The beginning of the end

Because he is a Leader
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Hey guys

First of all - I am so so sorry >.< I didn't post a chapter in sooooooooooo long and I feel really really bad >.< But I just kinda didn't have time and then there was so much going on >.< but I managed to write this chapter *phew* hahahaha

Well then, without further ado, chapter 3 - enjoy :)



This day was going to be bad, he just knew. Since the second he woke up, Suho felt queasy. The fact that he hadn’t heard from his former Co-leader in almost three days, was horrifying as well and didn’t really help to ease the growing uneasiness in his limps.

“Joonmyeon?” the concerned voice of EXO-M’s main dancer reached his ear, causing him to look at the slightly younger male. The Chinese subgroup had come back from China an hour ago, and since Lay was a secret genius in sneaking off when the rest listened obediently to their manager’s on-going speech, he was already next to the brown haired leader, cuddling.

“Are you alright?” it was amazing how Lay always knew when he had one of his bad days. He had no idea how the light brown haired boy did it, but if he was honest, he was thankful for the dancer’s alertness whenever the EXO-leader was concerned. 

“Yeah… just… just a feeling” Suho explained. There were many things to be grateful for, when it came to Lay, not just his alertness – even though many people often thought him sleeping and not paying attention at all, the boy knew exactly what was going on around him, sometimes even more than the leader himself. For example for the fact, that he could talk to the younger about everything, even if it meant sharing his biggest, best hidden secret, he knew, Lay would take it to his grave if necessary.

“Bad?” Suho nodded.

“How bad? On a scale from one to ten” the dancer scooted closer to him, putting his chin on the smaller man and his arms around the leader’s waist, pulling him closer to his chest.

“100” Suho sighed as he let his head fall back onto his boyfriend’s shoulder, inhaling the younger’s earthy sent that always managed to calm him down.

“Wow… that’s like…” the dancer looked for a comparison “like… Tao-knows-everything-bad or… You-being-very-very-sick-bad” because Suho-leaving-him was considered immeasurable, but that, Suho didn’t need to know, the taller mused in his head. Said leader had to laugh at the funny analogy and was just about to answer, when an ear-splitting crash of a door being kicked out of its hinges blared through the room and a “KIM JOONMYEON! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!!” being yelled through the EXO-K-dorm by a very, very angry Chinese Maknae. Looked like he was back, hopefully without the others, he didn’t need everyone to know about what was bound to come.  

“I’ll take the ‘Tao-knows-everything-bad’” Suho mumbled as he wriggled out of his boyfriend’s embrace and trotted towards the door that led to the living room, leaving the dancer behind, because ‘It’s a thing between me and him… we should settle that as quiet as possible’.  


“Calm down, Tao” was the first thing Suho said, as he entered the living room with a Chinese boy in the middle, who was seething with rage – well, at least the room seemed to be vacant except the black haired boy. Looked like the Gods hadn’t completely left him yet. A single glance behind the taller boy told him, that the dorm-door was down the drain for good. They were going to need a new one.

“Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!?!” the younger screamed in full blast, unconsciously making sure that the whole block knew of their argument.

‘Thanks a lot…’ the EXO-K-Leader thought peevishly, already working on an apologizing-letter for their neighbours in his head.

“Yes, please” and with that, he coaxed the younger into his room, they needed a door to close – and since the living room with its now broken door was not an option anymore, they would take his own room.

Barely in there and door closed behind his back – a quick glance around the room got him wondering where his boyfriend had disappeared to, until he remembered the adjacent bathroom, he was probably there – he gestured the Chinese to sit down on his bed.

Obediently, the younger followed his instruction, having calmed down noticeably.

“So… once again, what happened?” Suho asked after he had sat himself on his chair and rolled over to the Maknae.

“You ask what happened?!” the rage was back “I should be the one to ask that!!” he cried out, hands tightly clenched into fists next to his body so to not just beat his somehow-leader up “You happened! And Kris! And that goddamn plan bàba was telling me about!!” he tried to catch his heavy breath “But he didn’t know either! So here I am, asking you!! Because everything is just so confusing, and I don’t understand! I don’t understand anything! One day I hate Kris, and the next he asked my parents for forgiveness! I don’t understand!! And then suddenly, you know about everything, and there is a plan, I’ve never heard about, and my Dad knows too, and, and…”he was rambling at this point and he knew, but he just couldn’t help it. Too much had happened during the last two days where he had had time to think about everything – not really understanding anything and only getting confused even more – and gotten to the conclusion that it was just too much.

Too much!!

“Okay, calm down… calm down” gently, Suho rubbed the younger’s shoulders, trying to comfort the rapper as much as possible “shhht… good… good…” he praised, as Tao’s breath started to normalize once again.

“Good…” he waited for

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Chapter 5: Oh just found this and it's an real interesting take on things
I like the idea of the plan and it creepily makes sense too
Looking forward to more
Chapter 5: Definitely need more......
anchelita #3
Chapter 4: Can't wait for more.... :)
CrystallineSparks #4
Chapter 4: Aww mannnn! Although Tao screaming his head for Junmyeon is probably one of the funniest things ever hehe. Underneath that tough exterior, Yifan's definitely a softie ^^
CherishHuang #5
Chapter 3: idk why but still feeling depressed and heartbroken at the word Taoris and exo. And your story makes me go back to that time again when KrisHAn left. Yes... it's thrilling, in a way.

.I want you to update soon. I can't wait to read the remaining part of your story. ❤
Zero2Xero #6
Chapter 3: Gosh this is fabulous!!!! ME NEEED MOAR!!! ;-;
SimpleGirl13 #7
Chapter 3: This was amazing! Happy Valentine's Day!
SilverSapphire34523 #8
Chapter 2: so far so good can't wait for more!!!!
kennocha #9
Chapter 2: Great chapter! and Merry Christmas!