Of Guns & Surprises

"It's in the family." Baekhyun slowly breathed out, smoke billowing out of his lips to dance in the air before finally dispersing.

Chanyeol's brows furrowed in confusion. "Being a part of the mafia is in the family?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and flicked his cigarette to the ground, stomping on it after. "I meant, my family has always been apart of the mafia. Since the beginning, Chanyeol. This "environment" is what I grew up in. This is where I belong." Suddenly, Baekhyun's voice grew more serious. "I can't change myself just for you, Park."

Chanyeol winced and looked away, as if guilty. "Baekhyun- I'm-" He started but was quickly cut off by the shorter's laugh, raspy and menacing. "Chanyeol, stop."

"Baekhyun-" Chanyeol tried once again, reaching out for the other only to feel the cold barrel of a gun against his temple. A familiar voice drawled slowly, "What are you doing, Park. Chan. Yeol."

Baekhyun looked over at his boyfriend with a smirk, his eyes following his sharp jawline as it clenched. "Jongin~ My hero~." 

Cocking the gun, Jongin awaited Baekhyun's signal to kill the lengthy male who was now very quiet. Crouching, the shortest hooked his finger underneath Chanyeol's jaw, whispering softly, his voice deceptively sweet. "You can't trust a ing gangster, ."

Standing up, Baekhyun his heel and began to walk to the next room, saying one soft word to Jongin, "Bang."

As soon as Baekhyun had closed the door, a shot was fired.

After the gunshot there was a long moment of silence before Baekhyun heard the door open behind him.

"So what are you gonna do with the body?" 

He doesn't hear a response, which is odd because usually Jongin would come up with 101 ways on what he'd like to do to make this one disappear.

Turning around he starts, "Hey er I asked you a que-" 

He's facing the door now.
But jongin isn't there.
Chanyeol is.

His eyes widened and he took a step back, grabbing a knife off his desk. "Chanyeol-" This time, it was Chanyeol's turn to laugh.

"Shut the up, Byun." Chanyeol walked closer, eyes cold and calculating, his hand coming forward to brush a few strands of hair out of his face. Flinching, Baekhyun's eyes met Chanyeol's, his filled with fear, anxiety, and exhaustion.

"You wanted me dead," Chanyeol started slowly, "why would you want me dead?"

Baekhyun looked away, whimpering. "You knew too much."

"That means I have to stay with you, yes?" Chanyeol nudged Baekhyun's lips open with the gun, sliding it into his mouth slowly.

Baekhyun's eyes watered as he nodded slowly, he knew he was going to die.

Chanyeol snorted softly as he saw the tears in the smaller's pretty eyes. Slowly, he pulled the gun out to press it against his temple, saliva mixing with Baekhyun's nervous sweating.

"If you're gonna shoot, ing get on with it already, Park." He said so low Chanyeol probably wouldn't have even been able to hear it if he wasn't as close as he was to him. 

Chanyeol watched Baekhyun intently as he shivered under the gun, with a small smile he finally replied, "Baek, do you know who I am?"

Was he ing serious right now? 'He's not seriously asking this question while having a gun pointed at me', he thought to himself.

"Byun Baekhyun I asked you a god damn question." Chanyeol presses the gun harder against his head making the smaller wince.

"Ok, ok. ing hell, you're Park Chanyeol, 22 years old, some ing clumsy college student that can barely pay rent, you're good with a guitar and obviously a damn gun, you're single with no living relatives. There are you ing happy." Baekhyun sounded breathless when he finished speaking.

Chuckling, while still holding the gun to the smaller he said, "Wow, Baek, you really don't know me that well do you?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Park?"

"Well, first of all, I am not clumsy okay? just gets in my way too much. Second, I do have living relatives and guess what? One of those relatives happen to be your ing boss, Baekhyun. So it looks like you didn't really do your homework, babe." 

As soon as heard those words his heart stopped. No. No. That couldn't be the son his boss always talks about. His boss's son killed people without even blinking an eye, he was cold, menacing, ruthless, and not at all merciful. Park Chanyeol was none of those things, he couldn't be. He was soft, caring, and occasionally really awkward but the kid had no bad bone in his body. At least, that's what Baekhyun had believed, but looking at him now-with his face looking so calm and calculating, he could see what his father was talking about.

"So, how does it feel to know you had your little ing boy toy try to kill your boss's son? I wonder how he'll like hearing that, damn man maybe I should kill you. At least I'll do it quick, my old man would probably make your death last for hours, let you be enveloped in sweet, sweet agony."

"Chanyeol I'm sorry, okay? I ed up big time and I know I can't fix it but, please, I didn't know who you were and I'm ing stupid for not doing my own research on you. You killed Jongin so we're basically even so just let me go." He couldn't believe he was actually pleading not to be killed right now, but he was not planning on dying tonight.

"Kiss me."

"Excuse me?"

"Kiss me, Baek, and if I feel that it's genuine I'll let you go." Baekhyun didn't like the smirk on the giants face, honestly he wanted to punch it off. Sadly, he knew this was the only way to freedom, so grabbing Chanyeol by the collar of his shirt, he pulled him in.

