Chapter 1

Broken Promises

Promises were never meant to be kept, promise were just there for show, there for the heck of it. Because they never really last, I broke one about a year ago. A promise that I always held dear. I told him that I'd be with him forever, go back to him, but then like I said, I broke the promise when I died, well can you really call it death? I'm still breathing, my heart's still beating. But I call it death, because I actually died before those guys in Two Moons bought me back. But here's another way I'm breaking my promise, I'm not going back to him. I can't really, unless I want him to be targeted as a victim, The guys in Two Moons are very wanted. And I guess now I'm one of them, super powers and all. Yea that's right, super powers. Two Moons is a organization to keep super naturals at bay, and to fight super naturals, you need to be a super natural. You get it right?

"Hey, Jinny, it's time to go do our mission," calls Jinyoung from the door.

"Sure thing Youngie," I call back.

Jinny and Youngie, me and my partner's cover names. He's not to bad to work with, he's nice and layed back too. Well, as layed back as a lazy agent can be. I put on my one piece jumper


and my gear belt, it had everything I needed in there. 

I then placed in my ear piece and headed out to see Jinyoung waiting for me patiently. He offered me a smile and I smiled back at him.

"What is it this time?" I asked.

He looked at me breifly as we walked, "A bunch of angry faires, that's all. Should be easy to put them in our power."

I raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway. Fairies were disgusting blood thirsty creature, but fairly easy to beat. The thing with our powers is that they only work on weak supernaturals. So things like trolls, ghouls, vampires, or wearwolves.

"So are we killing them today?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yea, they're the uh, uncontrolled ones."

I shivered, those were always the worste. As we reached the exit, I reached for my weapon that was hung up in my locker and put them in my slot for them ib my belt. They were like 2 nunchucks except bigger with longer chains and a sword at one end instead of another nunchuck. They were my specialty.

"Do you really need that for faires?" Jinyoung peered at me.

I shrugged, "They might have help. But not too strong of help, supernaturals only team up with ones of their stregnth."

He says nothing and we hop on our motorbikes and drove off, we sped by so fast that nobody could see our weapons, this was the routine. Drive fast, get the job done, go back, gather the money, go home. That's how Two Moons operated, simple and short. And honestly I didn't mind.

Once we got to the alley way, we crept in silently, leaving our bikes at the curb. This place was abandoned, just like how supernaturals like their places. Empty, cold, unhabitent, abandoned by all means of life. I heard a noise and whipped my head back to see many figured coming our way. Fairies.

"There!" I yelled.

Jinyoung turned around and started to do his magic, which was actually spells. He, like the majority had been chosen by spell casting. That's right, we don't choose our powers, they choose us. I was a special case I guess. Then I heard a noise, it sounded troll! They couldn't be affected by our magic!

I cursed, "GOD DAMNIT YOUNGIE! I told you!"

"HEY! It's not my fault I didn't think ahead!" he whined.

I just rolled my eyes before taking my weapon out and swishing it around. Trolls came at me like a flood and I ran around swinging the nun-swords, efficiently slicing them to their death. I eventually came back to back with Jinyoung.

"God, how did faries strike a deal with Trolls?" I mutter.

He shrugged, "I don't know, but troll comin at you 3 o'clock."

I swiped it in half and continued to fend them off relentlessly. Finally, the waves of trolls and faries started to stop to a trickle and we took care of the rest of them. I swiped the sweat and blood off my forehead when it started to rain. I cursed as the water pelted my skin.

"Hey, calm, you're hair's not gonna friz," Jinyoung teased.

I just stuck out my tongue and ran to my motor bike. "To the closest store we go!"

We ended up at a small ice cream place, I recongnized it immediately, of course I would. Because this is exactly where me and Sehun met. My heart clenched as I thought about him. I pressed a few buttons on my belt and my mission gear was gone replaced with a new outfit, the hoodie pulled over my head to cover my face from anyone that could have seen me and recongnized me easily. And seeing Jin-young's outfit, I thought it made it look like a couple.

I sighed to myself quietly as I watched the rain beat down on the stores. It didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. We quickly ordered some ice cream and sat to wait and pass time.

"You look troubled," states Jin-young.

I shrugged, "This place brings back memories that make me miss my old life."

He frowned as he watched me closely, "You aren't supposed to remember your old life," he murmured, "But being the first test subject we used I guess there still needs more tweaking in the operation."

We ate our ice cream in silence and I sighed, "I guess I'm the first one to get experimented on from the dead?"

He nodded, "Yea."

Then the door opened, making it's usual bell noise. I looked over there and what I saw made me freeze, what was Oh Sehun doing here?


DUN DUN DUN There's your failed fight scene! And chapter one. Hope you liked it. 


gonna go eat and leave you with random gifs

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