JLMR: Chapter 2

Just Love Me Right (Exo fanfic: Kai/D.O.)

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Raging with fury the senior turned behind to come face to face with Jongin.

"I-said-move-monkey-face" Jongin repeated slowly then finishing with a smirk, yet his eyes were still dead and lifeless.

"Well well isn't this a nice present, the first place is here. What a good timing i don't have to go look for you, to beat you up."

This was not good they were going to fight, i had to stop them. I looked back for Chanyeol, but he was nowhere to be found, so much for being friends much less best friends.

Looking back i saw his fist rise again, and without a thought i rushed in between them. On the strong  sharp impact my body fell backwards colliding onto a hard body, arms caught my falling body and placed me on the floor. I clutched my jaw, that was stinging in pain, my eyes watered but i refused to let it fall. Jongin stood back up and quickly placed a fist of his on the senior, then it turned into a full on fight, but Jongin had the upper hand as he knocked the senior to the ground.

"STOPPP" a teacher came rushing in and behind was Chanyeol. "There sir! The fight!!"

And more teachers and staff came to stop the fight. They grabbed onto the two of them, roughly tearing them apart. The senior was on the ground plugging his nosebleed, while Jongin was held back by teachers. He looked like a warri-or, a fierce warrior that had just claimed victory.

"IN MY OFFICE NOW" A loud voice pierced through the hallway, and the man who was on the stage this morning appeared.

Silently we followed the principal to his office, the senior was taken to the medics as his nose kept bleeding.

As we sat on the chair in front of the table, the headteacher kept pacing back and forth in the room.

"So is any one going to tell what was going on?" he asked, Jongin kept quiet so i explained what happened from the start till the end. By the time i finished the principal was sat down on his seat across the table looking straight into eyes, listening intently

"I'm sorry you had to experience such rudeness on your first day, you may return back to your class. Jongin you are going to have detention for a week, i know it wasn't your fault but the way you reacted was not right. And as for the other boy, he is expelled."

And with that Jongin got up from his seat and walked out. Wanting to talk to him, i rushed out following him.

"Um, thank you for that" i called out, and he stopped.

"Well he was in the way"

I caught up to him, now i could clearly see the injuries on his face. His cheek was purple and his lips were swollen with a cut.

"we need to fix the cut on your lip."

Grabbing him i lead him to the infirmary i had passed in break, inside the nurse greeted.

"Oh another one again, how many fights were there today?" the nurse shook her head in frustration.

"Well come on. sit down, lets have you cleaned up first" she signaled Jongin to sit down on the chair in front of her. And she continued complaining, getting the medical kit out.

"this school is full of competition the senior delinquent groups look down on you juniors because some don't graduate and the ones coming after them do. So each year they start these fights out of their anger and disappointment."

When suddenly a voice cried out into the room.

"Nurse Eun Jung, there is a boy badly injured on the playground." 

Hearing this, Eun Jung stopped abruptly while she was in the middle of bring the soaking the cotton with saline solution

"sorry there seems to be a more serious situation. You can handle cleaning yourself right ?"  

Jongin nodded before i could say anything, getting the signal she quickly left the room with the medical kit while telling us "there is another medical kit on the cupboard above my table." with that the door slammed shut leaving me alone with him.

"lets get a ice pack for you cheek" he broke the silence, getting up and going to the fridge. 

"no. your injury is worse than mine" i quickly retorted, opening the cupboard as the nurse had instructed. Looking inside, i skimmed through it before i found it at the very top of the shelf. This was going to end horrible.

Determined i tiptoed on my feet and stretched out my fingers with all my might. Yes i touched it, but i was barely scrapping it. Not giving up, i gave one more push. When in that moment an arm stretched over me and picked the box up. I hadn't noticed him coming or the shadow his large figure had cast over my petite one, and now he was only a inch away. 

"you know. you could have asked me." his breath puffed over my hair gently and carefully he pulled away with the box in hand.

"sorry." i apologized, not sure on how to respond. 

"why are you apologizing?" he chuckled handing the box to me as he sat down.

Taking it "sorry" i apologized again, sitting down on the nurse's chair.  

"see you said sorry again for no reason" and this time i chose not respond, opening the box and repeating what the nurse had done earlier. 

