Getting her back

Story of two

Seolhyun groaned as she felt someone shake her from the side. She swatted it away. She was tired. She wanted to sleep. The shaking stopped. Then came a pack of ice on her face. The coldness pretty much gave her a cold shock, and she woke up wide-eyed. Beside her, Jimin smiled, holding an ice-pack. 

'What the hell Jimin I was sleeping!'

'It's time for school. Get up.'

'No.... I don't want to go to school....'

'Get up...'


Jimin reached under the covers, ice pack in hand. Her hand drew closer to Seolhyun's-

'OKKKK I'LL WAKE UP!!! DON'T DO THAT PLS!!' Seolhyun cried. She threw the covers over her and got out of bed.

'How do you even wake up noramlly?' Jimin muttered .

'Hyejeong wakes me...' Seolhyun stopped in mid-sentence. She gave a sad sigh. Jimin, seeing this, quickly wrapped an arm around her and shook her confidently.

'Don't worry. And you remember the drill right?'

Seolhyun nodded vigoursly. After what the had discussed last night, she was ready to get her girlfriend back. 

After getting dressed the two went to school together. Without being seen, Jimin gave Yuna a phonecall, to make sure they didn't meet each other at school. The whole thing would be really akward if that happened. The first half of the day went past uneventfully. Except for Yuna, Jimin and the rest of the gang. They had decided to skip all lessons, and go up to the roof of the school. There, they set to work. They decorated the place heavily, as if it was a wedding, except wasn't a wedding, it was getting Seolhyun and Hyejeong back together. They put up a banner, reading 'Hyejeong we miss you!' A red carpet was also lay out from the door to the edge of the rooftop. And the edge was a small table, with a picture of the two together. A sound system had also been set-up by Chanmi. It would play romantic music when Hyejeong walked in. As the lunch bell rang, they went down to have lunch, carefully locking the door. They talked about the whole 'ceremony' at lunch. Under normal circumstances, Hyejeong would ask for any of the friends to hang out with her. Whoever recieved the call would tell her to come to the rooftop at six o'clock. The orginal plan was after school, but Mina insisted that six o'clock was the perfect time, since it was sunset, the sky would be a beautful red, and the mood would be just right. 

Perhaps they were talking too energeticlly. Hansuu had just come back from the hospital, and was hungry for revenge. He sat at the table next to the gang. Hearing the plan, he smiled too himself. This was the perfect opportunity. 

After lunch, the gang went up and got to work once more. As dismissal bell rang, they aslo finished, and took a step back to admire their efforts. The whole rooftop had been decorated like a little chapel. The banner was hung up nicely, decorations were everywhere. The red carpet had been rolled up nicely, creating a pathway towards the small table.  Jimin gave Seolhyun a little pat on the back.

'She's going to love this you know.'

'I know. Thanks so much for all of this. I'm speechless.'

'Aw....don't be like that. You're one of us now!  You're family. And family help each other out.'

Seolhyun smiled, and gave Jimin and hug. The gang took a break, and headed for a nearby cafe. They would spend some time there, then come back when it was six.

As they left, the cheered and skipped happily. They were so happy. The ran down the stairs, raising their arms into the air. Hansuu smiled behind a corner. As the gang left, he crept up the stairwell. When he reached the rooftop he nodded his appreciation. Even HE had to admit they did a good job.

'Too bad it's going to waste...'

He pulled a bat out from his bag and trashed the place. After weeks in the hospital he needed some action. It had been too long since he had done anything like this. His rage turned into power, and he hit the decorations, tearing them apart. He brought his bat hard down on the sound system, and it exploded, emiiting sparks. For around a minute he went around the roof destroying, his rgae boiling even further and further. He finally took a stop to catch his breath, and looked at his efforts. There was no trace of the gang's hard work. Then his eyes spotted something. He smiled.

The banner. 

Hansuu gave off a laugh. This would be good.

He pulled a can of spray paint, and frowned. What meant the most to Hyejeong? Then it hit him. He raised his finger to the trigger and wrote:

'This place is broken. Just like our relationship. And your family XD"

Hansuu laughed to himself evily. He was such a genius! Hyejeong was going to HATE Seolhyun even more! He picked up his bat and spray can, leaving no traces of his appearance.

'You think you're strong Hyejeong?' He murmured to himself. 'But you have something that makes you weak. Love.  And i've just broken what you love most.'

