Of Patchwork and Puppies (Sequel to Of Lists and Galaxies)


Junmyeon and her boys slowly get used to Yifan as addition to their little family, but every time Junmyeon thinks routine will finally settle yet another thing throws their life together around. 


Couples: Kris/female!Suho, side: female!Baekhyun/Taeyeon, Xiumin/female!Luhan, OC: Wei Zhe/Yeeun, later Sehun/Donghae 
Characters: Yixing, several OC characters in the epilogue
Rating: PG-13 
Genre: romance, slice of life, fluff, minor angst 
Volume: 16.310 words new record much 
Warnings: homophobia, abortion mention 

A/N: Here is the long awaited ? sequel to Of Lists and Galaxies. As you see it is lengthy. This was supposed to be shorter, but in the earlier stages of writing the lovely encorelight approached me about a sequel idea she had but unfortunately had no time writing for. I have placed that idea to parts into this story and I hope she (/he/they? tell me your preferred pronouns) is happy with it. Cross-posted to coffeeteacream on LJ. 

Few more author notes added at the bottom of the fanfic for the sake of not spoiling the story here. Go grab a cuppa tea, a fluffy blanket and get comfortable for a loooooooooooong read. 



Comments would be lovely of course and before you ask, a last installment, a small Christmas Special in this verse, will be posted in December. So keep an eye on that ;) 


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mayday16 #2
This sequel is worth the wait :)))
Chapter 1: suddenly I'm feeling down...... coz the fic is utterly amazing and makes me yearn krisho moment again in my life *sighs**please starch that sentence* oh mygooooood what to say hmm this is absolutely masterpiece krisho domestic that I'm eager to read moreeeee. Thankyou author nim :")
my_vanillalove #4
Kyaaa the sequel is out. Finally yeeeeay. Ive read it and i like it so mucccch. Their problems and the solving for the the best for their family, i love it so much. Her insecurities and his understanding, makes me wandering to get me a man as a really understanding n nice as yifan's character in here. I love him. Thanks for the awesome sequel. Looking forward for ur next krisho masterpices ;) have a nice daaaaaay :)
Chapter 1: I think you wrote a wrong name hehe you wrote junhee instead joonmyeon but it's okay because yayayayayayay the sequel is finally here!!!!
2439 streak #6

why am i not surprised that they haven't been married all this time? HAHA i'd like to think they busied themselves with their daughter and the boys' puberty that's why... it's better late than never! :)))) Yifan
also deserves this, as much as he deserved the chance to have a child with her :)

PS! i love you! HAHAHAHA and im looking forward to the Christmas installment of this au :)))))
2439 streak #7
Chapter 1: when it was revealed that she was pregnant, i was happy for them but i knew she'd be scared... tbh, i am so repulsed at the idea of abortion i can't even be calm that Jun considered doing that to her and Yifan's child... but you managed to show why Jun thinks that way, why she believes that too much bliss is only temporary, but that made her so guarded with Yifan tho, and almost cost her the relationship... good thing, they both love each other so much and cannot handle letting each other go... Yifan just crawling back to bed coz apparently, he can't sleep without her, and same with her tbh... the fact that Yifan would willingly give up the child just so she won't lose Jun makes me want to cry... he just lives her so much and to leave that decision to her despite being in love with having a child of his own with her... i just cryyyyyyy

THANK GOODNESS SHE DECIDED TO GO ON WITH THE PREGNANCY!!! has it something to do with her making up with Yeeun that somehow a part of her is mellowed out? i mean, her getting over an emotional scar left by the divorce? i dunno, but i like to think that way? HAHA excuse me if im wrong...

i just babbled but there's still a lot to talk abt this one, Sehun's uality and you handled that so well too! *ofc you did! just like your other fics* YOU USED DONGHAE AS SEHUN'S "FRIEND" OMFG I AM SCREAMING! HAHAHAHA also, i forgot Baek was also female here! HAHAHAHA but the addition of BaekYeon is a nice touch! and Baek is such a dear friend to Jun

GAAAAAHHHH MY LONG COMMENT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE OR COHERENCY! BUT DO KNOW, that i love this so much, the love Joon has for Yifan, and same for Yifan who loves the two children as well even if they're not his own flesh and blood... im happy with how Jun handled a big change in her life, after having thought all this time that she wouldn't bear a child anymore, she considered it and had one with Yifan... the guy sure worked hard to prove his love for Jun and he deserves just as much
2439 streak #8
Chapter 1: where do i start? HAHA
well, lemme thank you for this sequel! nice to see the relationship which was just budding from OLAG is now a full one here :))))

as i said in my previous comment, here you go with the alpha Joon and "this is life" theme again... here tho, having raised her two children since the divorce, only makes sense that she'd want things to be the same even when Yifan came to their lives... doesn't mean that Yifan does nothing tho... and this is life, you mange once again to make this a real life situation, like how a "patchwork" family could be dealing with their lives... makes me wonder, are you married or something COZ HOW DID YOU DO THIS???? AND WHY IS THIS SO GOOD???

when i fist read this, the mention of TaoHun calling "Papa Yifan" when they need something is enough to make me let go of my phone for a while and stop reading coz feels! HAHAHAHAHA AND THAT WAS JUST THE FIRST PARAGRAPH HOW COULD YOU!!!

THEY GOT A PUPPY!!! CHOCOBALL is such a long but cute name! HAHAHAHA it's funny how Yifan trued to conceal his happiness on the boys' suggestion of having a pup but Jun sees right thru him :)))) hooray on the conving part tho *and good job on the casual mention of their intimate time :))))* Chocoball it is!!!

it's so nice how Yifan wants Jun and the two children... how he wants them all to be together, insisted on moving together, how he prioritizes Jun's pleasure instead of his own desires *that was so sweet tbh* he's really given everything to Joon, as what he said during their argument struck right thru the heart... that's why he was hurt that way... and him using "that the woman i love" i melt to a puddle....