
The Underground City

The men surrounding me let go of my arms and slowly put the guns to their sides, still aiming it right at me, just in case something happens. Only their eyes were shown which was difficult to identify them but by the look in their eyes, I could tell they were mentally ripping my throats out with bare hands.


The group split to make room for the newly found voice. His mask covered everything like the rest. Noticing it now, each mask was marked with a stitching of different letters. The men who surrounded me had matte silver letters while the other who saved me from getting killed had a gold stitching.


I finally took in the male's figure. He was tall, slim but had defined muscles, his hair was ash blonde and his eyes - oh my god, his eyes. I could recognize those certain pair of eyes anywhere. Without thinking, I ran towards him and hugged the living daylights out of him.


I felt his heartbeat quicken in pace while he stood stiffly to the ground. There were five pairs of eyes staring at us, or me actually, but I couldn't care less. I just felt safe. I'm not sure if I felt like that because I was in his arms that fit oh so perfectly around me or if it was because I knew him and he had rescued me from being killed.


He softly pat down on my hair while I still stuck close to him. I heard a sigh escape his mouth before he slightly pushed me to look at my face. He pulled down his mask and yup, I was so sure it was him.


"What are you doing out here? Do you realize how much danger you could have been in?"


His tone was soft and he had a look of worry on his face. It made me blink in confusion. Everyone said he was some poker faced bad guy who doesn't give a on people. And I've seen it. But what is this?? I'm not saying I hate it, I like it actually,. It's just weird to hear rumors of what you don't see often.


One of the two men who were holding my arms scoffed but pulled his mask down. I was stunned by his gorgeous looks. Not only him, but the others too when they pulled their masks down. No wonder they call them dangerously beautiful.


I snapped out of my trance when the first guy flicked my savior on the forehead.


"Yah, I told you to keep your school brats away from our territory."


Their territory? What do they mean by that? Who exactly are these people and how do they know Sehun? If I remember correctly as well, did they say Blood? As in the Blood Oasis? Why would they have any business with-


No, I can't even say it. It's too much to even think about them.


And did that short guy just call me a brat?


I silently scoffed and rolled my eyes but apparently they were watching every move I made since they were throwing me deathly glares or snarling at me like a dog. I growled at them to which they were surprised for at first. Sehun dragged me away before I could probably start something that wouldn't be good.


He shouted to that short eyeliner guy that he would walk me home. His response was only the middle finger held high in the sky and an angry huff from the older man. Ha! See you never .


The two of us slowly walked side by side down the street. My mind was pretty busy with all that's happening that I didn't notice Sehun was snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blinked quickly before blushing in embarrassment. I just showed a side to someone who is considered a flower boy. But then it quickly reminded me of his other image.


I squint my eyes at him carefully, starting to become jittery with unknown questions all of a sudden. We weren't even close but I felt like a mom scolding her child for getting into the wrong crowd of people.


"You have some explaining to do, mister. First of all, who were those men and what did they mean by "our territory"?"


At the last word, he started becoming nervous and looked away from me. I walked closer as he wouldn't speak a word and when I was already at touching his shoulders with mine, he spoke.


"I can't really.. Tell you. It's not your business.'


I huffed and looked straight forward. It's true. What happened there is none of my business but the moment they mentioned that name, I have to know. It is my business.


He spoke again after a few minutes when we reached four paths ways only to ask where my apartment was. When I told him, the color seemed to have drained from his face.


"Y-you live in SM Apartments?"


I nod slowly, not even bothering to try hiding my confused face that was desperately ugly. His reaction was odd. His body stated calmness while his eyes showed fear and nerve.


"Do you, by any chance, live in Building A #88?"


This is by far the most weirdest and frightening encounter I've had in my nineteen years of living. How does he know my exact apartment building and room number? This is really starting to freak me out.


I slowly step away from him with big, wide eyes because this is just too much. Sehun noticed and immediately grabbed my wrist. I didn’t thrash around like a normal person but I stood frozen. I was scared to death thinking somewhat differently of him now but I did still have that small feeling he was a nice guy. And I was right. His eyes were sincere and pleading for me to stay and not run away from him. It certainly held me back from walking away to the least. However, If I’m staying here to talk to him, he has to answer my questions.