At five-fifty, the group returned to campus. Along the way they chatted happily about their routine. Everything was going to be perfect.

'So remember.' Jimin repeated for th hundreth time. 'What happens first?'

'I cue the music...' Chanmi replied glummly. She was very excited about the operation, but Jimin had been asking them for so many times it was starting to kil her. And everyone around her.

'Then what happens? Iron?'

'I stay still and do nothing because i'm an emotionless prick.'

'That's correct!' Jimin squealed. 'Yuna?'







The gang finally reached the rooftop. And all their hearts turned to stone. 

The place had been trashed. Destruction lay everywhere.


'Iron Relax!' Jimin quickly responded, calming the giant. 'It was alright when we left. It wsn't one of us.'

'I know...but why would someone....' Seolhyun stammered. She had worked so hard, just for a chance with her Unnie. She had been through so much. She needed Hyejeong back in her life. Her only hope had just disappeared. Like sand on a beach. Blown away.

'No....the banner....' Mina stammered.

Everyone looked at the banner. They stared at the rude words sprayed on it. The words weren't only rude, but harrassing. Dirty. Horrible.

'Guys...' Yuna erupted. 'She's here.....'

Jimin looked at Yuna in shock, understanding the meaning behind her words.

'How long?'

'She said that she was-'

The door burst open. Hyejeong walked in briskly.

'Hey Yuna! Sup-'

She turned to face the view in front of her. The entire gang stared at her, wide-eyed. Hyejeong stared back, trying to understand the meaning of these events. Her eyes traced the view, from the broken decorations, to the overturned carpet.

Then the banner caught her eyes.

The words on the banner caught her eyes. 

Hyejeong felt her hands ball into fists. What was the meaning of this. Was this a joke? She felt her rage boil. her vision started to shake, and all her muscles tightened. She had never felt anger like this before. She had been angry before, but this was on an entirely different level. 

HOW DARE THEY TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY Hyejeong thought. This had gone too far. They were a few things Hyejeong didn't exactly enjoy talking about. One of them was her family. And it was just up there on the banner. Just hanging there. Mocking her. Laughing at her. And all her friends were there. Evryone she trusted. Mina. Jimin. Even Yuna was there. 

But worst of all, Seolhyun was there.

Rain began to fall from the sky. Heavy rain. It dripped all over the roof, watering them. The banner took in water, and the words on the banner were smeared, as it were bleeding. Hyejeong felt nothing except rage. Hatred. Anger. She turned away and ran.

'Hyejeong! Wait!' Yuna wailed.

No one else knew how to react. Except Seolhyun. She was determined to get her unnie back. Today.

She pushed Mina out of the way, and sprinted for the door, racing for Hyejeong. She had trainers. She was mentally prepared. It wasn't gonna be like Friday night. She wasn't going to let Hyejeong outrun her. She was going to catch her. And she was going to pour her heart out to Hyejeong. No matter the response. 

'Hyejeong wait for me please!!!' Seolhyun cried through the rain.

When she reached the bottom of the stair, she spotted Hyejeong running away. Seolhyun raced after her. She pumped her legs, focusing in putting one leg in front of another, quickening her pace.

'Hyejeong just listen to me!' 

Hyejeong didn't listen, she kept running.

Seolhyun finally grew tired and fustrated. She had had enough of all this chasing and running. She wanted to talk. She summoned her breath and bellowed,


Hyejeong froze. Her mind was racing. She had never heard Seolhyun speak like that. She didn't even know Seolhyun was capable of something like that.  She frowed and looked around. They were in the middle of the street. The streetlights were on. Rain was falling hard, and she was wet from head to toe. She heard footsteps behind her.

'What do you want? You want to make fun of my family again?' She taunted, her rage still boiling.

Seolhyun stood meters behind Hyejeong catching her breath.

'Hyejeong listen-'


'I just want to tell you tha-'


'That' not it...'


'Hyejeong just let me spea-'



Hyejeong glared at Seolhyun. And Seolhyun returned her glare with equal ferocity. Her eyes were still, they didn't waver. She was determined. Nothing was going to stop her this time.

'Hyejeong, did you really think all of us to you? What do you even think of us? Ignore me for second? How bout the others? Think about Yuna, Jimin, Choa and everyone there. Do you really think they would do that?'

Hyejeong stared at Seolhyun. The rain was falling heavily, and the coldness calmed her rage. Her mind started to race.

