A Late Night

All Work, No Play

The house was alive with shouts as the five boys were playing a fighting game.  Nahyun knew she would have a long night cleaning after them.  She liked it though because it gave her time to think.  The boys hadn’t been to their homes in a long time so she decided to cook an authentic homemade meal.  Digging up her mother’s notes, she placed the yellowing notebook on the counter and studied it.  

“Pork…” she whispered and opened up her fridge.  When she closed the door, Jinhwan stood behind it with his arms crossed against his chest.  Startled, Nahyun gasped and almost dropped the platter of pork.  Some of the bloody liquid spilled out of platter and onto the floor.

Shaking his head, Jinhwan swung around and opened the fridge to grab a couple of sodas.   He stopped in front of her, as if he was contemplating helping her, but then he chuckled and returned back.

“Thanks for the help, oppa!” She yelled sarcastically.  Nahyun cleaned up after herself and gathered the rest of the ingredients.  She couldn’t help, but feel a little flustered.  After letting her face cool, she began chopping.  


Once she finished, she called the boys over. 

“Woah, is this what I think it is?” Chanwoo shouted, still a little rowdy from the game.  He had a soft spot for gomguk, a rich soup with different meats.   

“Yup, prepared with noodles and extra salt.” Nahyun smiled, proud of her masterpiece.  Their mom always made it this way.  Not only did she make the soup, but a full course meal.  Not bad for a one person production.

“Okay, let’s eat!” She shouted and the boys sat down.  



A couple of hours later after all the boys had gone home, Chanwoo finally finished cleaning.  Nahyun meant to do it, but Chanwoo made her relax.  

“Thank you Chanwoo-ah.  You are amazing.” Nahyun came down the stairs.  She had a green face mask on and her favorite long grey shirt.  It didn’t bother Chanwoo at all as they were very comfortable with each other.

It was probably around 12am by the time Chanwoo washed up.  They were both sitting on the couch, watching the newest episode of Weekly Idol.  One of their groups just did the show and they wanted to see how they did. 

“I told him not to do that.” Nahyun shook her head.  The dance the boy on the screen was doing was too ual, as in creepy ual.  

“It kind of fits him though.  I always thought he was a bit cheap.”  Chanwoo laughed.  It was him who had the green facial mask on this time.  All of a sudden, Nahyun’s phone began ringing, eliciting a surprised squeal from her.  Her ringtone was too loud and abrupt.  


“What did Bobby forget now?” She laughed.  Bobby had a knack for forgetting things and calling late at night, asking if they had it.   The caller ID wasn’t Bobby’s number.

“Maybe he is calling from someone else’s phone.”  Nahyun rationalized and answered.



“Hi, is this Jung Nahyun?”


Nahyun paused as it definitely wasn’t Bobby on the other side.  “It cant be…” she wondered before the caller said,


“This is B.I.”

“Ummm… why are you calling me and how did you get my number?”  Nahyun asked as she moved into another room so to not interrupt Weekly Idol for Chanwoo.

“You need to come in.  Now.”  

“It’s 12am, B.I.  You are crazy.  If you think I’m coming, then you’re abso-“

“Now.” B.I. said into the phone before hanging up.  Nahyun began questioning him, not knowing that he had hung up.  When the other line started beeping, Nahyun swore and walked out.


“Where are you going?” Chanwoo yelled to Nahyun who was already halfway up the stairs.

“To go kick someone’s ” She yelled, probably from her room.  She has just gotten comfortable, but now she had to get up again.  A minute later, an irritated Nahyun walked down and messily assembled her things.

“Do you have to go in to work?” Chanwoo stood up to get some water.  He took her silence as a yes.  Grabbing his keys, Chanwoo stood by the door.

“I’m driving you. It’s really late.”




“Just call me and I’ll come back for you.” Chanwoo told his sister. She nodded and grumbled all the way to the VP’s office.  It was really dark in the building which gave it a creepy vibe.  She could see a single florescent light illuminating the hallway.  As to why she had to come down at 12 in the morning didn’t matter anymore.  All she wanted to do was punch B.I.  

From the window, she could see him sitting in a large black chair which seemed to ingulf him.  A takeout box sat in the corner of his desk, as did his tie and watch.  She didn’t notice it before, but she could see a tattoo peek out by his clavicle bone. He seemed to sense her presence and looked up.  


“Nahyun, thank you for coming in.”  He smiled at her. 

“I really don’t mean to be rude, but why am I here?”  Nahyun sighed, hoping he would keep it short.   

“CEO Kang just called me, telling me about a change in choreography for Imagination’s showcase.  Originally Jongsuk and Chansung were set to do a duo, but Jongsuk got called up to refilm his scene in his drama.  CEO Kang wants Chansung to do a couples dance with a backup dancer.”

Nahyun already knew what was coming.  “I wish I never answered the phone” she thought.


“And since the showcase is in two days, we need to get this done as soon as possible.” B.I. finished.  Nahyun internally groaned; the last time she choreographed a couples dance, it took her forever to map out moves for both the boy and girl.  As much as she wanted to go back home and snuggle with some pillows, she knew this was an emergency.  

“Fine. I’ll get started.”  Nahyun turned around.

“I’ll be there in a minute.” B.I. told her.  

“Look, I know you feel like you have this huge responsibility as the new VP, but you don’t have to supervise.” Nahyun raised her eyebrows.  

B.I. began laughing at her, “I’m not going to watch, I’m going to co-choreograph.”  He could see this announcement sink in.  


“Oh gosh.  I’m going to need some coffee.” She groaned before making her way to the studio.




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Abanigeriaismyhome11 #1
I already love your story plz update and your forward was good