The Deal

Once I Was There

Chapter 1: The Deal

               "Or in which Jimin is just stupid and Heejin is a manipulative bastard."


Jimin felt cold.

He remembered anger, betrayal, but he couldn't seem to remember the reason for these emotions.

But then his chest felt as though it'll burst so he opened his mouth, hoping to gasp in air, but only water enters his mouth. Opening his eyes, he was greeted with darkness, and he waved his arms, trying to find relief.

The darkness crept closer, and Jimin leaned back, eyelids sliding shut. It was then when a hand snagged the back of his shirt collar, and tug him up. He broke the surface, and with a foggy mind, was dragged up onto firm ground.

His eyes searched the air, and Jimin felt warm hands slapping his cheek.

"Yah. Yah. Stay with me!"

He heard a curse, and Jimin's young ears winced at the sound. The darkness was still present in the edge of his vision, but it doesn't seem as though he could chase it away.

His eyes slid close, and it wasn't before long when he felt a pair of hands pressing against his chest, pumping in a steady pace. He felt his nose being pinched and-

Was he being kissed?!

Jimin rolled to the side to escape, and only ended up coughing up water. Gagging, the boy forgot everything up to this point, and glanced back up to the only other person in the vicinity.

The bright sun hid her face from his view, but her long hair and slim figure suggested a female.

"Can you walk?" The girl asked, and when Jimin didn't answer, she sighed and turned around, before kneeling down. "Get on my back. I'll get you back to your family."

Jimin didn't remember moving, but it wasn't before long he was on the stranger's back, hands hung loosely around her neck.

"You nearly died, idiot." He heard her mutter. "And you don't thank your savior."

It shortly dawned to him that he did nearly die. Later, wrapped in his mom's warm arms, he realized that he never got the name of his savior.

Jimin stared at his reflection, before a smile brightened his features. Smoothing back a stray strand of hair, he gave his reflection one last stare, before darting down the steps.

Honestly though.

What a weird dream. He almost never dream of anything, especially the past.

That event happened eight years ago, and besides taking more swimming lessons, his daily life really never changed.

Greeting his mom with a lazy yawn, Jimin took a seat the table and started eating breakfast. 

He's starting high school this year, and Jimin burned with excitement at the thought of a new school. While he was bummed out for the work to come, Jimin's whole group of friend is going to the same school.

Speaking of his friends, his phone just lit up, signaling a message have just been received. Picking it up, Jimin tapped in his password, and upon opening the message, tossed the smart phone across the table.

Sounds of monkeys' shrieks echoed throughout the Park's dining room, and Jimin offered a small smile of embarrassment when his family gazed at him curiously.

Picking up his phone, Jimin picked up his bag - which was prepared the night before - and headed out without a single word. Pulling his bike from where it sat by the side of the house, Jimin and pulled off. 

What happened next wasn't really his fault. 

He was just riding down the street that just happened to dipped down a bit steeper than other streets when a girl jumped down from Gods knows where, and into his path just as he was turning over to the sidewalk. 

"Hey! Watch out-!" Jimin shouted just as the girl's head jerked up. Both of their eyes widened simutaneously, and the girl attempted to push herself off the ground, and Jimin attempted to swerve the bike.

The force made him tumble from his seat, and the bike skid away, collapsing against another car. Pushing himself up, Jimin turned to the girl.

 "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

He faltered under the girl's glare, and she refused his offered hand, and stood up herself. Amazingly enough, even though her uniform sported a large tear, and her knees were badly scraped, she seemed to be okay.

But as she stepped away from him, she immediately winced, and would've fell down had it not for the fact Jimin was close to her and managed to catch her.

"I-I'll give you a ride then." Jimin became flustered, and it wasn't only because of her close proximity. Judging from her uniform, Jimin guessed that they attended the same high school.

When the girl didn't say anything, and instead glanced at Jimin, as if expecting him to help her onto his bike. With a shrug, Jimin was riding on his bike again, but with only more weight. 

Despite the terrible situation, Jimin couldn't help but feel a little excited at the idea of a girl sitting on his bike. 

"Just drop me off at the nurse's office." He nearly missed her words, but he grasped onto the all the same. 

"Oh.. 'Kay."

But then the excitement died down when he remembered her sinister glare. Really, if this was a love story, this girl must not really be Jimin's heroine.

And her arms that are wrapped around his waist are probably leaving bruises.

Now that he think about it, where the hell did she came from anyways? She practically jumped out a tree. 

The ride to school was filled with an uncomfortable silence, and when Jimin finally stopped near the bike racks, he practically cried with relief when the girl pushed herself off and leaned against the rails. 

As Jimin locked his bike into place, he then turned back to the girl, and stared at her blankly.


The girl frowned. "Do you know where is the nurse's office?"

"I'm a first-year so.."

"So you're useless." The girl sighed, and Jimin fought the offended expression off his face. "Come over here."

Almost immediately, Jimin was wary. "What?"

"Do you think I can walk in this condition?" The girl snapped, and Jimin walked over reluctantly.

Not only was she crazy; she had a bad temper also. 

