Loss Is Gained

The Underground City

I would've marked this Rated M but there's like nothing for it to be marked as that.
I ain't no writer guys, lol.




Loud music was surrounding the whole club in all its glory. They decided to throw me an early birthday party since they would be all busy on my actual birthday to visit. I wouldn't let them anyway since I'll be down in The Underground City celebrating with my whole family - Blood Oasis.


I don't know how it lead us from playing video games to dancing on the dance floor in Seoul XIX. It just shifted from a perfectly PG area to a NC-17 environment. Everyone was grinding on each other, drunk and high. Some people in the very end corners were already getting ed up and ed by each other. Everything was blurry for me but my senses were keen as usual.


I was happily dancing with Nari who was a tad bit drunk since she has the lowest alcohol tolerance out of us. And someone had to bring us home. We were practically already dancing on each other from the bodies pressed against us. It was crowded tonight for sure. Then the man who created all this happened to appear right next to us, arms slinging casually around Nari’s waist and a smile playing on his lips.


Luhan was one of the people  who had been non sober the moment he got here. After surprising me inside, not 5 minutes later did he grab all the alcohol he could get to our table when we sat down. Despite the number of shots he took with the other guys, he was still pretty sober and didn't look like he drank any alcohol (the bartender just had to ask for ID which I laughed at).


He whispered something into her ear that made her grin like the chesire cat and pulled him along somewhere towards the back of the club. Yeah, they're going to be part of the ed up and ed corner.


I was all alone and I didn't know where the other boys went so I made my way over to the table we reserved. I at least found one of the guys. Kai was in the middle seat with a girl on his lap, shamelessly making out while inserting his hands inside her top and shorts. They didn't seem to mind when I sat down, though, I don't think they noticed I had. I took one of the bottles of vodka - blue raspberry, I know - and poured myself a couple shots. The clear bright blue liquid was too pretty to drink but I decided I could just go buy some at the liquor store.


I sat here for awhile until I decided to move since Kai and the stranger chick were getting real busy on the table so I moved to where the bathroom was located since I might as well check how I looked like. I mean, who wants to look like you got trampled by angry sasaeng fans in a club? You know I am so right.However, I regret it the moment I enter because I should've known. This is a club, Seoul XIX to be precise. You never end up in a spot where there is no one having . Especially out in the open. So went to the only other place I could go.


I went to the men's room.


Surprisingly, it was quiet. A couple guys inside were shocked to see me but they sent a flirtatious glance not a second after. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself through the mirror and fixed my smudges of eyeliner under my eye. I looked like a panda for goodness sakes. I spent quite a few minutes in there until the door opened again and Baekhyun stood surprised and shocked to see me in the men's bathroom. And for all things beautiful, he was beyond the definition of a hot god man.


His whole being was a damn mess. A hot mess. His hair was just out of place but it gave him that I-Only-Do-One-Night-s look. And if you don’t know what that looks is, hohoh~ You need to get some experience out here. And when the did he ever get a lip piercing?? Is it even real? Like the ? But he is so damn hot. And his eyeliner is just - I can't even explain it. He can totally be my bad boy grunge fantasy. Or he should.


Oh my god. Wait. Noooooo. Nope. Hold on a second. This is Byun Baekhyun we’re talking about. The guy that literally tried to kill me probably about a month ago and I’m thinking about him being my total se- I think I shouldn’t even finish that sentence. All in all, he looked like he could make every girl in this club with just his stare.  No lie, no joke. He’s just that hot.


I cleared my throat when I noticed that neither of us were going to break out state so I looked away first. He seemed to snap back to reality after a minute when I broke eye contact with him. I could feel his eyes scan my whole body before he came closer and stood next to me, leaning on his side on the wall. His eyes were partly shut as if he was tired but I knew he was probably just drunk from the alcohol on his breath. I mean, I knew for sure he doesn't have a high tolerance on drinking.


“Why are you in the men's room?”


“Too many people banging the living out of each other in the women's.”


An amused smiled rose on his face when I mentioned that. God, such a bastard. But I ain't judging.


“You look better without the thick eyeliner.”


He said after a couple minutes of just watching me apply my makeup. I glanced at him and stopped what I was doing before continuing with the thick outline.


