part i

Mugged-Up Love
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It's such a pretty little thing; Baekhyun squeals in excitement when he thinks about going home and curling up on the couch while sipping on some cozy, freshly brewed tea.


He turns it in his hands, sighing in satisfaction. Finally, another mug for Baekhyun to add to his ever-growing collection. This particular shipment had taken absolutely ages (read: a week), and in fear of it arriving when he wasn't at work, Baekhyun had taken to hanging out at the shop whenever he had free time, which made his coworker Sehun particularly annoyed. Especially since Baekhyun came during the weekdays - his office job from Monday to Friday usually meant Sehun didn't have to suffer his presence those five days, only during Baekhyun's part-time job during the weekends. 

"Why don't you just help me manage the counter, then, since you're here literally all the time?"

"Because that's your job." Baekhyun had retorted snidely, staring persistently at the door.

But now, it doesn't matter how long this beautiful, beautiful mug had taken to reach Baekhyun, because now it was his, and his only.

"Mine..." Baekhyun murmured, squatting down beside the elevator and hugging the mug possessively. He overestimates his physical talents and falls over, knocking his head quite badly on the sides of the elevator. Clearly thick thighs do not make one a better squatter.

Baekhyun stands up in a daze, clutching his head in one hand and the mug in the other. Could I call in sick tomorrow with this sort of injury?, he contemplates this question for a good five minutes before deciding that too much thinking makes his head hurt. Possibly also because he lost a lot of brain cells when he fell. Shut up, Baekhyun. 

"What if I accidentally fall and hit my head on something during work? It's not like I can afford to lose any more brain cells..." He pouts, hugging the mug even closer to his chest.

"Mister?" Baekhyun looks down to see a little hand tugging at his shorts, "Why are you hugging a cup?"

The little kid doesn't seem to be aware of Baekhyun's blushing cheeks (though it's more likely he doesn't care), because he continues looking up at sweater-clad male with wide eyes.

"Um...that's because..." Baekhyun looks around frantically, before giving up and just throwing out the first thing he thinks of, "my mom gave it to me and I really love it!" Good job, Baekhyun, you idiot. He sees the kid staring suspiciously at the price tag still tied around the handle of the mug and smiles awkwardly as he shoves it into the folds of his sweater (because never in a million years would his mother give him a cup that says "classy sassy & a bit smart assy" 'cause she's a proper lady but whatever).

"Your mom?" Baekhyun feels guilty for lying to a kid, but he nods anyways, inconspiciously stuffing the mug back into his shopping bag.

"What's she like?" 

"She's lovely, the best mom ever." Baekhyun says absentmindedly, before finally realizing that the kid is by himself. Talking to a stranger (aka him). Crap. 


"Um. So. Speaking of moms, where's yours?" Baekhyun asks, already clutching the kid's hand.

"My mommy? She left me and my daddy a long time ago." 

"Oh. I'm sorry..." The two of them walk in awkward silence for awhile before Baekhyun realizes simply walking around and hoping the poor kid will finally reunite with any one of the passerbys is too much to hope for. He sighs. The help desk it is, then. Peering at the floor directory, Baekhyun begins steering them in the opposite direction.

"So, what's your name?" Baekhyun asks. Maybe he can get one of the workers here to call for the kid's guardian using the PA system.

"My name's Kyungsoo. I'm six." Kyungsoo informs him, wriggling uncomfortably as his backpack straps dig into the junctures between his neck and shoulders.

"Let me help you with that." Baekhyun offers, but Kyungsoo shakes his head politely.
"It's okay, I'll be fine. But thank you." Baekhyun almost coos - this one's definitely going to grow up to be a fine gentleman.

"Anyway, Kyungsoo, who brought you here?" 

Kyungsoo pouts in thought, looking here and there nervously before whispering "Chanyeol..." very quietly.

The name sounds strangely familiar, but Baekhyun dismisses his gut feeling impatiently. Ain't nobody got time for that.

"Who is Chanyeol?" Baekhyun patiently asks.

Kyungsoo looks up at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Chanyeol is Chanyeol..."

Baekhyun sighs, about to ask again, but he's intercepted by a very, very deep voice calling out for Kyungsoo from behind.

Wait... this voice...

Though he's more used to hearing this voice barking out orders at him and his colleagues, Baekhyun recognizes it all the same.

