
When the Leader Breaks

Everyone had gone to bed, and I thought this one would've too, until I heard a door opened and the far too familiar footsteps approached me.

"Hanbin? What are you doing?"

I had been staring into the deep dark sky for hours, thinking about nothing in particular. It wasn't like I had a clear mind; rather, it was as if something had blocked my mind.

My head, my heart and my body felt heavy this past week. I dragged myself around the house, the practice room and the stages. I thought I might have accidentally broken something in my head, or maybe a screw had fell loose somewhere.

The Hanbin I had been for the past week wasn't the Hanbin I knew I were.

I wasn't like this before, what happened?

"Hanbin, are you okay?"

The owner of the familiar footsteps leaned onto the railing beside me. He put his head on his crossed arms that were on the railing, and he looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Bobby, have I been different?"

He stood up properly and turned to me, "I knew it! Something happened, right?"

I shook my head.

"Well, you kinda seemed pretty distracted the last few days," he said.

I looked down, mind still blank.

He stepped closer and put his hand on my forehead, "You don't seem to be sick." And he retracted his hand, "What's up, man?"

"Do you think I've been hard on myself?" I asked him as I looked up at the fading stars.

He scratched his head and did the same, "Uhm well, sorta. You know, you being the leader and all. It gotta be like all six members are your kids or something. You got all of us to handle. That in itself is pretty tough." He stopped.

"But I think you've been straining yourself," He continued.

"Really?" I asked.

He looked at me and turned my face towards him, "Yeah. Look at those eyes begging for its master to just stops whatever he's doing."

I slapped his hand, "What do you mean?"

"It's kinda like, you know, for the past days; you haven't really been there. Just, you weren't really Hanbin. My guess is..." He trailed off.

I looked down at the street lamps, "Is?"

"... You broke yourself," he finished easily.

I looked at him in disbelief, "What exactly?"

He leaned on the railing and slid down to sit, '"B.I the next G-Dragon', 'iKON the next BIGBANG'. If I were you I'd be fu-king terrified, man. The expectations are too high for us currently, as to speak. We're rookies yo. That's what I think, but I can only imagine how it weighs you down."

He tugged on my pants. I looked down and sat next to him.

He then continued, "And yet I am only a member. But you here..." He patted my head, "... Is the leader. Honestly speaking, I kinda think you've been stressing by yourself since WIN. That would take a toll in you sooner or later... And it seems like it broke you just recently."

I stayed silent.

"You know, there are another six members in this group, you oughtta spill some to us too. Maybe we won't be a help most of the time, knowing us. But if we know what you're worrying about, we can try and help to make it better," he flashed his bunny teeth.

A smile crept up my face as I looked at him. This entity had lifted a little bit of weight off my chest.

"iKON is a family, you know. Best friends too, and... I don't know, pretty sick gang members? We can do what you want, but you gotta tell what you want. Being you isn't easy, but we can make it easy together. I bet my fu-king existence on that."

I looked up at the ceiling, "Thanks, Bobby."

He stood up, "Stop thinking by yourself, I don't wanna be in a group with a 100 years old looking Nan."

I smiled.

He looked at me, "And wipe that snot if you don't want me to take a pic." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes while wiping my face and stood up, "I could use some--"

Suddenly he hugged me.

"Some hugs, right? Of course!" He laughed.

I hugged back.

He then put his forehead on mine and said, "Remember, okay? My Kim Hanbin, you gotta spill some . Don't be like this ever again."

I smiled, "Yeah, thanks."

He released his arms and took my hand as he walked back in the living room. He closed the door and continued dragging me to the bedroom.


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aena93 #1
Chapter 1: Cuteee >.< ...
XaraKAI #2
Chapter 1: I can totally imagine bobby saying this kind of words to hanbin.
Cute little things ♥