“Thanks, but if I’m not careful enough, I might get myself killed. I don’t need anyone remembering how I look like.”


I shot him a big smile and took out a dark red shade of lipstick and a black shade. I am not using black eyeliner. That’s just gross using the same tool for my eye and lips. When I made the ombre effect look perfect, I grabbed my other small bag and searched for a golden septum ring to switch out from the silver one I had on just now.


I was done within a span of 5 minutes. Baekhyun was still leaning on the wall watching me but his arms were crossed this time with his head tilted as if he was observing every part of me.


“Would you get mad at me if I ruined your makeup?”


He voiced out finally. But unlike his tone earlier, this one sounded a little hoarse and desperate even. I turned to him looking really confused because I was. I just finished for god’s sake and he wants to ruin it? He’s joking right?


Before I could say anything, he pushed me against the sink counter and placed his lips on mine roughly. My eyes widen in shock but I couldn’t pull away. I didn’t want to pull away. It didn’t take long for me to kiss him back (more like biting and on his lip). His hands roamed all over my body making myself more sensitive at every touch. We went on eating each other’s faces for about 10 minutes when he slightly pulled back and looked at me with half lidded eyes. He scanned my breathless face, smirking at the accomplishment of definitely ruining my makeup.


He grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the men’s room and out of the club. When we got to the parking lot, he pushed me - once again - onto his car and attacked my lips. My arms automatically went around his neck, bringing him down closer to me. He opened the door to the passenger seat the moment I moaned out his name. He quickly dropped to his driver’s seat and started the engine. Baekhyun looked at me with a new found energy and smirked smugly while pecking me on the lis again.


“It’s worth it. Trust me.”


















My head hurt like hell. Scratch that. My head felt like a tiny migraine. My body hurt like hell. Especially near my lower abdomen and below. I groaned, trying to get up from this stupid feeling when I was pulled down. Confused, I looked at to what was causing me to fall back and I saw Baekhyun’s arm wrapped lazily around my torso. I wanted to scream, I really did. But my voice got stuck in my throat and I just did not have the energy for this. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, shutting them tightly before lifting the blanket on me to see if it really was true.


Slowly.. Slowly.. Slow- OH, MY LIFE.


I mentally cried as I thought about all the things I’ve done in my life. When I thought, and let me emphasize t h o u g h t, that Baekhyun could be my bad boy fantasy, I did not really mean it! No regrets, from what I remember though. I mean, wow. Just W.O.W. Last night was just amazing. Like, damn. I was pleased in all the ways I could possibly think of and sh- OH MY GOD, NO. Snap out of this! I can’t be feeling like this. No. Not now, not ever!


I took deep breaths in and out and turned to the side where I saw Baekhyun still sleeping peacefully. My heart softened just by looking at him. He still looked amazingly hot with just a tad bit more mess from yesterday’s look. I couldn’t help but run my hand through his hair. He seemed to have liked it because he snuggled a little closer to me that his face was squished into my head. I rolled my eyes and gently got out of his grasp trying not to wake him up. I searched for my clothes and left the room silently and went to go find Nari.


To my surprise, I found that not only was it just NAri in the kitchen eating breakfast. Sehun was also there looking as grumpy and cold as usual. They both looked at me when I entered and I didn’t know if I should have even entered the place. Nari was literally shooting out daggers from the aura around her while Sehun was just.. Well, pissed. I raised an eyebrow at her and she gave that look like she was not ready for this stupid . I glanced back t the other and could only guess that something happened between them. I didn’t say anything though and continued to look for food in the fridge.


Amidst of my cooking, Sehun left after dropping his plate of breakfast into the sink and went to his own room I’m guessing because I heard the loud slam of his door shut. Right when He did that, Nari screamed out loud only enough for me to hear but i still jumped from shock. I turned the knob for the stove off and looked at her as she was running her hands in her hair frustratingly and whispering something I think would be chants. She looked crazy.


“I can’t believe this. What the did I just do.”


She said loud enough for me to hear finally. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back soothingly.


“What happened, honey? Tell me.”


I said sweetly. I don’t know what happened but I have not seen her like this since.. Never. She sat up straight and looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.


“I am so done. So ing done. Like why do I even bother liking that ing ! Just ugh! I hate him so fu-”


“Before you start letting out more strings of only curse words, who are you talking about?”