By the time he comes back to his senses, Chanyeol, his amazing (sarcasm intended) boss is already standing in front of him, head tilted in curiousity. He's decked in a form-fitting white button-up shirt and black slacks, and he looks way better in the simple ensemble of clothing than he should. Kyungsoo's cheek is squished against his slacks, and he looks severely disgruntled.

"Don't you work for me?" Chanyeol asks him, pressing Kyungsoo even closer to him. Baekhyun's face heats up.

Fact number one about Chanyeol: He's a scary boss who looks too cute than he should whenever his lower lip juts out when he's thinking and whenever he shakes his head like a little (maybe large) puppy when he realizes "this plan is not going to work and the entire department should wake up or get fired".

Fact number two about Chanyeol: One of his workers, a certain puppy-like (Junmyeon's words), fabulous (Baekhyun's own opinion) person, has a crush on him.

Baekhyun quickly shakes his head, dispersing such thoughts. Focus on the important stuff, Byun. You found a kid lost in a mall, and your boss just so happens to be his guardian. Does that mean Kyungsoo is Chanyeol's son? The new knowledge that his boss (aka his teensy weensy office crush) is single - a single parent - is too much information for Baekhyun to take in at once.

I need to re-evaluate my game plan.

Baekhyun shakes his head, completely oblivious to his boss still standing there, waiting for an answer. 

"Excuse me?"

Baekhyun looks back up hastily.

"Ah, yes?"

"I just asked if you worked for me." Well, technically speaking, you're not my employer, just my boss. However, Baekhyun ultimately decides against any snarky answers and settles for nodding his head, wordless.

"Um... yeah, I do. I'm Baekhyun, by the way." He stumbles a bit, but manages to regain his composure. However, when Chanyeol turns his back on Baekhyun's offered hand, he wavers a bit, awkwardly dropping it back to his side.

"Come on Kyungsoo, we're going."

Kyungsoo is the only one who looks back, waving at Baekhyun and shouting goodbye as his father shushes him and ushers him away.


Weekends always pass quickly, and this one is no exception. That , because Baekhyun has to go back to his boring job in the company. At least in his weekend job he can stare at all the beautiful mugs instead of just mucking around with numbers.

The only thing remotely fun about working during weekdays is that Jongdae has the same lousy job, and his being Baekhyun's best friend automatically gives the mug-maniac permission to annoy him at least half the time they're at work. Especially after their department head (the boss) has yelled at all of them for mucking around and not doing actual work. Baekhyun may have the hots for Chanyeol but he can't deny the man has a crappy personality.

However, his boss has been yelling at them a lot more lately - their CEO is retiring, and it's not secret Chanyeol's goal is to take over that position. So he probably doesn't care about anything except boosting the productivity of his department, just like all the other department heads are doing.

Poor Kyungsoo. Baekhyun can only imagine the environment at home when your only parent is working 24/7.

It's only twelve in the afternoon, but Chanyeol's been out of the office to yell at the entire department twice already, and Baekhyun's finished (at least) a week's worth of work (he's really good at working under pressure). Of course he had only been at the office three hours, and most of that time had been spent on frantically messaging Sehun to be careful ordering and bringing in some new mugs, but it was twelve, which meant he could use the excuse of lunch to quickly escape the serious atmosphere of the office.
And of course Jongdae would have to come with him.

"Jongdae-yah..." Baekhyun whines, throwing his arms all over the papers his friend is working on, in an unabashed attempt to gain his attention.

"What do you want?" Jongdae snaps.

"Woah, woah," Baekhyun throws his hands up in a sign of surrender, "what's up with you today? Got a stick up your ?"

His friend groans, rubbing vigorously at his eyes.

"Last night I did. Multiple times. And now it hurts like hell."

"Duuuude. Did not need the mental image of you and my brother doing the do, alright?"
Papers rustle as Jongdae shrugs, his elbows scrumpling up several sheets very important work stuff.

"You were asking for it anyways."

"At least I'm not like..." Baekhyun gestures towards Jongdae's awkward sitting position on his wheely chair, intended for optimal comfort, "disabled."

Normally, his coworker slash terrible best friend would've probably shoved him off the desk like the vicious little thing he is, but today he seems surprisingly complacent.
"Well, isn't it the duty of good, law-abiding citizens to help the disabled as much as possible?"

