Rude Encounter

My Life As Mr Ceo's Wife


Let me introduce myself. I'm Jaclyn Jang Haneul. This is a story of My Life As Mr. CEO's Wife. This love mess started when I was 19 years old. Yeah crazy right? Well our relationship started with an arranged marriage. We always fought with each other- yes- I meant it, like every time we met but as time passed, we got attached to each other and soon I fell in love with him very hard.


"Good job Jaclyn-sshi," the photographer said as he packed his camera back into its specific bag. 

"You've worked hard," I replied and bowed to the other crews after our manager ended our small photo shoot.

"Oh my god Jaccie, you're so hot in your photo shoots," Kate grinned and winked at me.

"Hey stop that Kat, and for your information you are also a model," I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her.

My best friend and me met back when we were in high school, when we were much younger and immature. As for modeling, we had a great passion for the job. Finally after our graduation, our families had approved to our decision to become a model. We became popular after our first appearance at one of the largest modeling event in L.A. 

After having a small talk with my best friend, I immediately dressed back into my previous clothes and bid goodbye to my best friend. I entered my red Range Rover Sport car and switched on the car engine, the radio automatically and I immediately recognized the song and hummed with the music, driving out of the deserted car park and into the main road.

"Something big I feel it happening out of my control~" I sang.

I stopped my car when I saw the traffic light turned red and continued to sings. Shortly, the traffic light turned green and I immediately pressed the gas pedal. However, I saw a red Ferrari crossed in front of my car, not stopping for the red light. Instinctively with quick reflexes, I slammed my brake pedal, the sound of my screeching tyres against the road echoed. 

"What the man, you almost got us both killed!" I cursed feeling my heart dropped to my stomach as I honked at the owner of the Ferarri.

"Oh my god, who does he think he is?!" I said and gritted my teeth, continuing with string of curses. 

I planned to confront the owner, but before I even reached the door knob, he already zoomed off in a distance leaving only smokes behind. I noted his plate number in my mind.

42XX 0690

"This guy seriously needs a payback and a long road safety speech," I breathed out and worked my ways back home. After a short 20 minutes journey, I arrived at my house and parked my car beside my parent cars. I strode to the main door and met Mr. Lee, my family butler for almost 20 years. I'm not even born 25 years ago when Mr. Lee worked for my family.

"Good afternoon, Ms.Jaclyn," Mr. Lee greeted me with his obsession bright smile.

"Sweetie, you're back! We have a surprise for you," my mother squealed excitedly.

"Mom you know I don't like surprises," I made some faces.

"Jaccie, we know you will love your surprise," my father pipped up from reading his newspaper. 

"Fine mom, dad, you won this time," I pouted and made my way upstairs to my bedroom.

"When do we ever lose," my mother grinned in triumph.

"Go take a shower Jaccie," my father smiled and ushered me to my bedroom.

Before I could even say another word- the door behind me slammed shut, leaving only a questioning expressions plastered on my face.





[A/N] So how was the first chapter guys?

For those wattpad user, I'll post this story soon in Wattpad :)

I guess you all know who's the rude Ferrari owner~ Right? 

And for those who doesn't know it yet, I'll give you guys some hints on the plate number *Wink*Wink*


Plate No: 42 XX 0690

4- K_ _S

2- W_

XX- (Nothing)

06- Birth Date

90- Birth Year



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2407briana #1
Chapter 1: Kris wu! !!
BTS5678 #2
Write another chapter!!