“Luhan! I let that little er into my life thinking he liked me back and just- I’m so done.”


I stared at her wide eyed and shocked. What? Luhan does like her! What is she talking about? I swear, I’ve known those two for so long and I know they like each other for god knows how long.


“What are you talking about? Luhan does like you-”


“If he does like me, why did he leave me hanging when I confessed to him yesterday? Why the hell did he confess to me that he loved someone else?”


I opened my mouth to say something back but I couldn’t. What the hell? Luhan loves someone else? I couldn’t believe this. He’s been like a highschool girl in love with their crush ever since he came back for Nari! And he loves someone else?!


“I’m just so stupid. Not with the fact that I liked Luhan but because of what I did after. And I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to guess what when you walked in earlier.”


I blinked my eyes more times than I could count momentarily. Did she..


“Did you really..?”


She laughed bitterly and nodded while facing down on the table.Her head faced my way as she looked at me without life.


“How did that even happen??”


“I was a depressed rejected woman at a club. What do you think? I drank the night away. Of course, until a certain tall, stupid, blonde, sat next to me and stopped my heartbreak drinking session.”


I smiled a little at the way she described Sehun. I dropped my head onto the table, mirroring Nari.


“I was already beyond my drinking tolerance. I was drunk as . I saw pigs flying and hippies dancing on the countertops. Man, Seoul XIX is literally the perfect place if you wanna get ed up and ed. 100% guaranteed.”


We both laughed at the end, me knowing we had similar thoughts. I ran my hand through her hair slightly as she sighed. That was when I decided to speak.


“Let me guess. Because you were totally drunk, Sehun brought you home but being the kind of person you are when drunk, you both ended up sleeping together.”


Nari chuckled and snapped her fingers pointing at me while saying ‘Bingo’.


“Although, Sehun was also drunk. Better than where I was though but he didn’t bother to stop when I practically attacked his face.”


I laughed at her choice of words. However, it does sounds very similar to what I did last night too. Just remembering it made me blank out. I guess I spaced out for too long because Nari sat up and shook me a little asking if I was alright. I gulped, contemplating whether to tell her or not. But what use is it? She knows everything about me either way.


“You’re not the only one who ed an EXO boy last night.”


She gasped and suddenly scooted closer to me. Her mood changing a total 180. I back away from her face because she was really too close to me that she would’ve been able to actually kiss me. And I’m sorry honey, but not with you.


“Was it with Baekhyun?”


She whispered as if this was one of our missions we were on and we couldn’t let anyone find out. I nodded anyway and whispered back.


“It just. Happened. One moment I was fixing my makeup, the next thing he was pushing me against the counter of the men’s bathroom and attacking my own lips.”


Nari whistled and leaned back in her chair with a grin on her face and arms crossed. I whacked her arm for looking so smug and leaned back in my chair as she grumbled from the pain on her arm. Ignoring the pain on her arm, she scooted closer and gave me a playful smirk while asking me something I got more embarrassed of and leaving her in more pain.


“Tell me, was Baekhyun good in bed? Was he huge?”


I walked away as she wailed in pain from the kitchen.


“This is abuse I tell you!”


I cackled a laugh and went down the hall.

















He what?


I said in the most frightening tone I could use even though I was pretty sure this wasn’t all of it I had in me.

Several days passed by after that little incident. I haven’t seen BAekhyun within these days and I just thought h was avoiding me because he thinks it would have gotten awkward. And trust me, I thought I was doing a good job at avoiding him because I knew it would get awkward. Apparently, my skills weren’t even properly used because when I asked where the dickhead went, his friends had told me he went to back to the city. His bags were all packed up and gone, the room he had used for the week was empty and left nothing but the trace of his scent.


Rubbing my temples in frustration, I turned back from the idiots who were too busy playing video games on the television screen screaming their lungs out because one of those retards didn’t kill a mage in time. What the hell do they do with their lives besides this and being gangsters under SMTOWN?


Nari was more comfortable around the boys again. It was pure hell when she tried to avoid Sehun too. The said boy got irritated and pulled her to one of the rooms one day. From what she told me, they talked things out. Now they went back to how they were in the beginning. Just knowing each other because of mutual connections. And if I must say, they looked like they’ve been eyeing each other when the other hasn’t.