The girl seemed to hesitate here, so Jimin knelt down as the initiative. The girl shortly climbed onto his back, muttering a 'how embarrasing' as she did so.

Standing up, Jimin blinked in surprise; the girl weighed practically nothing.

And to be honest, to have a girl's body pressed against him wasn't that bad..

"Go through the side doors. The nurse's office is around there." The girl instructed, and Jimin quickly obliged. Of course, he had nearly forgotten what kind of girl she was. Really, his first day of school was not going well for him.

"Are you a senior?" He asked, wanting to fill in the silence. And to be honest, he was slightly curious about her.

"Stop asking." She snapped in return, and sighed. 

Thankfully for Jimin, the trip to the nurse's office wasn't long. Although he would've preferred it if he didn't receive so many stares while walking there..

"Heejin you're in trouble already?" The male nurse in the office asked, as the girl, or Heejin as Jimin just learned, slipped off his back.

"No." Heejin hobbled over to the bed, and stuck out her legs. "Do your thing old man."

The nurse rolled his eyes, and turned to Jimin. "Thanks for bringing her here. You should go now."

"You really shouldn't be thanking the person who did this to me." Heejin said, her eyes kept intently on Jimin. "If everything failed because of him, I'll kill him."

"Now now." The nurse ruffled her hair, before gathering a couple of tools from the cabinets. "Wouldn't it be much easier if I just talk to your dad?"

"Because he'll totally listen to the brother he chased out of his life." Heejin's tone hard and bitter.

At this point, Jimin would assume that they were both no longer talking about him. Bowing slightly, he opened the door, and stopped when the nurse called out again.

"Wait. What's your name?"

Jimin turned around. "Um. I'm Park Jimin. First-year."

"Ah, you're in the same grade as Heejin then." The nurse smiled politely. "See you around Jimin."

Jimin bowed once more, and turned to leave, and completely missing the sudden thoughtful expression on Heejin's face.

"I'm telling you hyung." Jimin whined. "She was so scary!"

Being in the same class as Seokjin was a blessing for Jimin. Seokjin was munching on a piece of bread, and glanced at Jimin's face. "I never really took you for the type to be running girls over though."

"Don't be like this." Jimin playfully slapped his arm, and sighed. His much awaited high school debut was terrible. On the bright side, Jimin doubt it could get any worse.

As the teacher walked through the doors, and began introducing himself, Jimin tuned him out.

Clearing his throat, the teacher pushed open the binder he brought with him. "And lets take roll."

Running through the names, Jimin raised his hand accordingly when his name was called. As the teacher neared the end, he called out a final name.

"Choi Heejin."

Jimin's eyes widened, and pushed himself up. This sudden action gained him a couple of stares, and the teacher wrinkled his brow. "Is there something wrong student?"

"N-no." Jimin flushed in embarrassment, and the teacher rolled his eyes.

"Going back.. Is student CHoi Heejin absent, then?" The teacher placed a mark in his binder, and sighed. "On the first day too."

Snapping his eyes back  onto the large group in front of him, Jimin pushed himself up as the teacher began passing papers around the room. "These are a couple of papers I need back tomorrow. Have them done by then."

The teacher gave the binder a glance, and turned his eyes back onto Jimin. "And student Park Jimin. Since it seem as though you know student Choi Heejin, I'll appreciate it if you pass her papers onto her as well."

"But I don't-" Jimin began, but silenced when the teacher raised an eyebrow at him.

Blowing out in frustration, Jimin pocketed the spare papers. He don't even know if Choi Heejin and the Heejin from this morning are the same people. Whatver. He'll just ask the nurse then..

"I don't really think the teacher like you," Seokjin whispered from his seat next to him. Jimin frowned back in answer, and leaned back in his seat.

Definitely not how he expected his morning to be like.

When the final class ended, Jimin trudged towards the nurse's office. Knocking before entering, Jimin glanced inside, was surprised to see Heejin still sitting there with a stoic looking nurse.

Upon seeing him, his previous mien melted off his face, and the nurse smiled. "Is there something wrong, Jimin?"

"I.. have some papers for Choi Heejin since she wasn't in class today." Jimin explained, and when the Heejin sitting on the bed grunted, and held out her hands, Jimin knew that she was probably Choi Heejin.

When he came near her, however, she suddenly spoke up. "Nurse Choi, can you get me some water? IAnd I don't want school water; get me some from the supermarket."

How can she be so rude? Jimin frowned, and was more than surprised when the nurse nodded, and stood up. When he walked past Jimin, he patted his shoulder. "Be strong," he whispered, and Jimin felt confusion.

Without the comforting presence that was the nurse, Jimin tentatively walked over to Heejin, and handed the papers over.

"So.. Since you got it and everything, I guess I'll go.." Jimin backed away, and turned around to leave.

"Did you know?" Her voice made him still, and he turned around once more. "Because of this ankle, I can't participate in any sports, and by the time it heals, there's no way I can join."

"Okay?" Jimin blinked once, twice, and thrice. Confusion was evident on his face. Why was she telling him this? "I'm sorry for your lost?"

