
The puppy and his master



Warning! Ahead might be something some of you are uncomfortable with and I am truly sorry for that. But I mean, we are reading a boyxboy fic so we keep an open mind right?



We live right now. What does that mean? 

It means that we're living in a moment here, right now. No worries about the future, no indulging in the past, you are here right now.
But is it true? Others cannot shake off the past, while some cannot stop thinking about the future. 
Chanyeol tried, he tried rid of his past but it was a part of him. He tried to stop thinking of the future but he is scared, scared of what might happen if he opens up. But there are annoying people in the world who think they can push a person to their full limit and still get away with it.
Then there is Baekhyun. Naive, little Baekhyun who doesn't think before doing. He believes there is hope for everyone and will do anything to make them happy. Even if he gets in trouble himself.
That's how the two found themselves in the Principles office, sitted beside each other while another student is distanced off sporting a glare.
"Chanyeol, this has been you're third fight in a month. We are nearing Christmas break already, what happened?" The principal said, massaging his temples.
"Sir, it wasn't Chanyeol's fault this time." The principal raised an eyebrow.
"Oh really? Then do tell what had happened Mr. Byun."
Chanyeol gave a look at Baekhyun, the latter bit his lips and spoke.
"The student outside said some foul language towards me and I got mad so I kicked him in the shins, then he got really mad and tried to hit me back when Chanyeol punched him in the face." 
"That's it? Chanyeol, is that what happened?" The principal looked on towards Chanyeol who had his poker face.
"Yes sir." The principal sighed and told the boys to wait outside.
Once outside, the two took their seat in front of the other student, Seungjo.
Silence over took the three until Baekhyun looked over at Chanyeol.
The taller male had a cut above the lips, instinctively he reached for his pocket napkin and dabbed some blood away.
Chanyeol flinched at the contact, holding his breath in while Baekhyun wiped some blood off.
"You didn't have to step in you know, I could have taken care of myself." Baelhyun said softly, grabbing his water bottle to apply some water on the napkin. The two turned their heads in front when they heard Seungjo scoff.
"Aww little princess thinks he can fight by himself." At this comment, Chanyeol growled and was about to pounce on the guy when the principal came out.
"That's enough! Now, Mr. Kim and I have come to a decision. Chanyeol although you did not start the fight, you were involve making it a bigger fight. Baekhyun you as well started the fight by making the first move but you did try to stop it after. Both of you are going to be in detention for 2 weeks plus cleaning duty." Seungjo smirked at the two other students but it was wiped away after when the principal turned to him.
"I wouldn't smirk Seungjo ssi, bullying will not be tolerated in this school especially with your records. I am sorry but I have no choice but to call your parents and inform them of your suspension." Seungjo stood up enraged.
"WHAT!! I had the most injuries and those two just walks away with detention?!" He shouted.
"Yes but they did not start the bullying, they tried to defend themselves." Mr. Kim said, stepping in front to calm the student.
"Seungjo ssi, you will be suspended for three days plus detention for eleven days." The principal states. 
"Ugh this is BS!" Seungjo said then walked away.
The remaining two students bowed and left as well.
"Well this ." Baekhyun commented, wringing out the dirty wash cloth and proceeded with cleaning the windows. It was their first day of detention and cleaning duty, Chanyeol hummed as he continued dusting the bookshelves.
"Thank goodness we only have this classroom left." Silence ensued again, it was almost 7:30 pm and the boys are still cleaning up in the supervision of Mr. Kim.
"Chanyeol, let's take the bus together." 
"Sure." Baekhyun pouted, he hated the single responses he gets from Chanyeol.
"Yah, Chanyeollie! Pay attention to me~~." He whined, dropping the rag. Baekhyun approached Chanyeol and tried to snag onto his arm.
"What are you doing?" 
"I'm trying to get your attention, it worked right?" Baekhyun said with a sheepish smile, suddenly he dropped his arms. Cold air hit the taller's arm after Baekhyun left, he looked down wondering why the warmth left.
"You-- you smiled! Oh my gosh, you look even more handsome when you're smiling!" Baekhyun exclaimed with glee, pointing towards Chanyeol.
Chanyeol felt a blush creep upon his face and looked away with a small smile.
"Look! Look, you did it again! Aigoo, your are just so cute!" Baekhyun said, reaching up and ruffling Chanyeol's hair. 
Chanyeol whined and tried to keep the smaller's hand away from his hair.
