Sleep Talking

The Different Sides of Romance

Chapter Five: Sleep Talking
Has your mouth ever slipped while sleeping? Well, this girls little sleeping confession turns out to be the best thing she's ever done unconciously...


"Wake up, girls! Start of a new day, time to practice!" shouted Fairies manager, Mikey. "Eat and lets head on out to the practice room."

All four girls except JinHwa got up from bed. The tall 5'6 girl was covered in her blankets, in a deep sleep that only she could see.

Sleep Talking started to play in the bedroom, JinHwa's body instinctively began to dance out the entire choreography in which she had learned from her all time favorite member, JR.

"You're pretty good. Your steps are light, but your arms-" JR entered the room, shaking his head, walking up behind her and grabbing her arms, controlling her to move the way he wanted. "are supposed to be like this."

She blushed a deep red, now purposefully messing up her footwork so he could teach her further with more skinship. "Like this?" in order from smiling too wide, she stuck the tip of her index finger in , biting on it.

JR looked a little frustrated, but his smile broadened his face as he leaned down to tie one of her shoes. "Maybe your messing up because you're trying not to step on your laces. Always have your laces-" as he finished tying her shoes, he stood up quickly, the top of his head collided with her chin. "Ow, I'm sorry." he rubbed his head for a few seconds, but he instantly started rubbing her chin, "You're not hurt are you?" he looked worried.

JinHwa laughed it off, "It's okay. It's-" her voice broke off as she realized he wasn't rubbing her chin anymore, he was holding it gently, his eyes fixated on her lips. "JR- I-"

"I know-" JR cut her off, "I feel the same way."

He moved in to kiss her, and she took a step forward to lessen the gap between them, but it only caused her to trip forward, her body falling through JR's transparent body. "NO!" she screamed as she hit the cold hard ground of the bedroom.

All four of the Fairies members' laughed as they sat down on the floor of the practice room. Each one of them were conversing with JR from NU'EST on speaker from one of their phones.

"Hey, come over, we need your help!" said one of the members, "We can't get the choreography of Sleep Talking correctly~"

JinHwa scooted closer to the phone, perking up her ear to hear his answer, "Yeah, come~" she changed her tone of voice, making it sound intimate. The other members looked at her weirdly.

"...JinHwa?" JR sounded confused, but as the Fairies members' continued to whine, he finally agreed. "I'll be there in ten."

JinHwa was too tired to wait for him, so she went to the corner of the room and rested her head on the wall, taking a small nap as the others practiced. Another deep dream came to her.

"'re so pretty. Why do the other girls say you're not?" JR was holding her close to him as they sat in the practice room. "I think your voice is angelic." he smiled and kissed the top of her head, "Do you, I've never said this before but-"

"JR oppa, I have something to tell you..." the dream started to get fuzzy, and the back of her mind was yelling at her to hurry up, "I- I- I love you. A lot."

JR looked shocked and a bit disgusted, removing his arms from her and standing up, trying to get as far away from her as possible.

"JR...oppa!!" she shouted after him.

Laughter and giggles filled her head.

"Is she dreaming?"

"Is she pretending to be sleeping so she could confess?"

"Oh my God, I can't believe she even did that."

"He's our friend and nothing else. How could she?"

JinHwa's mind began to take in these comments that blew up in her face. Her head snapped up and her eyes opened wide. She looked around her and saw two giggling girls and two other laughing girls with smirks. There was one face in which stood out to her the most. JR's shocked look, sitting right in front of her, motionless.

"Someone turn off the music." shouted the manager, rushing to her aide.

NU'EST's Sleep Talking song was turned off, but the lyrics remained in her head as she blankly looked at JR.

"JinHwa..." he had a finger in the air, but he slowly put it down as he tried to hide his shock with a smirk. "You're the one I was most close with. You're like a sister to me." he looked at her, now looking angry. "How could you develop such feelings for me? I never asked for them."

"I never asked for them, either," now she was wide awake and ready to back herself up. "JR..." she reached her hand out to hold his hand, but he put his hand behind his back.

"I'm sorry. But I don't like you in that way." he glared at her, his usual friendly and welcoming smile was gone and the only thing that showed were fiery eyes and a red face. "You're not my type- you're not someone I like." he got up and grabbed one of the Fairies members' hand and held her close, "I thought she told you."

Kanggyu, the member he was holding, began to giggle, hiding her lips with her fist. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell her. I didn't know she had feelings for you."

JinHwa stayed quiet, her heart stopped, and so did her pulse. She began to feel dizzy, but she took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she wobbled her way to stand. "It's okay- It's-"

"Oh, JinHwa, what's wrong?" Aron rushed into the room, holding her steady. "What happened, JR?" he looked at him with an accusing stare.

"She- she-" JR then paused, looking at the ground, processing things in his own mind. Why was he so outraged that she confessed to him? Why did he have to rudely react to her sleeping confession? She was his type, she was his one point. That's why he went out with Kanggyu, because he thought she didn't feel the same, well, he did kiss JinHwa in the past, but she never seemed to express how she felt about it, so he thought- he thought she didn't care or didn't like him.