'thats right, Yuna would never do anything like that...' She thought.

'Hyejeong i'm sorry for what you saw. Especially what was on that banner. I understand, especially me, I understand what that means. I know how disgraceful that was. It was completly inhumane. But we didn't do it. You didn't any of us at class right?'

Hyejeong slowly nodded.

'That's because everyone was at the rooftop. We were setting up the whole place up....for me. It was supposed to be great. We had a carpet, decorations and everything....we even had a sound system! Chanmi spent so much effort on that! All of that..just to....'

'Just to what.'

'Just to....'

'Just to WHAT?' Hyejeong demanded.


'O, so now you're using the others to try to get me to sleep with you?'

'NO! God, Hyejeong why do have to say such things?"

Seolhyun began to cry. Not sob, but cry. Her breathing quickened, with occasional sniffs. The tears she shed merged into onw with the rain. She looked at Hyejeong face. 

'Hyejeong Unnie. From the moment I saw you, I fell for you. Remember how I was always staring at you? That's because i thought you were the most beautful person I had ever seen. No one can compare to you. Not even those Korean Idols. Then I got to know you. You took care of me, and you showed me around. You know how I felt back then? I felt blessed. Blessed to have met you. You were wonderful. You took me to the mall, you taught me how to dress up nicely, how to carry myself, how to change my image.'

Hearing Seolhyun's desperate words, Hyejeong felt tears roll down her cheeks.

'Then, when I got into trouble with Hansuu, you protected me. I felt so alone and afraid in that alleyway. But I told myself to stay strong. I told myself everything was going to be ok, because you loved me. You were looking out for me. And in the end, you really did come. You beat up all those guys for me. I was so relieved to see you. And that night, during the rain! I was so scared. I couldn't sleep, I just kept getting these horrible flashbacks. The moment you climed into the bed, my heart was racing. I wanted to hold me SO BAD! But I wasn't brave enough to tell you. But then you wrapped your arms around me. Those warm arms. Do you know how long it had been since I had felt warmth like that? Your body was so warm and so loving, and I felt like the safest person in the world. Nothing could harm me. I love every part of you Hyejeong. I love your long y legs, your slim waist. I love the way your hair smells, the smiles you give me when I hug you. I love your kind heart, and I'm so grateful you decided to grow closer to me.'

'Hyejeong raised her hand and covered her face. She was sobbing uncontroallably.

'I  know.... what I did.... what horrible...' Seolhyun contiuned, crying equally hard. 'I'm so sorry. I won't pretend how you felt. I know you had a very tiring week, and I wasn't there for you when I should have been.  Instead I ran off with soemone else. I can't begin to imagine how I would feel if I saw you...with...someone else. I get jealous when you even talk with Yuna. I know I hurt you deeply, and i'm really sorry. I don't to talk to you, let alone love you. You kept your vows, but in turn I broke mine. So i'll say mine again. Shin Hyejeong, I love you more than ever. My heart thumps everytime I see you. When you kiss me... I feel like i'm on fire. My heart longs for you when your not by my side. I know i've wronged you, and I regret my actions so much. I don't deserve you. But I miss you. I miss you so much. I want to feel your arms around me again. I want to be able to smell your hair, and be able to kiss you whenever I want. I want to fall asleep with your arms wrapped around me, and I want to wake up with you holding me as tight as possible. I want, no i NEED you in my life ah Hyejeong. Will you please give me another chance......? You mean so much to me, I don't know how I would survive without you. Everytime our bodies meet, it feels like... i'm on fire. There's this undescribable pleasure when I'm with you. I love you Hyejeong. 

Hyejeong said nothing. Seolhyun stared at her plaedingly, the rain still falling. Getting no response, Seolhyun walked forward and embraced Hyejeong.

'Hyejeong d'amour.....' Seolhyun whispered.

With that, Hyejeong erupted with tears. She wrapped her arms Seolhyun and held her as tightly as possible. Seolhyun gasped, then smiled, and threw herself into her Unnie's embrace.

'Ah Seolhyun....I missed you so much!' Hyejeong cried.

'I know.... I missed you too...'

'I WAS SO HURT!' Hyejeong cried.

'I know....'

'Seeing you with Hyeri, I just...couldn't take it anymore....'

Seolhyun gave off a cry.

'I know Hyejeong I KNOW! AND I'M SORRY! I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, and see all of that....'