"Yah, stop." 
"Ah wae~? You should smile more Yeol, you look very handsome." Baekhyun giggled, Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows.
"What's wrong?" Baekhyun asked after getting silence in return.
"People told me my smile is creepy." Chanyeol said softly, he continued with his dusting. Ignoring the silent student beside him.
After a couple of minutes, Baekhyun returned to his spot finishing the windows.
"Don't let your insecurity get the best of you Yeol." He said, finally breaking the silence.
Chanyeol looked towards the puppy eyed boy, his chest started to pound unusually weird.
When 7:40 hit, Mr. Kim informed the boys that it was time to leave.
As they walked towards the bus stop, Baekhyun grabbed hold of the taller male's hand. The latter, who was shocked at the action, is left dumbfounded.
'Please let go of my hand.' He pleaded in his head, he would have to talk to Joonmyun about such symptoms later on.
Baekhyun hadn't let go of Chanyeol's hand at all until the bus arrived a couple of minutes later. 
The two sat at the back, Baekhyun wanted to do a cliche scene from a drama he watched, and so Chanyeol let the smaller guide him.
"Look, if you blow on the window it fogs up." Baekhyun said not so quietly.
"Can you please lower your voice down." Chanyeol hissed when he noticed a bunch of passengers staring at them. Baekhyun turned his head towards them and gave them a grin.
"Is something the matter?" He asked, directing towards the onlookers. The passengers turned their head immediately and resumed to minding their own businesses.
"Yah. Why did you do that?" Chanyeol whispered harshly, his face was flushed from embarrassment. He wasn't used to this kind of attention, he is more used to the 'people-should-fear-me' attention.
"Waeyo? It's not like we are going to see these people again." Baekhyun said pouting, just then Chanyeol stood up and pressed the 'Stop' button.
"Yah, I was just kidding." Baelhyun said, feeling guilty. Chanyeol then proceeded to tell the other that his stop was here to which Baekhyun lowered his head and gave an embarrassing laugh as a response.
The bus stopped and Chanyeol stepped out, ignoring the hyped puppy shouting his goodbyes."
"I'm home!" Baekhyun shouted, taking  off his shoes and dumping his stuff in his room.
He then proceeded to make his way towards the kitchen where he can smell his mom's famous Kimchi spaghetti, he went over and backhugged the woman cooking his favourite dish.
"Omo, Baekhyun ah!" His mom said, taking out the earbuds from her ear. Baekhyun let go and headed towards the fridge.
"So how was school today, anything from the mysterious man?" Baekhyun took out a bowl of grapes and ate one.
"Yah, dinner is almost done. Don't go spoiling your appetite and why haven't you answered my question?" She proceeded to smack the grapes out of the boy's hand with a spoon, and placed her right hand on her hips. Baekhyun sighed.
"Mama, you know it's going to be the same response. Chanyeol won't open up no matter how hard I tried."
"Well honey, some people aren't bubbly and outgoing like you so it might take a little time." 
"But it's been 2 months~!"
"And it will take a couple more, he probably isn't used having someone by his side. Can you please put the plates out?" Baekhyun groaned but still did as he was told, taking plates and utensils out.
"Have you asked the boy why he is like that." His mom asked as she set out the hot pot of spaghetti.
"That seems a bit rude though. But today, we did make some progress, he smiled." Baekhyun said proudly, getting a pat on his head.
"That's my good boy, see he just needs a little warming up. I bet you he will fall in love with you soon." Baekhyun blushed at his mother's statement. 
Baekhyun is glad that he and his mom could have such a relationship where they can talk about anything, especially his love life which is like everyday.
"We're home!" Said another female voice, Baekhyun shot out of his seat and bounded his way towards the door like a puppy waiting for its owner.
"Eomma! Your home, now we can eat and you can stop mom from embarrassing me more than enough." He said happily, earning a smack in the head by his mom.
His eomma giggled at the two's interaction, she found it cute how the two were pouting at each other to see who would crack. 
"Yeobo, tell Hyunnie here that I was merely helping." Baekhyun gasped.
"No fair, mommy is using the fact that she is married to you to win!" He exclaimed, unhappy by the judgment when he saw both his moms kissing.
"Mommy! You fowgot about me!" A little voice said at the doorway. The three adults (if you consider Baekhyun, a 16 year old, to be an adult) turned their heads to the little girl with cute pigtails on.