Heejin rolled her eyes. "This is your fault. So I want you to take responsibility."

"Oh." So that's why she's telling him this. "So.. um.. what do you want me to do?"

"Go out with me."



"Excuse me?!"

She glared at him, as if asking, 'did I stutter?', and before she could speak, Jimin interrupted.

"Isn't that a bit too much? You don't even know me! I don't know you!"

Heejin sighed, as if he was being the illogical one. "Does it look like I really care? Listen, you owe me at least this much."

"What?! No way! Are you crazy? There's no way I can just go out with a stranger!" Jimin protested, and Heejin leaned back.

It bothered Jimin greatly. Here he was, flustered, and she was calm as one would be while discussing the weather.

"It's not as if I'm asking you to have with me." Heejin's voice was blunt, and Jimin spluttered, "that's not the point!"

"Is it because we're strangers? I'm Choi Heejin, you're Park Jimin. I'm the cutest being you'll ever meet on this planet, and you ran me over with your bike this morning." Heejin smirked. "See? Not strangers. And plus, it's not as if we never met before."

Jimin took the nurse's seat. Dismissing the fact that she saw herself as cute, he instead focused on her second line. "Huh?"

Heejin blinked, before snorting. "Of course you wouldn't remember. Ungrateful brat."

"We met before?" Jimin asked, and searched his mind for a time where he met a girl with her ill-temper.

"No." Heejin shook her head, before asking, "did you learn how to swim?"


Heejin merely sighd, before shaking her head. "Nothing."

A moment of silence passed, before Jimin spoke up once more. "For your injury.. I'm sorry for running you over, but I don't think I can go out with you simply because of that. So.. yeah.. I'll see you around.."

He stood up to leave, and ignored Heejin's frown. He did not expect for her to get out of bed, however as he turned around, her fingers grasped on to his wrist. However, it may have been the fast movement, or her ankle is in a worse state than he originally assume, but she suddenly fell, dragging Jimin onto the floor with her.

Jimin's eyes widened, as he fell, arm instinctively sticking out and settling by the side of her head. However, what he registered first wasn't the pain, but the familiar warmth of her hand-

and he was suddenly emerged in frozen darkness once again, and everything was dark, dark, dark-

And he remembered warm fingers grasping his wrist and pulled him upwards as light filled his vision once again. He remembered her face, curious, open, worried.

"Are you okay?"

-"." She hissed as her ankle hit the ground once more, and as Jimin pushed himself up, and suddenly his surroundings became the dull nurse's office and he struggled to keep his position stable.

"I'm so sorry!" He practically gasped, and his face went red at their intimate position, and he struggled to get up without crushing her under his weight.

And of course, it was at this moment when the door swung open. Nurse Choi stepped in with an armful of water bottles, and promptedly stepped out.. "I'm sorry." He then shut the door, and Jimin heard his footsteps fading as the nurse stepped away from his own office.

"Kids thse days.." Were the last words he heard the nurse said, before Heejin spoke up again. "Can you get off of me? You're heavy."

"Sorry." Jimin pushed himself up, and helped Heejin up. His hand met his wrist, and his eyes went back to the scowling girl who was massaging her ankle.

"Did I meet you eight years ago? In the mountains." At her blank stare, Jimin grew less confident. "You.. Um.. saved me."

Heejin tilted her head, releasing her ankle. "So you do remember."

"Yeah." Jimin stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I never got to thank you..  So.. thank you?"

"I don't need that." Heejin crossed her arm. "Just go out with me."

"You're still on that?"

"Yes!" Heejin puffed out her cheeks, and Jimin was struck for a moment at just how... approachable she looked for that moment there. Of course, another menacing frown quickly followed, before  it was replaced with a smirk.

"Technically now, you owe a lot. I saved your life."

Jimin groaned. "Why are you so persistent?"

"Because I totally fell in love with you the moment you ran me over." Heejin's tone as sarcastic, before she strugged. "trust me, I won't be going out with someone like you if I don't have a good reason."

"Can you tell me why then?" Jimin crossed his arm, and couldn't help but feel a little bit more confident. At this point, he was more used to the stranger that was Choi Heejin.


"If I'm gonna go out with you, I should at least know why." Jimin refuted, and Heejin frowned in displeasure.

"I can't believe someone like you actually made a credible point." She smirked, and crossed her arms. "But yeah. I'm not asking you out because I like you or anything. I just need you to fool my parents, and specifically, my mom."


Heejin leaned back. "It's too complicated to explain." Before he could say anything, she raised an eyebrow. "So, are you gonna do it? Only for a couple month, I want to be a pretend-couple with you."


What's the worst that can happen? He do owe her, as she said. For both the event eight years ago, as well as from this morning. And it wasn't bad that he'll be finally getting a girlfriend that may last for a while as opposed to his past relationships that only survive for a week or two at best.

Sighing, he shrugged. "Fine."

idk have fun with this trash c: idk about Jimin's persona in this so that was trash. idk about Heejin cuz she's trash. idk.

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Edited chapter one.


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Jiminnieluv #1
Chapter 1: I want to know what happen next! This looks promising. Please update...