"I guess...?" Baekhyun says, his eyebrows hiding warily under his fringe. He doesn't like where this conversation is going.

"Then," Jongdae has his cheshire-smirk on, "you can help me hand this file in to the boss, right?" 

The tone of his voice is annoyingly saccharine, and Baekhyun doesn't like it. Nor the suggestive raising of his eyebrows. Not one bit.

(Next time he gets drunk he will seal his lips with duct tape, or else Jongdae might know more details about his infatuation with the boss.)

"What if I don't want to?" He retorts snarkily, though his voice is already wavering a little bit.

"Then I would force you to do it." Baekhyun raises a brow questioningly, silently challenging the other male to do his worse.

"Your brother is my boyfriend. Let's just say I have lots of blackmail-worthy information. Like that time in high school when you had a crush on Kim Taeyeon?"
Baekhyun's face pales.

"Fine, fine." He says hastily, and Jongdae hands over the file, the edges of his lips quirking up in satisfaction.

Holding the file in his hands, Baekhyun slowly approaches Chanyeol's office, trying to peek through the blinds. Thankfully, the lights are off, which usually indicates that Chanyeol has gone out for lunch.

At least, that was what Baekhyun thought.

Upon entering the dark room, he finds himself staring straight at Chanyeol, who had put on his suit jacket (which was usually another good way to tell if the boss was heading out for lunch) but was sitting at his desk hastily typing. Some kind of minor emergency? Of course, Baekhyun only knows he was about to head to lunch because he has a habit of staring through the blinds to get a glimpse of his handsome boss once every day. 

Okay, maybe once every ten minutes.

Anyways, Baekhyun's prior guess of Chanyeol having gone out to lunch already was wrong, and he had definitely chosen the wrong time to intrude. Fortunately, Chanyeol doesn't seem to notice him at all, not looking up from his work even once.

What if he just casually slipped the file under Chanyeol's elbow...

His boss looks up, clearly judging Baekhyun, if the look on his face is anything to go by.

The smaller male's breath gets stuck in his throat as he anxiously waits for his boss' reaction. The chances he'll remember someone he met in passing is infinitesimal, but it still makes him nervous.

His boss' right eye twitches, as if he's trying to recall something, but he shakes his head and looks back towards his work without a second glance at the smaller male.
"Just leave it there."

He shifts his elbow a bit, and Baekhyun quickly puts the file on the corner of his desk before darting out the door, his heart in his throat. 

Phew. That was close.


The air-conditioning in the mug store is crap, Baekhyun decides. In the summer it's almost as hot as the temperature outside, and in the winter it's way too cold to be comfortable. It's winter now, and Baekhyun's decked in an oversized sweater and some warm boots. There's a Starbucks just a minute's walk away filled with overpriced coffee, which is tempting, but Baekhyun feels frozen to his seat behind the counter. The slight warmth underneath him is enough convincing for Baekhyun to stay firmly glued to his position, with absolutely no intention of moving for the next few hours.

This all changes quickly when the automatic doors whiz open, the sensors nearby blaring that godforsaken tune. Customers. Baekhyun stands up, almost knocking over the chair in his haste.

"Hello," Baekhyun turns the corner and immediately stops, eyes wide. He quickly composes himself, continuing with the usual, routine greetings.

"Welcome to the store. How can I help you?"

Fortunately, Chanyeol doesn't recognize his voice and doesn't turn around, still browsing the shelf in front of him, one hand planted firmly on the crown of Kyungsoo's head.

"We don't need help." He says, and when he picks up one of the mugs Kyungsoo takes it as an opportunity to escape from his father's hold, wiggling away insistently. Baekhyun watches him trot off into another aisle before he decides he really can't be dealing with this right now - the aircon is blasting all the cold air straight at him and he feels too frozen to reallly think about anything.

"Okay." That should be enough, he reassures himself as he hides away behind the counter. If he's lucky, Chanyeol with have found what he wants and be gone soon. Fingers crossed.
However, Baekhyun should've realized their meeting that day was inevitable. First of all, Chanyeol (a.k.a. the boss Baekhyun spends most of his weekday job trying to observe) is very direct. There's no dilly-dallying with him, so naturally Chanyeol wouldn't have come into the store just to have a look around.

But of course Baekhyun hadn't remembered any of that depite staring at him all the time (until Chanyeol felt someone looking at him and turned around warily), or he would've spent the last half an hour texting Sehun in full-on caps lock telling him to get his skinny noodly to the store straight away, no questions asked.