This also reminded me to talk to my of a friend named Luhan. He was staying in a  separate area with his family since they moved up here in this area from China. I grabbed my car keys and drove to his aunt’s temple. It was one long drive but I managed to save my from falling off.


His aunt’s temple was like any other typical one. The actual structure of it was at the very top of the stairs where I had the hardest time climbing up. You’d think chasing gangsters and fighting with them would gain me muscles but I guess not. However, I’m never usually this tired either. When I was near the top, I saw Luhan sweeping the fallen leaves from the pathway. He spotted me and waved me over. The moment I saw his face, I regained all my energy and stomped my way over to him with a fire powered fist ready to aim at his face. He notice it right away and held his hands up in defense when I was so close to shove=ing my fist against his face.


“Woah, hold up. This is about Nari and i, huh?”


“No , sherlock. Mind explaining how in one aa couple weeks you go from liking my best friend to another girl?”


Luhan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while silently gesturing me to follow him inside the temple.






“You little .”


“Yah, no cursing! You’re ruining the wealth of my aunt’s temple.”


“And you just ruined my trust. How come you didn’t tell me you didn’t like Nari anymore?? I could’ve stopped her hopes so she didn’t end up sleeping with one of those godforsaken boys!”


“She what?!”


“Don’t you dare act like you care noe, lil’ .”


I glared at him while I sat in the proper position a lady should ina temple. I sipped on the blueberry green tea his aunt had given us earlier. Luhan ruffled his hair in frustration like I had done earlier. I set down my cup of tea and ran a hand through my own hair.


“Tel me.”


God, it feels like that’s going to be my catchphrase from now on. I might as well own that phrase!


“I was only crushing on Narae that very year we met. Other than you, she was the only girl I’ve ever talked to outside my family. The first girl I’ve actually wanted to talk with. But after.. We all split,” He cringed at the mention of that. I did too. “I faced the reality I couldn’t just live with not talking to any other girl. I’ve date many girls that it felt suddenly natural now. But just last year, my mom introduced me to this girl. She was everything opposite from what I’ve been dating throughout my years. And for sure she definitely hates gangs related things. After being forced onto dates by our parents, we connected. We had a lot of the same interests and we hit it off easily. And I love her now. We’re even getting married in the next upcoming spring.”


My jaw dropped a the whole mention of this. I should’ve at least known this but then again, it’s been 7 years. I haven’t contacted him since that day. How could I possibly know. And now that I have finally seen him I just assumed he still like Nari. How stupid of me. But it was also stupid of him to keep leading Nari on.


“Fine. I guess it’s both our faults. But next time, warn a girl before she falsely assume .”


“Are we ohkay now?”


I nodded and he smiled while hugging me. His aunt came right after we let go of our hug to collect the tea cups. She smiled at me and we had a decent conversation in Mandarin, throwing a bit of Cantonese in there just to tease Luhan a bit because he didn’t understand. Before I left, she talked to me once again in Canto so that it was only us who could understand.


“I’m glad you came by today. I haven’t seen you in a long time, Kong Hua (my Chinese name. Yeah, be jealous hahahaha). Especially during such an important time.”


I looked at her oddly as she grinned so happily. Was there an event that recently happened?


“Ah, what important event happened, Auntie?”


She looked confused before giving me an odd smile. She shook her head and bid me a safe drive for the both of us. Becoming a little scared, I waved goodbye and left while wondering what she was saying.Luhan was staying here for the meantime. What did she mean by the both of us?


As I got down to the last step of the temple stairs, I felt very tired all of a sudden. I checked my watch and saw it was only 5 PM. It’s still so early. Why am I tired? I hurriedly walked to my car before I slept on the to driving back to the villa.


















A week after that, we went home back to our good city of Seoul. We definitely spent more time than we planned considering it’s been three weeks we’ve stayed at the villa when it was only supposed to be one week. The surprise that came to me after a few days of returning was when my siblings announced they would hold a late birthday party for me since I was gone the week of my birthday. It was going to be in two days times and Min dragged me to the shopping mall for the cute and necessary outfits. Even though I told her everyone would be weirded out by their leader wearing frilly dresses and girly heels, she gave her own loving phrase of “who the cares”. That was how I ended up coming back to my apartment with 10 shopping bags full of outfits and shoes and brand new makeup.


