Take Care (continue..)

Love will find You




Here's double update!!!



“She didn’t pick up.” Jessica unbuckle her seatbelt and hands a phone to Tiffany on the driver seat.

Tiffany and Jessica get out of the car and walk toward Taeyeon’s apartment “Maybe she’s still sleeping.” Tiffany tries to call again “She said that she had a cold when I called last night.”

“But usually she will get up early even if she sick.” Jessica press the elevator absent-mindedly.

The two are standing in front of Taeyeon’s door and when Jessica was about to press the bell Tiffany stop her.

“She still has no idea that you’re in Korea, right?” Jessica nodded slowly. “I haven’t talk to her yet since she won’t picked up her damn phone.”

“Should we give her a surprise?”

“Are we an elementary school kid?” As expected Jessica in her sarcastic tone. “And how do we get in if we don’t ring the bell?”

Tiffany gives a mischievous smile as she show Jessica a key with a pink doll “I have a spare key! She gave me yesterday”

Jessica rolls her eyes as she saw a key “Gosh! Fany-ah, seriously! pink again?. And Taeyeon can sue you for invading her privacy, you know!”

“I believe she won’t!” Tiffany unlocked the door and pull Jessica with her. “Stop whining, you what? Grandmother? Keep quiet!” then he close the door gently afraid that Taeyeon will know.

“Why there’re a man shoes?” Jessica pointing at the shoes at the door step.

“Maybe her brother’s shoes” Tiffany replies nonchalantly as she walks to Taeyeon bedroom. As they walk closer they heard a strange noise.

“What’s that noise?” Jessica crease her forehead as Tiffany and her put their ears on Taeyeon’s bedroom door. “?” Tiffany suggested and when she about to hold the doorknob to open she stop on track and look at Jessica with wide eyes.

It’s hurt, Ji! Be gentler! “That’s Taeyeon voice.” Jessica whispered.

It’s will getting better. Don’t move too much! I’m working hard here. A man?

Awww… Stop it!! It’s hurt.

I’m sorry…

Jessica can’t stand it anymore as she turned the doorknob harshly and walk furiously into her friend bedroom with Tiffany trying to stop her “Yah!! Kim Taeyeon, What the…..” And she stop abruptly when she saw Taeyeon sit on the bed with a strange man at least to her message Taeyeon’s ankle. 

Jiyong stand up immediately when he heard the door open harshly.

“Sica?” Taeyeon tries to stand up with help from Jiyong, “When did you arrive here?”

“Hello! Jiyong-ssi” Tiffany bow as she saw Jiyong.

“Hello, Tiffany-ssi” Jiyong bow back awkwardly and take a glance at Jessica who is standing there silently.

“Sica! This is Jiyong and This is Jessica, my friend!”

“Nice to see you, Jessica-ssi!” Jiyong extended his hand for a handshake.

“Nice to see you too, Jiyong-ssi.” Jessica replies sound cold as usual.

“And I’m sorry for our behavior. We thought..er…” Tiffany stutters as she look at Jiyong and Taeyeon nervously.

“Thought what?” Taeyeon asked curiously as she sit down on her bed since she can’t stand for long. She wonder what make both of her friend come in while shouting like that.

Jessica cross her arms and walks toward Taeyeon “We thought of the certain activity that man and woman do.” Yes the straightforward Jessica.

“Certain activity…” And when Taeyeon and Jiyong realize what that mean their face become crimson red.

“Hmmm…I think we should talk in the living room.” Jiyong tried to break the awkwardness. “let’s go Tae.” He hold Taeyeon closer to him to help her walk but Taeyeon still wobbling. “That won’t work!” Forget the awkward moment earlier Jiyong carried her bridal style again and Taeyeon is blushing again since her two best friends look at her meaningfully. So embarrassing!

Jiyong put Taeteon down on the sofa and look at his wrist watch. “Tae, I need to go now. Breakfast was already cooked.” Then he smile at Tiffany and Jessica who are now sitting on the sofa across Taeyeon. “Goodbye Jessica-ssi and Tiffany-ssi! I have a meeting to attend.”

“Goodbye Jiyong-ssi! Thank you for looks after our Tae!” Tiffany nudges Jessica elbow lightly.

“Goodbye Jiyong-ssi” Jessica said absent-mindedly. And from the look on her face if Jessica is a boy, Jiyong will think that she’s jealous.

