30 Days to Love


Myungsoo was counting down the days until he moved into his new apartment. But fate had started a countdown all of its own.


Woosoo is really fluffy, as they should be. This was a combination of three sentence prompts: "I may have accidentally, sort of, adopted five cats"; "Quick catch that cat it stole my wallet"; and "I'm sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately." They last one was a very, very, VERY loose interpretation of the prompt.


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Chapter 1: so cute❤
Chapter 1: Very cute story of Woosoo. They were so cute . thank you ^^
Syi2121 #3
Chapter 1: THIS IS TOO CUTE!!!
Chapter 1: This is the best WooSoo one shot I have ever read... U made me fall in love with WooSoo all over again... Thank you for such a great story
SilenceMaker #5
Chapter 1: Thank you for writing this story!!!! There aren't many woosoo fanfics, and this was so great, I'm literally giggling. I loved how you kept their character and didn't overdo anything. Please write more!
Chapter 1: I love love LOVE every single thing about this oneshot. I can just imagine Myungsoo and Woohyun having this sort of relationship irl, if they weren't idols. Thank you for satisfying my WooSoo feels, and I hope to see more stories like this from you in the future!
This was super cute. I really liked it ^_^
Chapter 1: This is like the cutest story I've ever read!!! I used to ship them together but switched to Wooya but I still have a soft spot for Myunghyun. I reay enjoyed reading this! ^^
cutie cutie... cute cats... cute woosoo... cute story... <3 they're match made by destiny. it was awkward how they met and then they met again made friends and went more than that. daebak