“I'll leave that very stalker sounding question if you  answer me, Sehun-ssi. Or else I’ll leave.”


I wasn’t actually planning to leave but if it made him think that he has to answer, then by all means, I will do it. I don’t care if it’s some secret stuff with him involving those.. Unearthly men who won’t give a single thought at who they kill.


He bit his lip to which I found extremely y in a way. When our eyes locked, I blushed but it wasn’t noticeable because he still looked a little hesitant on whether to tell me or not. He pinched the bridge of his nose and then dragged me down the path that lead to SM Apartments. When the view of the torn down building came in view, It was nothing like i expected it to be when I first arrived here. Why? Because I never have gone out around this time and would most likely be knocked out right now.


It was a new sight to see that the apartments building was surrounded by all sorts of people who looked fairly wealthy. It was ironic since they all surrounded a bonfire like street kids who had nothing better to do in life than just wreck things up.


Everyone was busy talking to one another until Sehun and I arrived in the midst of the area. There was still chatter around from those who didn’t bother to give a single about us but the people who did gave hard laser stares which could have killed me by now.


I glanced over at Sehun and he had his school face on - the ‘I’m the and I don’t give a damn about any of you ers’. That’s pretty much the title and when I come up with a simpler name, than it’s going to stay that name.


We stopped at a certain area which was far enough from everyone but not too far that we didn’t seem suspicious or anything like that. He let go of my hand - I didn’t even know we were holding hands - and the both of us sat on a stone bench decorated with vines. He tapped his fingers softly on his thigh before sighing and facing me with a blank face.


“What do you wanna know?”


“Who were those men back there? And why did they mention Blood Oasis?”


His eye blinked rapidly fast before he answered with a hint of suspicion and confusion in his eyes.


“They’re my friends. I don’t expect you or anyone to know them since they aren’t in school anymore.”


Huh, no wonder. I would’ve recognized them in an instant if they did go to university since girls would be gushing over them like love struck idiots. I nodded to let him know i understood. Now it was my turn to become hesitant on answering.


“How do you know Blood Oasis? They aren’t common to.. normal people.”


He looked at me with curiosity, the same kind of curiosity that led me into this situation. I started fidgeting around with my fingers which didn’t go unnoticed by him. How do I explain how I know the Blood Oasis? I mean, I j=don’t just know them; I know them.


“You tell me how you guys know them. I’m the one asking question, not you.”


I stared blankly at him while he just sat there even more curious than before. I am definitely giving signs of hiding something and I wish I could slap myself for not remembering how to hide secrets. It was something everyone in my family would have to learn because that’s who we were. Who we are.


“Blood Oasis is known for being the most stealth gang in all of South Korea. Probably the Asian continent. No one knows who they are exactly but we have predictions. There was a time where Blood Oasis stole someone precious from SM. And because of that, we’re against each other, having fights back and forth with negative terms on every encounter. That’s why my Hyungs were questioning you. EXO usually encounter unknown people and for you to have followed where we were, we automatically assume you’re one of them Bloods.”


It made sense. I just wish Blood Oasis wasn’t bad mouthed about so much from other gangs like these. I found it no surprise that Sehun was in a gang of some sort. He looked the part to be associated with them at least.


If you must know, Blood Oasis is the most wanted underground gang in all of the east continents. Not just Asia. Many of those who know of them think they are some big group of different people when in reality, they aren’t. Blood Oasis is a family. A family of five main people. A father, two twin brothers, a young female adult and a teenage girl. Many of the other people are just connections they have in order to deal with missions they do. The leader of Blood Oasis is the young female adult. How do I know all this? Because I am a Blood. I am the leader. I've kept myself hidden since the day I was assigned and no one knows except for my closest relatives. But of course, there is an annual celebration which falls upon my birthday to commemorate the well being of Blood's leader. Its nothing special; just a regular birthday party but with a different meaning behind it that everyone knows.


"Who did they take?"


I couldn't help but to ask that question. I am genuinely curious to know because I've1 never heard of my family stealing someone else's. We handled dangerous tasks that were very absurd but never to an extent of taking someone away from another. We weren’t that low.


