High school love

YingJie : I am dying am i ?

Calvin : sister ! You wont , never .

YingJie : brother , if i am . im not afraid anymore , everybody will die , im alright if i die earlier .

Calvin : what are you talking about ?

YingJie : ..

Calvin : Wu Ying Jie ! Listen , YOU WILL NEVER DIE .

YingJie : Wu Ying Jie will never die .

Calvin : Yes , You wont .

YingJie - Smile -

( My smile just to make you feel good , brother )

Doc . Sam : Goodnews ! Got a man gave blood to you .

YingJie : Really ?!

Doc . Sam we will start the surgery 15 mins later .

YingJie : Wangzi ? You donate blood ?

Wangzi : Yes ,

YingJie : Thanks wangzi !

Wangzi , You're welcome lets go in to the surgery room .

- Surgery 4 hr -

( Green light )

Calvin : is they both alright ?

Doc . Sam : Yes .

Calvin : wangzi and guigui are u alright ,?!

Wangzi : Yes .

Calvin : wangzi , thanks for saving my sister !

Wangzi : welcome

its might seems to be ending , but no , it has more :D

guigui didnt die ? i told you !

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Chapter 9: Wah....Wang Zi's with Xiao Xun...I don't like her...nvm
guiwanglove #3
I wish wangzi could be with guigui and aaron goes with hebe . But anyway, good story!
grace_leeu #4
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