
Opposites do attract [ON HOLD]
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Minyeon was hiding besides some bushes looking at the couples walking toward the school entrance. She jumped and nearly screamed when someone tickled her waist. She turned to find Sungyeol and his gummy smile looking at her.

"Why are we here? Why did you call me here?" He whispered.

"Call Myungsoo and ask him to come here right now."

"You know I am not really into and things like that, especially with Myungsoo." Sungyeol said jokingly.

"What are you talking about? I need him to stop this fake relation between Heeyoung and Kai." She said looking back at what she was staring at.

"Minyeon you know that trying to do those kinds of things will just give you more problems. And I don’t see how Myungsoo can stop this."

"Shut up and call Myungsoo." Minyeon said looking back at the binocular.

Sungyeol sighed and called Myungsoo as said. The latter was on his way to school and didn’t wanted to run because it was raining now so they would have to wait for him. Hearing that Minyeon started to fume, she took Sungyeol phone and started to scream.

"Listen to me freaking idiot I need you to come right now. So you come right now before you lose your precious reproductive system." She screamed at the small device.

"Okay I get it." Myungsoo said from the other side of the line. She hung up and gave the phone at Sungyeol who looked at her weirdly.

"I’ve never saw you that angry and stressed." Sungyeol said looking at her warily.

"Because my plan needs to work badly. Now let’s see what happen next."


Heeyoung and Kai were walking peacefully to school. They were sharing an umbrella since it started to rain and Heeyoung had forgotten hers. As usual they were talking about dance, it would annoy Heeyoung sometimes but she felt that if they didn’t had dance in common she didn’t know what they would have to talk about.  She knew she could not go back even if she wanted to, she had no other choice. Kai presence next to her did not make her feel more comfortable, she stopped at the crosswalk. They were next to the school, normally she would never take this path because long time ago during her first year of school there she was late and crossing the street quickly she had slipped on the leaves and wet ground. At the same time a car was coming and if it wasn’t for that weird looking guy she would have been in a terrible situation. It was in the past now but whenever she was near that particular spot she would always freeze and not be able to move, just like now.

"What’s wrong?" Kai asked visibly annoyed.

"Can I hold your hand while walking to school?" Her voice came out as a whisper.

"Come on Heeyoung you’re not a baby you can walk properly. Let’s go! I need to meet my friend early!"

"Kai please, I know it seems stupid but-" She tried to say but was cut by him.

"Yeah it is. I am late, I am not your father, you can take care of yourself alone. See you at dance practice." He snapped and left.

Heeyoung felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest seeing his back drifting away from where she was standing. He was her boyfriend, he was supposed to take care of her and helped her not push her down further. She knew how he treated her she just hoped that deep down he wasn’t that bad but she was clearly wrong. She was just afraid of falling, and now she was all alone in front of the road not moving and standing stupidly, her body frightened with the lingering emotional pain of this event.

"I can’t believe this guy is that heartless." Sungyeol said watching from their hiding place.

"I know Yeol, at first I just wanted them to bump into Myungsoo and see what happen since what I said yesterday but it’s way better than expected." Minyeon had her plan well set up. Heeyoung had told her she was supposed to take this path today, so Minyeon knew what would clearly happen. She expected that i

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infiniteaisha #1
Chapter 44: Good luck for your exams .. Oral exams are the worse they are too much tension i know .. So i wish u all the best .. Study hard .. Don't stress your self too much about the story we can wait .. Studying and your future is more important .. Work hard .. Author niim fighting .. (Y)
infiniteaisha #2
Chapter 42: Omg what had happen .. I wanted heeyoung to calmly tell woohyun about her marriage with myungsoo without interference from anyone .. Now what will she do .. My poor woohyunieee .. I dont want him to get hurt which i know is impossible .. Minyeon should fight chorong so strongly without giving her any chance to win .. Sungyeol have to be with her .. Poor sungyeol they just had the permission from minyeon's parents to start dating .. Author niiim waiting for the next update .. U said there will be new year special parts .. Its ok we know u got busy but update as soon as u can .. I might read the story again while waiting so that i won't forget anything had happen .. Fighting ..
infiniteaisha #3
Chapter 41: Omg author niiiiim ... Long time i didn't comment i am sorry .. Second semester started and got busy .. Oww alot of things happened .. First myungsoo and heeyoung i couldn't believe they will get marry poor woohyun i feel sorry for him .. Since he is my bias i can't see him hurt .. For minyeon and sungyeol they are the sweetest couple ever .. I was worried when minyeon's dad wanted to talk with sungyeol .. But i got so happy he did fine .. And their moments were the best .. Their kiss, when he back hugged her .. I am worried about heeyoung she was so tense i am wondering if she is fine .. Author niim please update soon .. Fighting ..
Infinitemary #4
Chapter 41: The********
Infinitemary #5
Chapter 41: Heyy author nim ..... sorry for not commenting for so long ..... i really really enjoyed reading tge both chapters i love minyeol moments sooo much .... u always know how to make my heartbeat so fast hhhhhhhhhh ..... im now more excited about L and heeyoung and just cant wait i want to know where is she who'll find her im waiting impatiently. ..... please try to make it double update pleassse .... ❤❤❤❤ thanks
Infinitemary #6
Chapter 39: Author nim wheree r uuuuu update pleassse ㅠ_ㅠ
pegytgh #7
Chapter 39: who would be this Kim? jongin? sunggyu?myungsoo?
since you mentioned hair color , i suspect it might be kim sunggyu.
Infinitemary #8
Chapter 39: Author nim thannnkss for this partt loveee ittt .... arrange marriage was really not expected i was totally shocked .... but i loved the idea on this way they can be together. ... but what i don't want is the idea that she'll be forced .... because im sure about L's feeling but i want her also to love him .... well i trust u so i'll leave to u cause i dont have another choice hhhhhhh ... waiting for ur next update ❤❤❤ falling in love more and more ❤❤ please update soon
mierolzafri #9
Chapter 39: i reeallly luv this story but...can you make more myungsoo heeyoung moments
Chapter 39: Heeyoung and Myungsoo together? Hmm.. who aren't agree with that. lol
I was about to ask you that Myungsoo seems to have feeling on Heeyoung but you beat it to me by this arranged marriage thing. Like.. wow. I feel bad for Woohyun but I feel more bad for Myungsoo because he look like need more attention from someone and the person might be Heeyoung

Please... more Heeyoung and Myungsoo moments. Thank you for the update author nim ^^