Please Hear Me Out



You were studying for your psychology exam. While you were studying, you saw a figure coming in. You knew it was Wendy, so you quickly grabbed your stuff moved yourself to the second floor without being noticed by her. You got to the second floor and sat by the corner. As you resume your study, you checked left and right until you felt a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You turned your head and saw Wendy, leaning her head on your shoulder.

"(Y/N)." Wendy said

"Look, I don't have time to talk to you so please don't disturb me." you said coldly

"(Y/N), please. Just hear me out." Wendy begged

"Sorry. I have to go home because it's getting late. Bye." you said as you pack your things and go home

I guess I have no choice, but to follow Wendy thought as she watch you leave

Your House

You came home and saw your sister doing her homework at the living while you went upstairs and into your PJs before starting your homework. While doing your homework, you heard a doorbell ring. You went behind the staircase when you saw your sister opening the door and saw Wendy holding a teddy bear with roses in it. You heard your sister telling Wendy that you're upstairs doing you're homework, so you quickly went back to your bedroom and hide inside the closet. You kept your mouth shut and peek if Wendy is in your room. You peeked at it and came out of the closet until you hear the door close when you saw Wendy locking it.

"Yah, what are you doing here for?" you asked

"I'm here to see you." Wendy said

"Why is that?" you asked, raising one eyebrow

"Promise me you won't run away." she said

"Fine, but this better be good." you told her sternly

"It took me a long time to tell you, but...I love you." she said

"Excuse me?" you asked

"I said I love you, (Y/N)." Wendy said

"Oh...I-I don't understand, Wendy." you said, taking one step back from her

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) for spending too much time on my ex instead of you. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that I left you and I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you." Wendy said, feeling tears rolling down on her cheeks

"You should be. Why? Because everytime I want to hangout with you, you ALWAYS ditched me for your girlfriend. I felt that I wasn't important to you as your best friend. I felt that I'm just a burden to you or something. It made me feel that our friendship is fading already, so I became distant from you." you cried coldly

"Look, (Y/N). I'm sorry." Wendy said, sobbing

"Okay, fine. I forgive you, Wendy." you said in a calm tone

Wendy stops crying and begins to hug you tightly. You hugged her back while you comfort her because of all the crying from Wendy.

"So, (L/N) (Y/N), will you give me a chance to be my girlfriend?" Wendy said when she pull away from the hug

"Yes!" you said happily

Wendy smiled at you and spun you around before pecking your lips. She gave you the teddy bear with roses for saying yes to be her girlfriend

"Thanks, Wendy." you said, smiling

"Anything for my baby." Wendy said, putting her forehead on yours  

You were blushing when Wendy put her forehead ono yours, breaking eye contact as if you were shy. Wendy chuckled at your cute shyness, but pecks your lips anyway.

"I love you, baby." Wendy said

"I love you too, Wennie." you said back

You two kissed passsionately when you both didn't notice the sound of the camera click. 

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Chapter 2: sfjklgda "it's not what it looks like" dang, did not kno wendy witnessed it with someone's else eyes.
Chapter 1: one sided love hurts like a b word. AAAAAA.
Chapter 5: Whoaaa, cool!