Baekhyun ran over and picked the little girl of the ground.
"How can I forget about little Suhyun? How was Take you child to work day?" The little girl huffed not liking the term 'little'.
"Oppa, I'm not little anymore. I five." She said holding out four fingers, Baekhyun took out her little thumb to put the exact number.
"Yes, you are. See I'm still carrying you." Little Suhyun struggled and demanded her brother to put her down to which he relented.
"Mommy~ Hyunnie oppa said I not a big girl anymore." She complained to her mom, holding out her little arms to hug her.
"Aww baby, oppa is just sad that Eomma didn't choose him as her favourite." She said, Baekhyun shouted a 'hey' and crossed his arms pretending to be mad.
"Now ignore him so we can eat dinner." With that Suhyun shouted in glee and ran to the dining room to eat.
Baekhyun knows his family is different. Having two mothers isn't really common in Korea, nor is it accepted but he is proud of his mothers bravery and their accepting nature.
You see Baekhyun is the biological son of Byun Tiffany from her previous marriage, his dad had left the world with a smile knowing that his wife had found her soulmate. It was an arranged marriage but the two preferred to be friends but they had to make their parents happy so Baekhyun arrived but nonetheless they both loved him.
Of course that all happened 8 years ago, when Baekhyun was eight.
Then a year later Byun Tiffany had met Kim Taeyeon and the two decided to become partners for life, but as much as Taeyeon loved Baekhyun like he was her own, she longed to carry her own child.
It was a long process but after a generous donor, everything became complete. Byun Suhyun was on her way but little Baekhyun was confused, who was the mommy and the daddy? He got the habit to call Taeyeon his mom while he continued calling Tiffany his eomma. 
Together the two women taught Baekhyun to be understanding to situations such same couples, and Baekhyun couldn't be more happier to see the darker side of the world. What can he say, he loves a good challenge. He isn't some weakling who has to shield his innocence, no he wants to learn about the darker side.
Chanyeol entered his room, he places his bag gently on the floor and headed to the kitchen where Joonmyun was humming while cuting vegetables along side Yixing cooking soup.
"Myun hyung, I think I've come down from something." Joonmyun looked towards the boy on the kitchen island with his head down.
"Oh, well would like to share the symptoms?" Chanyeol nodded, Joonmyun left his station and sat the beside the younger male.
"My face feels hot everytime Baekhyun compliments me, and I think my chest hurts eveytime I'm around him but it felt good. And most of the times my stomach would flip and it's like a drum is beating the insides." He explained, groaning everytime his head thinks of images of Baekhyun.
"So did you only feel that towards Baekhyun or everyone else?" 
"Please, like I would even associate myself with those people there. It happens everytime I'm around Baekhyun, I don't understand why he sticks himself around me." Joonmyun cracked a grin, looking over at Yixing who was mouthing an 'I told' towards him.
"Chanyeol I think you like Baekhyun, in a... Like like kind of way." Chanyeol gave his cousin a confused look.
"I don't understand..." Joonmyun sighed.
"You like Baekhyun in a romantic kind of way! You doofus!!" He half-shouts at his younger cousin who seems to be in a daze now.
"Alright, I give up. Yixing I was gonna stop your delusional plan but go ahead, I don't give a flying pig anymore." Yixing smirked and looked over at the confused boy.
"My pleasure honey boo."
Early updat ya'll!! Anyways most of the comments suggested Taeny so i thought, why not. I'm sorry to some if the subject in here relates to something triggerring and i have absolutely no idea it would be something like this.
Again I am very sorry. OTL <-------------(bowing my head in shame)
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Chapter 7: This is so cute~~ I adore everything! And especially the cute adult sulay that make the youngsters gag haha, I think the next chapter should continue about Baekhyun trying to open up Chanyeol to him and meeting friends, maybe the music project too? (ps sulay too haha)
Chapter 5: Cute cute cute ^^
Chapter 3: Seulrene (Seulgi and Irene)
Yoona and Yuri
Chapter 3: chaebom(?) (idk if that even exist lol
asari2 #5
Chapter 3: Well, I don't read Yuri but Krystal +Amber ie. Kryber is pretty popular. Even Taeyeon+Tiffany ie. Taeny.
These are the two I have come across.
Chapter 2: I really like it! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
Chapter 2: This is good and I cant wait to read more!!!
Chapter 2: cuteeeeee! im starting to like this!!