The day before the party was going to be held, the twins took me out to get my hair done. They loved my long hair I kept since birth but they said it was time for a change and that I would look totally more badass if my hair was shorter. I argued over that if I had short hair, my tattoo for the blood Oasis would easily be seen. They thought over it for a while before they both snapped their figures at the same time. It scares me sometimes how alike they considering they are twins but like, it’s just freaky sometimes. Myungjae stepped out to call someone while hyunjae brought me inside the actual part of the hair salon. He requested for someone named Jae Kyung and the person nodded her head.


“Jae Kyung is magnificent. How do you think we Park siblings are always having amazing hair? This is our birthday present to you. Enjoy.”


“Sure, Jae. Tell your sister indirectly that her hair is just and say this is my present. Very nice.”


I playfully smiled and nudged his abdominal area before The person - Jae Kyung - called for me. She was a tall and pretty lady that I don’t know if she would even want to touch my hair to dirty herself. But she was amazingly chill and pretty much a girl version of the twins mixed into one. I got suspicious when Jae would stand next to her and whisper things into her ear that made her laugh. My baby brother is getting some, huh? He caught my teasing gaze through the mirror and retreated back to one of the chairs with a cough.


Myungjae came back into the salon and gave an OK signal to Jae who smiled happily. I let them be and just relax before I messed up Jae Kyung’s work. It had been an hour already and my hair was wrapped in foil because apparently they were dying my hair and I don’t even know because I fell asleep the whole time. When I woke, the first thing I saw was the beautiful locks of my hair being swept away into a bag on the floor. I internally cried at the hard work of not cutting it. My luscious hair ~ I hope you do good in giving someone good luscious weaves.


After another half hour passed, Jae Kyung finally removed the foil pieces from my hair. I asked Jae about my tattoo and what I would if people saw it.


“Don’t worry, Noona. We have a friend who specializes in the art of forbidden tattoos-”


Jae pushes Myungjae’s face away with his palm and rolls his eyes.


“What this dork means, is that our friend specializes in creating invisible tattoos. It pretty cool if you ask me.”


I raised my brow at him, questioning this whole idea.


“And how does that even work?”


“He works under his father for being a chemist. He was playing around with some chemicals he had left over from his last experiment and he created a special tatoo ink that is only visible in the moonlight. Apparently, because of the different components of the sun and moon, the moonlight is the only type of natural light that can make things visible through this ink. Ah, isn’t science beautiful?”


I blinked my eyes in amazement. Seriously? People can create such things? Well, this definitely beats teenage boys who use chemistry skills for drugs and that .


After Jae Kyung was done with my hair, She styled it for me as a present from her for my birthday. I smiled gratefully and by the time another hour had passed, my hair was done. The twins smiled in satisfaction adn the workers in the salon looked at me with awe. I looked through the mirror and saw my hair. I gasped at the major change. Instead of it being the plain old natural long black hair, I now had shoulder length hair the color of a pastel violet. My roots stayed natural while a little bit of the top area was violet and the rest was the pastel violet. Jae Kyung straightened my hair for me perfectly and i never would have thought I looked this good.


After paying for her services, (and me teasing Jae when he gave a short peck on the lips to Jae Kyung) we left. A lot of the people we passed by stared at us like we were celebrities. Damn, our hair must really be magnificent.


















The day, or shall I say night, has finally come. The party was being held in The Underground City itself. For the past couple days, I’ve been staying in our main house down here and I really missed this place. Nari and Min were preparing me for tonight. Min was selecting which outfit I should wear while Nari was doing my makeup. Although, it didn't end up quite normal if i could put it.


“Cho Narae, put down that brush right this instant.”


“Will you trust me this time?? I swear I won’t make you look like a clown like I did last year. Come on ~”


I hid behind the chair and glared at her through my squinted eyes.


“You said the last year, the year before, and the year before that. Do I need to say even further?”


“Oh please, I’ve been watching those makeup tutorials on YouTube. I know how to make you look decent enough, ohkay? And If anything, Min can help you fix it your face.”


I gaped at her reply and threw a pillow to her face. Min pushed me onto the chair and pat me on the shoulder.


“She’s right. I can always fix the makeup she does. But I’m busy preparing your outfit. So bare with it, ohkay?”