The kiss was supposed to be short and sweet, but Baekhyun hadn't  anticipated on Chanyeol's lips being so soft and perfectly fitting against his. Not a second after, did he realize that Chanyeol was kissing him back and man he was a great ing kisser. They kissed and kissed until they ran out of air, neither wanted to stop but they knew they had to. With their foreheads pressed against each other, Chanyeol looked at him breathlessly mumbling. "Well that was certainly genuine, damn you sure do know how to kiss. Jongin was a lucky guy."

"Same to you, , and you for that Jongin comment. You said it yourself the kiss was genuine, so let me go, Chanyeol." Baekhyun was ready to get the hell out of there, all he needed was that damn gun away from his head. How Chanyeol was able to keep it in the exact same spot during their little makeout session was beyond him, all he knew was that he wanted to go home and ing forget this night.

Chanyeol looked at him with a glint of mischief and something unknown in his eyes, smirking he said, "Oh but Baekkie, don't you know you can't trust a ing gangster?" Baekhyun's eyes widened in fear, his blood going cold. He should've known, he should've ing known.

"Bang" Chanyeol whispers as he pulls the trigger.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Baekhyun waited for the bullet to pierce through his skull, but it never came. Opening one eye slowly, he watched with flaring anger as Chanyeol laughed at him.

" y-" He started but was quickly cut off by a loud shout and a gun shot. He watched as Chanyeol fell to the ground, clutching his wounded leg while his brother ran to him. All the anger he had drained out of him, his face turning pasty white.

"H-Hyung." He started slowly, "You just shot our boss's son."


Chanyeol wasn't seriously hurt but he was definitely going to need to be taken to the hospital to get proper care. As Baekhyun continued to dress the wound he felt the sharp eyes of his brother on his back, watching his every move. He knew his fingers were shaking and he also knew he was stuttering but his Hyung didn't have to point out everything he did out of the ordinary.

"Baekhyun-ah. He asked you a question." His older brother pressed, almost right after Chanyeol had finished speaking. Out of pure annoyance, Baekhyun whipped his head around to stare at the other boy, "Minseok! I know!"  Minseok scowled and mumbled a soft, "Then ing answer him." before turning to leave, walking back to his office, his arms crossed. "What a baby." Baekhyun muttered after the door shut before turning back towards Chanyeol, locking eyes with him.

Chanyeol's eyes were dark and hazy, his hand coming up to cup Baekhyun's cheek. Baekhyun leaned into the warmth and blushed softly, his eyes darting to anything other than the boy in front of him.

"Can I have a kiss?" Chanyeol muttered, his thumb caressing the older's bottom lip, pressing against it and watching as it formed to accommodate his finger.

Baekhyun's eyes widened for a fraction of a second before glancing down at the younger, a darker blush settling onto his puffy cheeks. "S-Sure, I mean- you can-." Chanyeol leant up and kissed him, effectively cutting his stuttering off and making him whine.

"So cute." Chanyeol muttered between kisses, his plush lips pressed softly against Baekhyun's thin ones.

Baekhyun's cheeks turned a rosy pink before spreading to the tip of his ears, his lips tugging up just slightly at the corner as he pressed his lips just a bit harder against Chanyeol's own. Chanyeol laughed softly and pressed against  Baekhyun's lips just as hard, playing with the buttons on the smaller's shirt. Baekhyun's hands moved to tangle into Chanyeol's silky hair, accidentally bumping his nose against the others as he moved to straddle the younger. Letting out a giggle, Baekhyun smiled into the kiss, making Chanyeol hum happily. Chanyeol began to slow the kisses, turning them into long presses before finally burying his face in the smaller man's neck. Baekhyun fell against the taller, his own face nuzzling the other's shirt. 

"You're being too cute right now." Chanyeol muttered, pressing soft kisses against Baekhyun's slender neck.

"Am I?" Baekhyun questioned absently, loving the feeling of Chanyeol's butterfly kisses.
Chanyeol hummed and moved his hands down to caress Baekhyun's lower back and hip.

Baekhyun purred in appreciation before lightly running his fingers through Chanyeol's hair. "Puppy, I think I like you." Chanyeol mumbled, out of the blue.

"O-Oh? Really?" Baekhyun stuttered before smiling down at him, shyly. Chanyeol nodded and leaned up to kiss Baekhyun once more.

Ending was rushed af but ay yolo 
Me and Rosa (@chanyeol.daddy on insta) wrote this together. Hope you like it!

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Chapter 1: Hello! It was full of actions and surprise! A more detailed background story would have been good I think, but the conversations were on point! :)
Chapter 1: i wanna know what happened before this scene though, waaaa. okay okay this is cuteeee. can you make a prequel, perhaps?
but it's okay if you can't.
thank you for this!!! :D
Chapter 1: Agree with northerndownpour. I want to know the background story and all C:
Chapter 1: I feel like there should be a prequel and a sequel for this ^w^
asari2 #5
Chapter 1: Nice story~
faithlu #6
It says completed but no chaps tho XD