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“Alright so miss Cupid, how are we going to do this?” Taeyeon asked her girlfriend as they sat down, they had invited Seohyun and Yoona to breakfast, ready to put their plan to make Yoona and Seohyun realize their love for each other in action. Tiffany seemed really excited to be able to play Cupid but didn’t seem to have a plan in mind.


"Ah... I'm not sure, we should have watched a few romance movies for reference." Tiffany said with a giggle while Taeyeon rolled her eyes, she shouldn't have expected Tiffany to actually have a plan in mind. Soon Yoona appeared, leaving no time for the couple to make up a last second plan, Taeyeon already knew in her mind that the plan(that they did not have) was going to fail. Tiffany on the other hand Eye-smiled to the younger girl who had arrived, hopeful that their plan was going to work. 


"Hello Unnies!" Yoona greeted her elders cheerfully and sat down on the table, she made some light chatter with the couple until they saw Seohyun inside a car finally arriving. A frown made it's way to Yoona's face as she didn't quite recognize the car as Seohyun's. 


"Did Seohyun get a new car? Wait she isn't driving." Tiffany said as confused as the other two girls, the three of them watched the Maknae closely watching how she talked to the driver and made her way out of the car. The three girls could see Seohyun laugh as she quickly said goodbye to the driver, the three girls finally realized it was Sunny. Cold sweat formed in the forehead's of Tiffany and Taeyeon, they could practically feel the fire forming around Yoona's body. Seohyun hurried over to the three girls, her heels making constant tapping on the floor of the establishment. Her quick steps and clicking of the heels where like the ticking of a time bomb, both Tiffany and Taeyeon knew that there was no way this was going to end up well. 


"Sorry Unnies! I hope I didn't make you wait long!" Seohyun apologized sincerely with a curtsy bow as she attempted to catch her breath. The bomb was about to explode and poor Seohyun wasn't even aware of it. 


"It's ok Seobaby we—" Taeyeon attempted to ease the youngest of her worries but was interrupted by the bomb.


"Why where you with her?" Yoona asked, her tone sharp and cold certainly carrying some venom that the younger didn't fail to notice. 


"Eh? What is it with you Yoona? I was at her apartment and she offered to drive me, why do you seem so upset?" Seohyun asked, she was caught off guard by Yoona's question and tone. The young editor stared sharply at her, Yoona and Seohyun had forgotten all about the couple that had invited them there in the first place.


"Did you sleep with her Seo Juhyun?! You barely know her but you probably let her have her way with you! I thought you where different but you are as easy as any other girl!!" Yoona's raised and angry tone of voice was only silenced by a sharp and short sound. Seohyun's hand had made contact with Yoona's cheek, leaving a bright red mark on it. Seohyun's eyes where b with tears, nothing was worse to Seohyun than for Yoona to see her in such a light. She took out a folder from her bag and slammed it on the table, turning her heel she hurried out of the restaurant. All the patrons that witnessed the scene went back to minding their own business awkwardly. The air was heavy. Specially around the three girls that remained in shock from what just had happened. 


"Y-Yoona..." Tiffany spoke in a tone barely above a whisper, wanting to snap Yoona out of her state of shock and disbelief. Yoona's hand was on the sore spot that had just been slapped. A sob finally escaped Yoona's lips, she realized what she had just done. Sitting back down on her seat she cried, Tiffany giving her some comfort by wrapping her arm around her and squeezing her shoulder. Taeyeon had picked up the file Seohyun had left and started to read it, her eyes widening when she read the contents.


Tiffany and Taeyeon had taken Yoona to her apartment, they had offered to stay and help Yoona but they where rejected. Yoona knew she needed to be alone and try to find a way to apologize to Seohyun. The writer looked over at her coffee table, a Manila folder rested on top of disorganized papers. Taeyeon must have left it there, Yoona couldn't help but think how Seohyun would have organized the papers before setting the folder down. The folder Seohyun had left for Yoona to see before she made her exit, Yoona picked it up and started to look through it. 


Sunny is the niece of the CEO o

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I'm such a bad author huh? I'm sorry! Also I totally didn't write a Michaeng One shot when I should've been working on this fic haha.... ha... Bad author I know


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Chapter 4: Nice, i love it :)
Chapter 4: I wanted to slap Yoona out of her jealous state and slap her even more when she called Seobaby "easy" T.T WELPS AT LEAST THEY FINALLY ADMITTED THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER! Although she still has her punishment xD Please update this story, authornim, it's really cute. Don't leave us hanging T.T
yoongie23 #3
Chapter 4: Seohyun still Seohyun, so strict eh.. Thats like a punisment for that deer..keke
Thanks for cute yoonhyun mm author ssi ^^ update soon..
RunningTRussia #4
Chapter 3: *-* thanks
yoongie23 #5
Chapter 3: Whoa nice shot author ssi...^^ Yoonhyun sooo sweet....
Hope u can update soon....
RunningTRussia #6
Chapter 2: Jumppp now is time for yoona to be jealous *-*
I think its cool, can there be a lil longer the chap?
thantthant7 #7
Chapter 1: Jealous hyunnie is so cute!
The writer and the editor.Lol They are funny.Please update regularly ^^