Chapter 12

Till Death Do Us Part

Khun's POV

It was after a few hours that hyung made us all go home early since he wanted everyone of us celebrate the Christmas season with our loved ones. I was walking along the parking area, especially now that everyone had already left for their respective homes. Tiffany was walking with me in the parking area since if you guys had forgotten, I always drove her home. 

As I was saying, I was with Tiffany, holding hands while walking in the parking lot. Well I'm not usually the kind of guy who shows a lot of PDA with my girlfriend or my wife, but with Tiffany I kind of like to do things like this. Like kissing her, hugging her, holding her hand; all those stuff I wanted to experience. Somehow when I remembered that when I do this with Victoria I don't have the same spark that I am feeling not like when I'm with Tiffany.

Speaking of Tiffany, she locked her hands in mine and leaned her head on my shoulder as we were walking together. I don't know why but it kind of feel good, too good that I'm starting to want more of this. As if this feeling inside me is like my brand of heroin *AN Hope you know where this line come from* It's like if I don't have a dose of this, I would desperately be in a withdrawal syndrome.

"You know, this view feels so ncie." Tiffany said as she looked at me with those lucious orbs of hers. I smiled at her and kissed her in the lips. I felt her smile under our kiss. After that we had deepened our kiss until we have to break it up in order for us to breath again. I leaned my forehead against hers and pecked her lips. 

I chuckled at her, amused at her cute and childish anticts. It was pretty cute for me. She looks good with that kind of behaviour. We separated ourselves from each other and we walked to the car hand in hand. Smiling along at each other, like we were just idiots. Only two idiots in love.

After a couple of minutes, we were stuck in the highway due to traffic jam. I was playing with her fingers as she was trying to keep herself entertained from being bored. Since we were going to be stuck here for a while, well might as well just let her play along with my fingers. I keep on rubbing my hands on the top of her hand. She beamed at me with a smile of hers, the very smile that has caught my heart. Man, just seeing her smile like this can make me feel this way, 

"I know that the jokes that you made with Taecyon-sunbae was just a distraction for you, wasn't it?" Tiffany suddenly said as she looked at our now intertwined fingers. I raised my eyebrow at her, and chuckled at her; knowing that she had caught me right in the kisser. Damn, I can't escape from her. How she knows everything about me is just a plain mystery to me.

I was brought back to reality when she gave a forced cough at me, She looked at me with such an expectant look in her face, which only made me chuckle at her cute face. I just shook my head and focused on driving, well we don't want something bad to happen to us, now don't we? 

It was after a few minutes and we had finally reached her dorm. She walked down of the car and I followed suit. We then linked our hands, much like what we did at the parking lot. It was like that we needed that small link that we had everytime our hands are entertwined with each other. I mean, it feels so cold and lonely when we separate from each other, especially when it was time for work. 

"Well this is as far as I go then."  I told her as I reluctantly let go off of her hand. The mentioned coldness and loneliness had immediately possessed me, and somehow I just wanted to touch her again. I looked at her and she smiled at me sadly. 

"Yeah, it's better if you go home now, besides your wife might get suspicious on why you aren't home at this time of night." She said. I could feel that hurt in her voice as she said it. I smiled at her and gave her a hug. I felt that she had hugged me back. I was always begging inside my head to God that the hands of timw would slow down at least for a couple of minutes. Even just a few minutes.

After a few minutes we had let go of each other as I kissed her on the lips. She was shocked at first, but then I felt that she had responded to my kiss. I smiled beneath underneath the kiss and I hope that this heavenly sensation shouldn't end this way. I hope that our secret relationship would last long. I just hope so. 



But why do I feel a strange feeling that something big is starting? 



And cut!

Okay I'm really sorry for not updating for a veeeeerrrrryyyy long time. Well, since I was still recuperating from the sickness that had befallen upon me last Christmas that had caused me to be admitted in the hospital for the week. Then I was asked not to overstress myself. But I was stressing on whether or not the readers are not going to be angry for not updating for a while. And I'm really for updating such a short and crappy chapter.

Well then after that I was slowly updating for this chapter, and then boom my thesis subject just had to stick its nose in my perfectly peaceful life. Well I couldn't just leave it like that especially now that I am a graduating student. Then here comes OJT where my subordinates are just giving me one hell of a migraine. Then I did a demo teaching and guess what? I nailed it! (Dances Victory dance.)

Well aside from that, I'm starting to become more busy now since theatre class is just making us work our off. So we had to reherse a lot of time now. Wish me luck if I can make it. I wish that you guys can uderstand why I always take my time when I update.

Well then enough about me, how are you guys? Hope you had fun this year. I'd be happy to hear something from you guys.

a4tech signing off

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Kalyntsx #1
Chapter 16: Hi, will there be updates on the story?? ?☺️
mickey0817 #2
hi! so glad your back! even if it takes long as long as you will not abandon this story its okay,and same with Kpopcornluvr i have to reread this again. thank you, will wait for your update.
Kpopcornluvr #3
Chapter 15: wow welcome back!!! i have to go back and reread your fic to remember what happened but i don't mind - i always love reading a good khuntoria fic ^^ please update soon!
Chapter 7: Your victoria's pov was excellent. The way she always said he is stupid fool, my mind went 'yeah indeed. ing stupid !' Lol sorry i comment too much on this. It's because your story is great. I hate khun's vision here, the way he cheated on her. Not even cool but then again i really wish khuntoria will have their happy ending. Khun cut the crap really-_-
Chapter 4: Oh nooooo the girl.. i hate to say this but she pissed me off already *sighed* way to go author. I knew it! Hwang? I didn't expect it that would be her. I despise her *sorry not sorry*
Chapter 2: Just found your ff and started to read it. Love it from the start. I can predicted little thing what will happen i think. But i hope nothing serious. Hope they ended up together , i mean of course khuntoria
Allohaa #7
Chapter 15: Finnaly !!! I'm dying waiting ur update. Keep it up
Kpopcornluvr #8
thanks for the update! i'm disappointed in khun for cheating. but i still hope this fic will end happily for them!
mickey0817 #9
when are you going to update authornim...missing this story..hope your ok.