“I never met her. It happened many years ago, before I was born actually. Our boss told is they took one of our strongest leaders and she was never found again after.”


I nod giving him the sign that I understand but it still doesn't leave my mind. The two of us sat in silence before we heard footsteps clearly making their way to us. We both looked at that direction to find some of his friends from earlier. One of them being the eyeliner man who called me a brat. We exchanged dirty looks before he spoke to Sehun.


“What the hell is she doing here, I thought you were bringing her home?”


He scoffed and looked like he was about to kill someone. Before I could open my mouth and give him a piece of my mind, Sehun stood up and blocked my view of him.


“She lives here, Hyung. Stop being a and be nice. She's a part of SM whether you like it or not.”


I was pretty bored looking on the outside, not giving a damn about what they were saying when really I was confused as . What does he mean by that? I'm a part of SM? And why does he say it as if I have to be accepted or not.


I was snapped out of my thoughts when Sehun called out for me. He looked so kind and a little worried if I'm not mistaken.


“I think we're done here. You should head inside. I'll see you.. Later.”


His smile was so sweet that I it could possibly be the only thing is want to see everyday. It made me happy.


I stood up and brushed off some dirt and brittle leaves a that attached to my clothes. I walked opposite of the apartment building and have a smile back, not wanting to seem suspicious.


“I actually have to go somewhere. I'll see later though.”


I waved goodbye before anyone could say anything else. I have to get away from here. And I have to find father. I have a feeling that I really don't want to know the answer to my question.



I made my way to the four paths that Sehun and I encountered earlier. I made sure there was no one around at all before walking into the fourth path - the underground city.


These four paths are our connection between people of Seoul. And sadly enough, they are also the four streets that  are the gangs here.


YG Family, JYPNATION, SMTOWN, & The Underground City. The first three streets are just living spaces for the distinct gangs there. Like in SMTOWN you see how the people gather and just chat and play games. They freely do what they want as long as they don't cross the boundaries. But here in the Underground City, no one messes around. Where do I start?


The Underground City got its name by the location. Out of the four, this place is much lower making it like it's the underground part of the other streets. In addition to that, the area is huge so it's like another city. None of the other streets people come down here unless they're asking for a death wish. This streets belongs to Blood Oasis. Because we are the most dangerous, they stay away. Not even Sehun and his friends, no matter how much SMTOWN has got into some encounters with us. In this area, there's only our kind. It's kind of empty when you don't know what's here but if you're a Blood, you know that it's full of people. We got top class members that are known to be in the category of danger. They all hang around the bars and clubs we have down here yet they always know who enters the street. We taught them how.


I walked with my head held high and had a poker face on as I went down to Blood’s mansion. As I passed by the bars, I saw everyone look at me but with a smile on their face. They know who their boss is and if they even try to do something else, it's off with their heads.


Along the way, one of my dad's closest friends tossed me a box the size of my head. I furrowed my brows before opening it.


I saw a necklace that was long enough to reach until my collarbone. The silver chain held a skinny crystal vial with a small glass fox in side. I looked at the man and he smiled to me while giving another look at the box. I immediately knew that this necklace wasn't the only thing now.


“Welcome home, AJ.”

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TUC | Hey Loves ♡ I'm finally back on AFF. I realized how many mistakes i made within the chapters. I'll be revising it and then I'll update a new chapter!


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Softballgrl13811 #1
Chapter 13: So good!! Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 13: OMG WOW, UPDATE SOON..
caratgenes #3
Chapter 12: holy this is great
hope to read more soon~
BLINKforever #4
Chapter 11: My goddddd~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's in pregnant just from a with Baekhyunn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeal*
kimsana98 #5
Chapter 10: I need to reread from the first chapter. Anyway, good chapter authornim. Keep updating!
ヽ(´▽`)/ ♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪
kimsana98 #6
Chapter 9: I love this. Can't wait for the next update
KiaBear01 #7
Chapter 8: I'm loving this story! <3 Cant wait for the update!! (:
Kim_Yeoshin #8
Chapter 6: I love you, please update ~
adriana01 #9
Chapter 5: This story pique my interest.I hope you update it~~