Last summer

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Hey guys! :)

Sorry for the long wait. I had a lot to do and I'm happily announcing that I also got my driving license last week. ^.^

Anyway, I only wanted to write one chapter as a sequel but it's going to be 3 chapters. :) I just can't be that short. :D

Please, enjoy the first chapter and let me know if you liked it or not! :)



Jackson lost his good mood as soon as Mark hurriedly stepped between him and that Andrew kid and introduced Jackson quickly as his boyfriend.

First of all, Mark has never ever introduced Jackson as his boyfriend before. It was always Jackson who did the introduction. Mark was quiet shy about it. He still did it this time. And it was too fishy for Jackson to be cool about it. Mark was hiding something from him.

Then, after Mark introduced Jackson to that Andrew kid, the guy seemed surprised and even disappointed. Just what the hell? Jackson had a suspicion, that he had the hots for Mark.

After this unexpected meeting, Mark payed for the drinks, bid goodbye to Andrew and hurriedly pulled Jackson out of the shop.

 - Who was he? – Jackson couldn’t keep it in and asked.

 - Nobody. Just an old friend – Mark said, not looking back at Jackson.

 - An old friend? How come I never heard about him before? – Jackson asked and his bad hunch just seemed to be confirmed.

Mark was lying to him.

 - Let’s just drink, alright? Let’s feel good tonight! – The blond said and opened a bottle of wine and drank a long sip out of it.

Yes, he was totally hiding something from Jackson.




Jackson didn’t say a word about the Andrew kid that night. He watched with a slight smile as a drunken Taehyung tried to be strict with his overly touchy, but also drunken boyfriend. Jeon Jungkook was trying to convince Taehyung, that having everyday was a healthy thing; however Taehyung just rolled his eyes and told Jungkook to use his hands and imagination for two weeks. Mark who also had some alcohol in his head just laughed and high-fived with Taehyung.

They were enjoying the night. At a point, they yelled at Jackson for not drinking enough and they also forced the boy to play some stupid board games with them.

Funny enough, Jackson wasn’t in the mood for partying. He came up with the idea, but Andrew ed up his happiness. He didn’t even know the guy, he still hated him.

They met last summer. That’s what Andrew said.

Last summer, Mark broke up with Jackson. Last summer, Mark and Jackson didn’t even meet. Last summer, Mark cheated...?




Jungkook took Taehyung home around 5 in the morning. Taehyung was so drunk, he couldn’t even stand properly. He was non-stop talking about garbage and about cute lions living outside of our solar system. And Jungkook just listened and supported him home while smiling widely.

Jackson wasn’t drunk. Sure, he did drink some shots, but it was not enough for him to be drunk. On the other hand, Mark was.

 - The kids are gone, let’s have some fun – Mark giggled and hopped on Jackson’s lap, immediately grinding himself to Jackson’s groin.

Jackson growled from the friction, but grabbed Mark’s waist and stopped the smaller boy’s movements.

 - What is it, Jacks? – Mark purred into his ear, slowly it as a hungry kitten.

 - Do you still love me? – The Kingka asked, trying to catch his boyfriends beautiful eyes.

 - What kind of question is that? – The blond asked back. – Here I am, totally ready for you and you’re asking such a stupid question – Mark purred and he really was like a kitten rubbing himself to his owner.

The amazing effects of alcohol. Mark wasn’t used to drinking alcohol, so he couldn’t really handle it. He lost all of his shyness and he was kind of naughty. Jackson would have absolutely liked a naughty kitten like Mark, if it wasn’t for that Andrew kid from before.

 - Who is Andrew? – Jackson asked.

Mark’s smile melted away as soon as he heard the name. He frowned and got up from Jackson’s lap.

 - you Jackson. I’m going to sleep – he muttered and was ready to walk into the bathroom to wash himself a little, when he felt a strong grip on his upper arm.

The blond was yanked backwards and soon he was facing an angry Jackson.

 - Answer my ing question! – Jackson snapped at him.


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Forigneer #1
if only it's bottom jackson.....................
i guess i'll just keep praying..........
nevr4get #2
Chapter 1: Hoping for an update ;)
Natalie_16 #3
Chapter 1: Aw I'm praying this story is still alive because I LOVED Heart of V and I love Markson even more so I'd love to read the other 2 chapters if this story is still alive! :)
Forigneer #4
Ah, too bad i don't like markson....... I bet the plots amazing......
Chapter 1: I've been reading your story during my break, I was so excited! And here I am reading the sequel and it is ABOUT MARKSON!my babies ;; <3 I am waiting for the second chapter author. Good luck.
Chapter 1: Because mark did so with jackson ? Perhaps if I had spoken before , aff haha
And good jackcon should not be so crazy after all they were not together , he has to give a chance to mark explain what happened ..
And good, he almost did the same with the mark , the only difference is that he noticed last minute , and good if mark was drunk he would not think at the time . Jackson can not end with mark , and this guy Andrew should not get in the way and try the on top of the mark , not now that he already knows that he has a boyfriend
mongtae2 #7
BabyShades #8
I've been waiting for this. thank you 💝💝
thyrami246 #9

P.S: well i ain't bragging but i'm the first upvoters and i'm proud of it

Gdae_Woo #10
Can't wait <3