, no matter how slow Changmin’s movement was. That was not weird to Changmin — the former owner said the house had been left for ten years because no one wanted to rent or buy the house.

The whole furniture of the house was covered with while cloths to prevent the dust on them. Changmin started to lift the white cloth on one of the sofas. He was shocked to see a doll on the sofa. The doll is a female doll; she had ponytails on her both sides of head – her eyes were big and did not formed a smile.

Changmin threw the doll and all the white cloths in the dustbin at the kitchen. He was glad the former owner came to this house two days ago and cleaned this house, so now he can relax. Changmin drowned a bit when he sat on the sofa – it was so soft and comfortable to sit on.

Changmin heard sizzling sound came from the kitchen, he opened an eye but the sound had stopped. Travel from Busan to Seoul is very tiring; He thought that taking a nap will not hurt and so he did, napping on the sofa.



Changmin woke up from his nap, he looked at his surroundings. The room has a table lamp on the end table beside his bed. Wait, his bed?

He remembered that he took a nap in the living room, but now why he was here. Where is he?

Changmin looked at the room again, the room filled with darkness. Don’t mistaken. The table lamp didn’t radiates its light to the whole room, it just gave its light to the end table and the edge of the bed.

He slowly walked to the door. He, too doesn’t know where was the door since his eyes can’t see anything else beside the end table and the bed. Changmin placed his palms against the wall; following the wall, finally he sensed the doorknob with his fingertips.

For a second, Changmin felt like he was blind. Changmin grabbed the round-doorknob and twisted it, he pushed the door but it won’t open. He tried to pull the door this round and it did opened.

Changmin saw a hallway – there was a flight of stairs in the middle of the hallway to go to the first floor and there was another door lead to the bathroom at the end of the hallway. All the lights on the hallway were on.

“This is the second floor. I’m very sure I was in the living room before,” Changmin mumbled as he rubbed his eyes due to the difference lighting that stings his eyes. He rubbed his eyes while his face facing the floors.

There was something between his legs. Changmin shut his eyes and opened them a few times to adjust his eyes with the sudden brightness in the hallway. He jumped a few steps backward— surprised to see a doll earlier that he already threw in the dustbin sat on the floor, smiling.

Changmin was sure she didn’t smile at all when he first met her in the living room. He doesn’t know what to do, so he just stared at her. After staring at her for a few minutes, he felt goosebumps all over his body. The doll was smiling at Changmin; every time he blinked his eyes, the smile on her face became wider until the side of reached her ears.

Changmin slammed the door and locked it. He thought it was ridiculous to lock the door since a doll can’t stand, walk and open the door. Still, he locked the door. Then, someone knocked on the door from the outside – which was no one, except the doll.

The knocking sound wasn’t continuously, it does had a gap in between for a few seconds. The lightly knocking door turned loudly that can broke the door instantly. The pace of knocking on the door became fast too.

Changmin’s first thought was to hide, but he doesn’t know where to hide. He wanted to hide under the bed but there were many fairytail stories regarding there were ghosts under the bed. He jumped on the bed and hide himself under the blanket.

The door did broke. Changmin was trying to remain calm but he can’t. His hands were trembling so hard.

“You can run and hide… wherever you are hiding, I can find you in a flash…” Changmin heard a hoarse voice, probably from the doll. She sang that part repeatedly with her own melody. The melody that gave chills all over Changmin’s body.

Changmin felt that the blanket he used for hiding was being pulled out of the bed. Changmin resisted letting go of the blanket, it was the only shield to Changmin.

“Found you,” the voice said in a happy tone. Changmin knew he was in danger and he wanted to run. A doll can’t walk quickly or run, right? Changmin hopped from the bed as quick as he can and ran; passed by the stairs and went to the bathroom at the end of the hallway.

Why? Just why didn’t he went downstairs and ran out of the house already? Why did he enter the bathroom instead? Changmin facepalmed himself mentally. Changmin hesitated to run downstairs now because who knows that the doll had already waiting in front of the door.

Changmin turned his body so his face won’t be facing the door. To his horror, the place that he saw right now is not a bathroom. It was another empty room, he could see clearly – there was a solar panel on the ceiling. There were bloods everywhere on the walls of the room. 

There were some cursed words written in blood and there was a word ‘Find me, please!’ It repeated a few times on the wall. Changmin saw an arch lead to a very long hallway. He doesn’t know where the long hallway lead him to but it’s better than getting out from the door he came from.

Changmin ran as fast as he could but it seems like he didn’t even budge an inch. He was tired; his body excreted so many sweats. He was in a tiny space in the darkness. Changmin walked slowly because he was already exhausted. The hallway became narrower as he went on until he had to crawl. Changmin felt like crying… he was scared.

Finally, after a long time of crawling Changmin get out of the very long hallway. His knees, legs and body hurt so much. Changmin get out of the hallway while crawling. Changmin looked at his surroundings, he knew where he was. It’s at the entrance. Wait, at the entrance?

Changmin turned his head to look at the long hallway. There was no hallway at all, only the front door behind him. It was already dark, the full moon reflected the sunlight to the Earth and the lampposts on the road were the only radiated the light to make it possible for Changmin to see.

Changmin, without hesitating ran out of the house. He closed the gate and locked it securely. While locking the gate, Changmin glanced at the house and saw the doll at the window. That window was at the bathroom. The doll smirked at Changmin.

Changmin was about to turn his body and run but then he saw a white figure sat on one of the swings at the garden. Her hair was very long covered her face.

“You found me,” she said.



A/N: This is my first fanfic so yeah XD. Comment, subscription and upvote are much appreciated. ^^

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Chapter 1: oh my god. i get goosebump all over my body... by the way, why did you stop until there?? i want to know about the girl.... anyway, it's a great story. keep up the good work!!
Chapter 1: wait..that's all? I want more of it. the hstory of the doll why she's being there. Hahaha, I want to be the doll instead to play with Changmin. anyway, good luck for it^^