"Ahh. That hurts" he hissed, as i swiped the cotton on the cut beneath his right eye"At least i got him good on the face"

"yep monkey face got what he had coming." i plainly responded. And with he burst into a fit of laughter as he clutched his stomach tightly, curling into a giant vibrating ball. I looked on with a blank face, wondering what funny.

"AHAHAHAH SEE EVEN YOU THOUGHT HE LOOKED LIKE A MONKEY!!" he uncurled, leaning against the chair with a goofy smile that stretched across face. And this time i couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight, now that his eyes was filled with life. 

"whats your name by the way" he questioned. 

"Do Kwangsoo" i answered him planting the plaster beneath his right eye, his eyes lashes were really long. Getting a new soaked cotton, i pressed it on his pink lips, but i wonder how can a lip be so pink.  

"I'm kim Jongi- oww be a bit more gentle Kwangsoo!" he chuckled, making me pull the cotton away from his lips fast.

"sorry" i turned eyes away, as i hid my smile at his playfulness "i know your name... we met this morning in class."

"ahhh~~ i see! sorry i wasn't really in the best mood then, so I'm sorry i don't remember" he scratched his neck guilty as he got up and went to the mini fridge, taking out a ice pack out of it.

"Here" he held it out in front of me. 

"Thank you" i took the ice pack from his hand. 

"Now go to the hall, they said they would be giving out our team information for the Sm Concert during this period" He explained and we got up and left the infirmary for the hall. 

A comfortable fall over us as i walked behind him along the corridor, this weird for me, me getting along with someone so quickly and smiling was different. Very different. 

"Kwangsoo, call me kai" he said all suddenly out of nowhere. 

 "Huh?" i tilted my head confused at his statement.

"Its what my friends call me. Kai." Stopping in his track, he turned to face me and gave a boyish grin like he had opened a present. "You seem like an interesting person, not those who would befriend me for my reputation"

Friends. Yes friends, that's what i wanted us to be. It would explain the me smiling whole heartily and the warm feeling filling my heart, this was a start of a friendship. I knew it.

Soon we were walking near the busy hall.

"Bye, i will see you later" he spoke up and i nodded as we both entered the hall. Entering the students turned silent at our sight, seeing me enter, Chanyeol waved at me. The teacher explained he already knew what happened and we walked to our class. Sehun who was next to Chanyeol looked like he had the life out of him, guess Chanyeol kept him busy. 

"So now we are going to show you the team you are going to be in" and with that a female teacher on the stage, clicked the remote, presenting a slide on the huge board with the list of teams and their members. Searching for my name i came across Taemin's group which consisted of five members. Looking more i saw Kai name and looking further down at his team, i found my name implanted there. Excited at this information i glanced at Kai to see him squinting his eyes to the screen. 

"I'm telling you.This is destiny" a overly familiar voice whispered into my ear and looking back the list. And sure enough his name was right under mine 'Park Chanyeol'. But this time i faced him looking up and smiled, because when i thought he had left me before, he had gone to ask for help. And i appreciated that.

"I know..... and thank you" 

Chanyeol shocked by my response, gaped at me with wide open mouth. But snapped out of it and beamed at me with a slight blush on his cheeks. 

"So students, now that you know your team. You will meet up with them tomorrow and get to know each other. The place is written beside you team on the list" My room was science classroom 12. "Now then students this is a competition, you will work together with your teammates. AND WIN THIS SHOW!!" At the end of the teacher's roar of encouragement the hall broke into cheers and whistling as they cheered with spirit and determination. 

Peeking at Kai our eyes caught each others, and in just a moment we both smiled at each other. 

I had found friends. This was going to be fun. I knew it.


Thank you for reading!!! Sorry for the slow update, i have been busy with my a levels so i didn't have time to write, but now i have made a schedule so i will hopefully update frequently. Sorryy if you getting bored with no boyXboy action but just hang on!! 

Thankkk heavensss monkey face is out of my storyyy !!! Or i would have kicked him out with my feet... but who knows he might come back..... ;)

‾͟͟͞(((ꎤ ✧曲✧)̂—̳͟͞͞o Please do vote and comment!! 


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