I grumbled under my breath but nodded anyway. Throughout this whole hour, we chatted about stupids things, TV shows, and anything one could think of. As Nari was concentrating on my eyebrows, Min walked up to us and looked at me. She smiled and crossed her arms against her chest.


“Well, I don’t need to fix it. Damn, Unnie. You look hot.”


The moment she said that, Nari leaned away and set down the brush. She gave her signature whistle and nodded in agreement to Min’s comment. I looked at the mirror and saw my own face with the darkest type of makeup I ever used in my life. Although I looked like a total vampire, I did look hot. Damn. My eyebrows faded evenly from light to dark, the eye makeup was one of the two heavy things about this look. Especially how the way my eyelashes were curled up and looked super long. Then the contour on my cheeks, oh daaaaaamn. The lips were a bit much but I liked it. It gave me this whole dramatic and bad vibe. Nari has definitely brought up her makeup game.


“Oh! And don’t forget your purple contacts and choker. I thought you would want to wear them.”


I smiled and put in the lavender colored lense and the basic choker a lot of girls had. Min brought me over to the clothes I was going to wear for tonight. I laughed at how my whole being was a vampire tonight. The black dress and heeled boots were a definite match. I quickly put them on and when I had everything complete, the girls squealed and hugged me.


They had already been ready and when the hour came for me to go down to greet everyone, I felt a little nervous but happy on the inside. Out in the hall where I saw my twin brothers and Luhan in their own casual party clothes. I glance at NAri who fidgeted a little but held a smile nonetheless. Luhan gave me a hug and held out his arm for me to take as we went down the stairs. When everything was in place, my siblings got everyone’s attention and I could see my whole Blood Oasis family in their party dresses and suits, enjoying their time here. My father was nowhere to be seen but I knew he would make it soon eventually.


“Tonight, we are here to commemorate the well being of our very own leader as well as her birthday. She’s a grown woman now. I can’t believe my eyes. This is so sad, Myungjae, take the stage away before I cry out ugly sounds.”


Jae dramatically pushed himself away from the front of the crowd and left Myungjae to speak. We rolled our eyes while everyone else laughed.


“As my stupid brother has said, tonight is Anhjae’s birthday. We’re gonna party like it’s the time of our lives!”


We all cheered and that was the cue for me to walk down with Luhan. Everyone clapped and congratulated me for being 21 now. Gosh, now I feel so old.


It was nearing midnight when I finally was able to get some space for myself. I was worn out and tired. I went outside of the house to get some fresh air for myself. I leaned against the wall of the gates and looked into the sky. The stars were showing a lot more tonight. I smiled in happiness before pulling out my gun, not even bothering to look at whoever I was pointing to.


A bunch of the locks on their guns were released and aiming straight at me. I looked straight ahead and saw the EXO boys, excluding Baekhyun, and my very own used to be best friend standing around me. Their expressions were hard but Xin seemed to looked practically scared to death. She was shaking. Even I didn’t know it myself until now, but I started feeling sick. Like, really ‘I’m-about-to-throw-up’ sick. I just swallowed the feeling down looked firmly at the boys. They were ready to shoot me. And I was ready to shoot them. I met Sehun’s eyes and he looked very disappointed.


















It was the first time going to the underground city by myself. I didn't know if anyone would attack me but I had to go see Anhjae’s father. After what happened the other night, I realized I do have these romantic feelings for Anhjae. Park Anhjae, the girl who is the leader of my own rival gang. I'm falling for her. Falling in love. She makes my heart beat really fast, she makes my mood happy whenever we’re together most of the time. She makes me feel like me. And I should follow Eunhyun’s advice. Get myself a girlfriend. And possibly more.


When I was met with the eyes of a whole bunch of her underlings, I was scared to be honest. The way they expressed themselves in their choice of appearance somewhat made me think twice about coming alone. I should've brought Nari or Luhan Hyung.


One of the guys from the crowd of eyes stepped forward and asked what I was doing here. He was pretty tall and had the perfect jet black hair. His facial expression was blank but still looked like he was stoic. I cleared my throat and told him I need to see Anhjae’s father for personal matters.


I don't know what I said that was funny but he. And everyone else looked like They wanted to laugh really bad. I raised my eyebrow and questioned why they were laughing.


