Chapter 14

Never To Break
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Hey guys, it's my birthday so here's my present to you, hope you all enjoy! “Don’t worry, he’s not dead.” Cain smirked as panic flashed across her face. “Though I’m sure he wishes he is.” “You know nothing of who he is.” Iseul snarled. “Really? I think I know more than you.” Cain sneered. “Have you been in his head? Seen his memories? Some of the stuff even he doesn’t want to remember.” “You mean like how you killed my parents?” She asked as lightning and fire began to dance upon her fists once more. "We need to find Iseul." Jongdae said, pushing the others away from him as he tried to get off the bed. “Chen, you need to rest.” Suho stated, blocking him from getting up. “Please, Jongdae.” Xiumin pleaded though he knew it was no use. “You don’t understand, if she’s with him, she’s in serious trouble!” Jongdae begged. “What do you mean?” “It’s Cain, he’s messed up in the head, he said there were voices of everyone he’s killed.” Jongdae explained. “Wait, that would only make sense if he’s an ability thief.” Suho said. “What if he is. We know there’s been one every five hundred years, so there is due to be another one now.” Kris argued. “It is rumoured that they steal souls through their ability since our abilities are closely tied to our souls. If they kill when they steal, in theory since they’re taking the ability into them, so follows the soul which would explain why Cain has voices in his head.” “How many voices would it take to drive someone crazy?” “Mostly it depends on how mentally strong a person is but considering the fact that he’s likely been killing since his ability developed I wouldn’t be surprised if he was insane.” “Wait, if he is an ability thief, wouldn’t he be compelled to steal the more powerful abilities?” Xiumin asked. “What are you getting at?” “What if he killed Iseul’s parents?” “It would make sense since they were childhood friends, his ability would have developed and he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself.” “Do you think he’s the one that killed the council?” “It’s possible, if we’re lucky, he’ll have absorbed so many powers that he’s unable to control them all which would make him more of a threat to himself than the rest of us.” Suho said. “Chen, what will you do if you find him
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Chapter 17: I'm glad I found this story. Off to sequel! ^~^
bear504 #2
Chapter 17: Just found you story. Yes, please write a sequel!
Chapter 17: Yes, please write a sequel!
floatawywithme #4
Chapter 17: Yes! Please write a sequel.
Aliiioooo #5
Exo-mExo-kExo-l #6
Chapter 16: OMO you got me crying i love your writing