
My sister,my rival

Krystal's pov

"Unnie?"I said,peeking my head in the door.She was sitting at her window seat."Hey Krystal.How are you?"She smiled at me and motioned for me to sit next to her.I look outside her window and saw the breathtaking view of the ocean which is still beautiful even with rain pouring down."It's beautiful isn't it?"She giggled as she put a strand of hair behind my ear."You have the same view in your room too.It's just next to mine."She said.

"Unnie,I have something to confess."I blurted out.She looked quite shocked and said,"I do too."So she's really sorry??? "Unnie,I really don't have amnesia."I said."I know.I'm sorry for what I did to you."She looked down and tears started to fall from her eyes."I understand unnie.It was an accident.I'm fine."I hugged her and started to cry too."The bastard thought he could destroy our relationship."She said through gritted teeth."Don't worry unnie.I have a plan."I smirked." Tell me"She urged.

"This is gonna be epic"I said."He is so dead"She said,emphasizing each syllable.

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