“No one just casually sees the Big Boss. This is a rare meeting. Usually he’s busy maintaining his business.






















“Ah, it's you Baekhyun. What business do you have that you've come to see me without my daughter?”


He smiled slightly and gave a signal for me to sit down when I entered his office. It looked just as big as his study back in his household. When the Blood Oasis told me where I could find him, I was surprised they actually let me know where he was. It was then that they were reminded I was only Anhjae’s business and no one else. Except for her father’s, of course. Which is why I gulped, seeing as had all his weapons out on his desk, ready to be polished. I sat uncomfortably looking at that. When I looked away and met his eyes, I cleared my throat and spoke.


“S-Sir, I know this might be a lot to ask from you but can I ask for  two favors from you?”


I looked down to not meet his gaze. I was afraid of what he would say. I am making rash decisions but I know this is the right thing for me. And I'm doing it for her.


“What favors are you asking for, son?”


He said firmly as he lay back in his chair and crossed his arms. I felt like a kid being scolded from his dad. Ha.. But I never had a father figure in my life. How ironic.


“Well.. I want to set my younger sister free from.. My father. I want her to come live with me.”


He seemed to understand instantly and I wouldn't be surprised because he knew that from doing a background check on me.


“I see.. And what is the second favor?”


I gulped unknowingly and my hands became clammy. I nervously looked around So I wouldn't look at him.


“I-I, uh, well. After my sister is able to live with me, I-I was wondering if we could j-join Blood O-Oasis.”


Her father seemed to be thinking about my decision which I knew was going to happen. He can just let someone random into Blood Oais, especially if they were part of his rival gang. He started to chuckle and lean back in his chair.


“Do you really want to be set free from them?”


I was confused for a second before I thought about it. Being set free.. From them. As in SMTOWN? It’s something I’ve been thinking about but I wasn’t sure. I love my friends. EXO are really true to me. But.. it’s not something I feel is right when we are being controlled to do things under a lie.


I nodded and his smile grew.


“Then I’ll let you and your sister join. But you will have to go through AJ’s rule. She is the leader after all. And you will be showcasing how promising you are to the Bloods. That will also be given by AJ herself.”


I grinned widely and bowed to him gratefully. He waved his hand and had me sit down for the time being, making small talk with me. It was then that he mentioned how they were having a party in his household right now for Anhjae’s birthday. It suddenly reminded me of the night at the club. I became really embarrassed after just thinking about it.


My phone snapped me out of my thoughts and just as Mr. Park was about to say something.


I picked up my phone and answered. The other line sounded very panicky that I started to get worried.


“Hello? Hyung? What's going on?”


There were sounds of screeches and shouting going on. Did a fight break out at the birthday party? What in the name of hell happened over there??


“Baekhyun, come to Daewoo Hospital. A-Anhjae fainted a-and she was surrounded in blood. She's in the ER right now.”


Luhan choked on his words. I quickly ran to my car and started the engine. Anhjae is in the hospital?! And she was bleeding? Oh my ing god.


“I'll be there soon. What's with all the noise in the back?”


“Whatever it is your friends did Baekhyun, you better set them straight. Because they are the cause of this. Nari is blowing up at them and I'm close to killing them with my bare hands. Don't try me, Baekhyun. You know I will.”


His cold voice at the end sent shivers down my body. He was serious and I am slowly getting very angered by the fact that by own friends had something to do with this. Are they kidding me?


When I got there, I ran straight towards the 13th floor. I caught sight of Luhan holding Nari as she sat down crying her eyes out while he soothed her back, glaring at something. I realized as I got closer, it was my group of friends and another girl that I remember as Xin. I don't know what she was doing here but by the looks of all of the Blood Oasis’ men holding them roughly as they were beat up pretty bad, something serious happened. I approached Luhan and Nari first to ask what happened.


“We left Anhjae for literally a ing minute so she can get some fresh air and the next thing we know, she's unconscious on the ground and blood surrounded her body. Those ers over there were in their masks and holding their guns while that ing was aiming the gun straight at Anhjae. I swear to god, Baekhyun. I will kill those s.”


Nari sobbed out in anger as she threw glared at them. I saw my friends glare back but they were hurt too much they had to wince. Xin was just looking frustrated and not even caring at all what was going on. She looked like she wanted to get out of here and I bet she is.