Baekhyun seriously ponders if the otucome of that would've been any better, but knowing Sehun, he can't say his chances would've been any better.

Alright, Fate. You win this one.

Chanyeol drops his boxed mug onto the counter, and Baekhyun stifles a giggle when he sees two little hands trying to climb high enough to see what's happening, but only manage grasp the edge. He hears a irritated huff before he sees Kyungsoo wandering away.
Getting back to work, Baekhyun grabs the mug and scans it.

"Ten thousand won, please."

Right at that moment, Chanyeol's phone begins to ring. Do most people not change their ringtones after getting their phones?, Baekhyun wonders. He knows for a fact that whenever he calls anyone, they're going to get an earful of "I Got A Boy" - first chorus by Girls' Generation and the second by Baekhyun. It's loud, it's exciting (*entirely Baekhyun's opinion), and the total opposite of Chanyeol's.

"Wait a minute." The ringtone stops abruptly.

As Chanyeol takes a few steps away to receive the call, Baekhyun preoccupies himself with a loose string on his sweater, twirling and twisting it around his fingers, determined not to look in Chanyeol's direction (which he "accidentally" does a couple times).

His boss - no, Chanyeol is still talking on the phone, his eyebrows furrowed and a stricter undertone present in his voice. Baekhyun can't hear what he's talking about, but it must be serious. Chanyeol hangs up with the same frustrated expression on his face, approaching the counter with weary steps.

His head dips as he runs a hand through his hair and Baekhyun gulps. Hot damn.
Chanyeol suddenly seems to notice something about Baekhyun, squinting suspiciously at him.

"I think I've seen you before."

"Um, because I work here?" Baekhyun offers.

"No, not just here, but somewhere else."

"I... I sort of also work under you at the office..." 

Chanyeol's eyes widen in understanding before they narrow, judging Baekhyun quietly.

"So you're the one with two jobs. Within the same company."

Baekhyun chuckles nervously. 

"W-well...when you put it like that..." It is flagrant, but do you have to say it like that?

"It doesn't matter," Chanyeol is quick to interrupt him, "But I do have a favour to ask of you."

Baekhyun sighs. It's not like he really has a choice - talking back to someone like Chanyeol could probably get him fired from both his jobs. Which would be a very, very bad thing. For his future and his mug collection. He sighs again.

"Yeah? Sure...? I guess?"

"Good. Kyungsoo, come here."

At his father's words, Kyungsoo comes tottering out from behind one of the shelves, his school backpack jostling with every step. Seeing Baekhyun at the counter, he immediately executes a clumsy but absolutely adorable bow.

"Hello, Mister...," Kyungsoo squints at his name tag, "Baek... Hyun?"

Baekhyun melts a little on the inside.

"Aww...," He bends over so his head is dangling off the counter, "you can just call me Baekhyun, you know."

Chanyeol coughs under his breath, muttering quietly, "Hey...," he points at Baekhyun's extremely graceful position (sarcasm intended), "isn't that a little... dangerous?"

Baekhyun's chest is pressed against the cool marble of the counter and the toes of his scuffed-up Converse shoes are barely touching the ground, so Baekhyun decides this might be a good time to get back on the ground.

"So," He quickly brushes himself off, "what did you want?"

"I have a meeting, and since you work for me, I need you to take care of Kyungsoo for a while."

How long is a whil

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Chapter 2: Awwww it's so fluffy
Beau1996 1376 streak #2
Chapter 2: Very sweet and fluffy - I like kinda flustered Baek and complete tsundere Chan!!
Chapter 2: Aaaw, so cute and fluffy. I LOVE IT ♥️♥️
interestar #4
1109 streak #5
Chapter 2: so cute!
Chapter 2: It short and cute one...❤❤❤
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 2: Oh wow that was soooo cute.... But can i ask for an epilogue please please.... I love to see how chanbaek with kyungsoo after the confession....
Jheckaishi25 #8
Chapter 2: Wow. What a gem. Im 2 years late but who cares? Better late than never! I really enjoyed reading this. U did an awesome awesome job. Id love to read all of ur works! Stay amazing!
Chapter 2: i don't know how many times i've read this fic in LJ xD now i found this here i'm re-reading it again :D ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 2: This is so cute and beautiful