JinHwa's mind began to go in a spiral. She began to remember the kiss in which JR had given her first, the shoes he had given her when her old ones had ripped, the late night snacks they shared when their groups were out on solo schedules, and not to mention the unintentional dates they'd take together; he might not have viewed them as dates, but she did.

"Aron oppa, take me home." she tugged his sleeve, her heart squeezing, she needed her stuffed dinosaur and warm milk to calm her down.

He may not have been paying attention to their relationship, but she payed attention to every single detail that happened between them. She'd started to like him the moment they were introduced at the Pledis auditions, and all the actions he did towards her only made her fall in love with him more. was one sided, so why did she feel like hell when she was confronted with the fact that he was someone elses?

Aron put her on his back, "I'm taking her back." he informed the manager, walking out of the room.

The last thing both JR and JinHwa saw was each others' despaired faces. One was in full confusion of his feelings, while the other was in complete heartbreak.

At their dorm, Aron warmed up JinHwa's milk and gave it to her as she cuddled with her blanket and stuffed dino on her bed. He thought she was completely cute and fragile as she drank her milk. "You know..."

JinHwa was totally absorbed in her milk that she forgot Aron was there. In all honesty, JR may have been her first love, but Aron was like her crush. She knew, at the back of her head, that men were not reliable, and once they lost their value, she could just go on to the next; and that's exactly what she was doing as she looked at Aron.

In the three years of her trainee days, she had gotten sick, and Aron was always there to put her back to health. When she cried, he was always there to cheer her up. JR may have made her heart flutter from his goodlooks and humble actions, but Aron was a gentleman and he knew how to really treat girls right.

"JinHwa." Aron snapped her out of her thoughts, his face bright with a smile, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," she said it in a friendly way, a sisterly way, but it only made him smile wider. "Milk?" she offered him.

15 Years Later

"I can't believe it." said Kanggyu, fixing her members' wedding gown. "He just came back from serving more than two years in the army, only to come back to be wed."

JinHwa smiled, "I convinced him to not be like an ordinary idol soldier, I wanted him to get a high ranking position so he can come back proud-" she laughed, "I guess he had a lot of trust in me to stay there for more than five years."

"15 years ago, you two had grown apart, and now look at you, marrying your one true love." Kanggyu lost her smile, "Looking at you now, makes me a little jealous."

"You'll have your wedding one day too, don't worry." she stepped down from the chair when the gown stylist finished fixing the bottom of her dress. "It's just a matter of time."

They both giggled, a knock on the door rang throughout the room, a head peaking into the room. "Is the bride ready?" asked a husky voice.

"No, and don't come in, you're not supposed to see!" Kanggyu threw a slipper at the door, but JR dodged.

"I'm not even the groom!" he shouted back, but I wish I was. he thought as he caught a glimpse of his failed first love, a love in which he destroyed and was too cowardly to get back. He closed the door and walked over to an expecting groom, "Are you alright?" he patted his back.

"Yeah, I am. Are you alright?" Aron carefully inspected his leader, feeling a little sorry that he took his first love without even asking. "Is she ready?" he said before JR could answer his first question.

"Yeah-" before he could finish a complete sentence, JinHwa came out of the room and rushed to Aron's side, making JR's heart clench in anger.

"Why do you look like that? Come on, let's go grab our spaces." Kanggyu grabbed his arm and pushed him towards the wedding platform, each taking their spots on both sides of the platform.

The wedding began and JinHwa and Aron began to walk down their Westernized wedding white carpet. As the father blessed them both and declared them husband and wife, JR had to look away, his heart clenching enough to make him dizzy.

Kanggyu glared at him, knowing full well as to why he was like that.

When the bride and groom had left the wedding party to go on their honeymoon, JR stayed at a round table, drinking as much wine as he could. "Congratulations." he hiccuped, cheering to no one but the air in front of him. "What a wonderful gem you picked out. of the best." JR was now resting his head on the table, tears spilling onto his black coat sleeves.

In the past 15 years, right after JinHwa's sleep talking confession, JR had accepted his love for her, but he soon realized Aron liked her too. He had intentions of robbing JinHwa from him, and sometimes he was on the verge of getting JinHwa back to his side, but his brotherly love for Aron made him act rudely and harshly to JinHwa, so he could get her away from as emotionally as possible. Her love may have subsided, but JR was just deeply in love with her still like he was in the past 15 years.

"Stop drinking, JR I told you to stop drinking." Kanggyu's voice began to sound distant.

"JR." a faint giggle came from the background, "Oppa~! I love you!" shouted JinHwa from under a tree. "Do you love me too?"

"...of course I do." he whispered as his eyes closed, his body letting the alcohol take over him. "Of course..."

Kanggyu slapped him, but she soon realized he was hopeless of regaining consciousness. "Please forget about her...please."

Decisions...they come to us in our every day lives. And it's our responsibility to choose which decision could make a better impact on us. If someone confesses to you, it was solely made for you, just because a friend liked them first or loved them more, doesn't mean you should take them into consideration and break your own heart to make your friend happy. A relationship is a private bond between two people, and anyone who is not those two people, are nothing but boulders to a beautiful blooming relationship. Or so...that's what JR had thought as he cried for a lost love given to his best friend; knowing that he'll forever see JinHwa in the arms of another man and not his.

"I love you JinHwa." he whispered while in deep sleep.

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joyjaee #1
seems good