I walked up to my friends and Xin with flaming eyes. I went towards Kai who looked hurt the least and forced him to speak. The three Blood Oasis men who held him loosened his grip when I gave them a look.


“That girl is The Underground City’s leader, Hyung! She's been hiding this whole time right under our noses. Can you believe that?! She's spying on us!”


“Yeah, so? That doesn't give you a right to make her bleed to death!”


The moment I said that, they looked at me in disgust and disbelief. I was going against them and our gang. Of course they would.


“Are you ing dumb? She's our enemy. We're gangster for goodness sakes. We hurt and kill our enemies.


Chanyeol said angrily but I looked at him with a straight face. In the beginning, isn't this what I told them? That she was going to be dangerous? But no one listened. They didn't listen at all until it finally happened. And they call me dumb? Huh.


“You guys are dumb enough to believe it when it finally happens! I told you this all before but you guys thought that she wasn't a danger. She wasn't a risk! Now look at you! You're all pathetic. Especially you!”


I yelled towards Xin and pointed at her.


“You were her best friend. How could you aim a gun at her? Are you ing stupid?! You're only doing this because of orders from a called Seohyun! Do you want to join them that bad? Guess what, you won't. Never! Because you're only a pawn of everything.”


I huffed loudly, not stopping my rant as I turned back to EXO who looked at me with big eyes.


“You guys are ing idiots! You know what? I'm so glad I am not under SMTOWN anymore. Being a part of this gang is low. It's not even the truth. I'm not spending my life behind lies that weren't real in the first place.”


I walked away from them towards Luhan and Nari who had surprised faces on them. I spoke in a much more calmer voice and asked gently.


“Where is Anhjae?”


As of my question has been heard by the gods, a doctor came out and had a bitter smile on his face. His eyes scanned around the room, looking at each of us intently.


“Which one of you is Byun Baekhyun?”


I stepped forward the moment he said my name. My look of worry was enough to make him sigh and give a smile to me.


“Mr. Byun, Ms. Park would like to see you in private. Please follow me.”


I glanced back at everyone, giving soft looks to Nari and Luhan who were anxiously waiting and waving for me to go check of her already. When I got there, she was looking pale and depressed. It was like any second now, she would break down and cry. I quietly asked the doctor to leave us in private. He patted my shoulder and gave me a smile.


Once he left, I made my way over to Anhjae and lightly grasped her hands. She looked up with glossy eyes full of fear and sadness. I wanted to hug her so bad and comfort her. It was my fault that this happened. My friends did this to her.


“I'm so sorry, Anhjae. I'm so sorry this happened.”


She stayed silent as I tightened my hold on her hands. Because that's all I could do. Anhjae grabbed my hands and sighed, quivering as she tried to open to let out something. But instead, she shut and rummaged into the desk beside her and took out a folder. She opened it and took a few papers out while handing it to me.


My body was frozen and I could only stare at the words in front of me. It couldn't be, it just couldn't. She's pregnant.. With my child.





















Hello Loves ^ -^


I am so happy I planned this out ahead of time, phew ~


Finals is coming up for me this week so sadly enough,
I might not update again for like a billion years.


I hope you guys enjoyed this update on TUC.
Now I have to go and try to update on ALO.


Bye Loves ^- ^

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TUC | Hey Loves ♡ I'm finally back on AFF. I realized how many mistakes i made within the chapters. I'll be revising it and then I'll update a new chapter!


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Softballgrl13811 #1
Chapter 13: So good!! Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 13: OMG WOW, UPDATE SOON..
caratgenes #3
Chapter 12: holy this is great
hope to read more soon~
BLINKforever #4
Chapter 11: My goddddd~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's in pregnant just from a with Baekhyunn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeal*
kimsana98 #5
Chapter 10: I need to reread from the first chapter. Anyway, good chapter authornim. Keep updating!
ヽ(´▽`)/ ♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪
kimsana98 #6
Chapter 9: I love this. Can't wait for the next update
KiaBear01 #7
Chapter 8: I'm loving this story! <3 Cant wait for the update!! (:
Kim_Yeoshin #8
Chapter 6: I love you, please update ~
adriana01 #9
Chapter 5: This story pique my interest.I hope you update it~~