Jiyong leans down to Taeyeon and kiss her on cheek “I’ll call you! Get well soon!”

‘Bye!” Taeyeon replies shyly. Aish! Why did he need to do that in front of my freaking friend?

As soon as they heard the front door close, Tiffany sequel like a fangirl meet her idol.

“God, Tae he’s so sweet!!”

“Is he your boyfriends?” Jessica inquired.

“No, he a friend, a good friend.” Taeyeon replies causally.

“Don’t you dare lie to me Tae. What kind of friend give a goodbye kiss?”

“Ask Fany if you don’t believe.”

“Yeah! They’re friend. And I wonder how long will they continue this kind of friendship?”

“And it lead me to question. Why did he here at this early, Tae?”

“Er.. He wanted to check if I’m doing fine.” Taeyeon fiddling her finger nervously.

“I know you’re lying Taeyeon” Jessica eyes Taeyeon then looks at Tiffany “Fany-ah! Remember when she lied to us. Her behavior was exactly like that.”

“That’s right! Taeyeon-ah! You better tell the truth! Don’t mind Sica’s overreaction this morning.”

“He slept here right?” Jessica asked which earn a nod from Taeyeon. “And where did he sleep?”


“Seriously! And you said you’re just friend.”

“You know how I was when I’m sick right! He just help me. Let’s stop talking about that!”

“Fine, we’ll let this slide today!”

 Sica-ah! Come here let me hug you!” Taeyeon said cutely while extend her hand. “C’mon!”

Jessica scoff but eventually walk to Taeyeon and hug her. Well! Who can resist cutie Tae even the ice princess Sica. “Ah! That’s gross!” Tiffany rolled her eyes as she Taeyeon and Jessica hug each other tightly.

“When did you arrive?” Taeyeon ask Jessica who is now sitting next to her. She missed her nagging Sica so bad.

“Yesterday evening! I called you but you didn’t picked up.”

“Sorry, i didn’t check my phone. Where are you staying?”

“At hotel of course! Since I can’t go to Tiff and you didn’t answer my call.”

“Stay with me then! I live alone anyway. You can stay as long as you want for free!”

“I’m afraid that I’ll heard an unpleasant noise from your room again.” Jessica replies teasingly.

“Yah! You dirty mind” Taeyeon laugh as she throw pillow toward Jessica.

“Em…Hmm. I feel left out here.” Tiffany voice catch those two attention to look at her. “Kim Taeyeon! You forget about me as soon as Jess here.” Tiffany cross her eyes while pouting which earn giggling from Taeyeon and Jessica.

“Aw! My Patiny! Come here.”  Taeyeon extends her arms widly to sulking Tiffany.

“Yah! I told you not to call me that.”

“Why? It’s cute, right Sica” Jessica can only nodded while chuckling. “Fany-ah! Just change your name to Hwang Patiny already.” Jessica laugh while she speak which make Tiffany come to hit her using pillow.

“Aish! This kids.” Taeyeon mumbles which make Jessica and Tiffany look at her. Tiffany winked and give a sign to Jessica “Let’s attack the new target!” and with that both of them tickle Taeyeon harshly.

“Haha!! Stop that’s tickle” Three of them still laugh crazily until “Aww…” Taeyeon cry out when her foot kick the table. And that stop the other two immediately.

“Sorry Tae! Are you ok?” Tiffany ask while Jessica got down and examine her ankle.

“I’m ok now. It’s just hurt at the moment.” Now three of them sit side by side on the same couch while catching their breath.

“I’m hungry!” Taeyeon exclaim while rubbing her tummy.

Tiffany stand up and pull Jessica with her “We’ll bring breakfast here since you can’t walk. And beside we can’t carry you like your Jiyong!”

“Yah!” The two running to the kitchen before Taeyeon has a chance to throw the a pillow leaving Taeyeon blushing red.







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Smthbttr #1
Chapter 10: Cute!
Chapter 10: Great story
Chapter 10: Stupid dragon
Chapter 6: FINALLY
Chapter 4: Can i have a jiyong in my life 🤭
Chapter 1: Ohhh am loving this
Chapter 10: I love Gtae stories.
Chapter 10: Cuteeee... ❤ Thank you for this one!
Bumella #9
Chapter 10: Thx for the story...ahh so cute
Kyaa!! That was such a cute lovely story o∩_∩o