'I loved you you know?

'I know....'




'i'll never leave you again......i won't break my promise......please come home Hyejeong. Come back to me. I need you.'

Hyejeong released Seolhyun, and raised a hand to her cheek. She felt the cheeks of the person she had come to love.

'You'll never run away again?'

Seolhyun shook her eyes. 'I'm yours Hyejeong. Forever and always.'

Hyejeong smiled. A sweet smile.

'I missed your smile.' Seolhyun said. 'I missed all of...this.'

Hyejeong brought her hand to Seolhyun's chin and cupped it. She drew Seolhyun closer to her face. Seolhyun closed her eyes. They closed the distance between them, and their lips connected. Sensative at first, Seolhyun felt Hyejeong wet lips. Slowly they grew closer, and the kissing grew more intense. They arms were moving behind each other's backs. Their tongues wrestled with each other, hungry for more. Seolhyun, being the less experinced one, loss the night, and let Hyejeong's tongue . O, how she missed this. Heat began to build in her gut, as Hyejoeng worked her magic on .

After a minute or so, they seperated, gasping for air. Seolhyun breath was ragged, and so was Hyejeong's. They were both smiling. 

'Shall we go home now?' Hyejeong asked sweetly.

'Yes please' Seolhyun replied.

The two started their way home through the rain, arm in arm.



'Can you hold me when we're sleeping? Just like you used too? I really like it. It makes me feel very warm.'

'O little Seolhyun. You won't be sleeping tonight.'



Back at the school, after cleaning up, everyone had gone home. Except for Iron and Jimin. Out of the whole gang, she was the most upset. The whole 'ceremony' had been so special to her, and it had been ruined. And she had a name in my mind. Only one person hated Hyejeong so much. 

' know who did this?'

'Yea...only one person would write something like that...'

'You know what to do?' The Top Madam asked huskily.

Iron nodded slowly.

'You sure you want to do this?' He asked uncertainly.

'I'm sure' Jimin answered steadily. 'No one messes with my family. Call in the boys.'

Iron nodded slowly. 'I understand.'







HEEEYYYYYYYYY SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!! I was busy with sports again...... anyways you like the chapter? Haha i've been getting this feeling that my writing's going downhill. Maybe it's becasue I don't have much time, or maybe it's because i'm just too tired. Who knows? Anyway like this update? JHAHAH Seoljeong are back together, have I mended your hearts good enough? And special thanks to an author teaching me french. You're so sweet! Anyways thanks for reading!!!!! See you next time!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️




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Kotja2025 #1
Chapter 29: Я так люблю эту историю! Читаю её снова, ровно через год, когда я её в первый раз прочитала. Столько чувств и воспоминаний. Спасибо тебе Автор ещё раз.
potatolover7 #2
Chapter 29: Are you learning french?
cupcaketree123 #3
Chapter 29: Beautiful <3
shotonthechest #4
Chapter 29: Oh my, it's literally 4 in the morning and I've been reading this story for 2 hours non-stop. Is there a limit to your awesome-ness, authornim? T^T
I cried at that car accident scene :( brought some memories. But that's not the point! This story is an epic masterpiece !! Fantastic in a way I cannot describe it. So much twists, so much intriguing moments, so much fluff... my SeolJeong needs are totally satisfied xD and can I get a girlfriend like Hyejeong please ❤ minus that Ice-Demon concept lol. And I laughed heartily at their short conversations, Seolhyun is such a tease (that video-call scene omg) :3
~loyal heartie reader~ fangirling all the way ❤
Chapter 29: NOOO!!!!!! i dont want to end it yet!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 29: NOOOO!!!! Its already over :( I had a fun time reading it. Anyway good job for writing this fanfic authornim :)
I hope you could make another seoljeong fanfic. Maybe when you're not busy.
Dont worry, I will wait for it even if it might take a long time :)
Till then, see you! :D
Chapter 29: NOOOO!!! THE REASON I AM EXCITED TO SEE AFF during the day IS GONE :(



Ofc, i'll support you author :*
please make another one if youre not busy, since I love fluff lovey dovey and whatever along those line XD
Chapter 29: aaargh, I can't believe this is over ! I had such an amazing time reading ur story !! I'm gonna miss it.. Are u writing another one? :p
Anyway, such a great ending whoa
Thank u for the great times reading ur fic ♥︎