
Time Slip

"FLOWERS to the fair : To you these flowers I bring, 
And strive to greet you with an earlier spring. 
Flowers sweet, and gay, and delicate like you ; 
Emblems of innocence, and beauty too. 
With flowers the Graces bind their yellow hair, 
And flowery wreaths consenting lovers wear."  


Wendy began to read the poem she had copied down to show some of the writings from the romantic era. Irene smiled as she pointed to her notebook and continued the poem herself.  


"Flowers, the sole luxury which nature knew, 
In Eden's pure and guiltlese garden grew. 
To loftier forms are rougher tasks assign'd ; 
The sheltering oak resists the stormy wind, 
The tougher yew repels invading foes, 
And the tall pine for future navies grows ; 
But this soft family, to cares unknown, 
Were born for pleasure and delight alone. 
Gay without toil, and lovely without art, 
They spring to cheer the sense, and glad the heart. 
Nor blush, my fair, to own you copy these ; 
Your best, your sweetest empire is---to please."  


Wendy smiled shyly as she laughed at the coincidence, what were the odds out of all of the authors to choose from.    


"I was thinking of focusing on women from this Era, and I came across her." Irene said as she was awkwardly trying to explain her reasoning behind the poem.  


"Great minds think alike. At least when they can't sleep. " Wendy laughed, oh look she tried to make a funny. Irene chuckled slightly as she closed up her notebook 


"Alright, well class is over. Maybe we could meet in the library at lunch to finalize our write up and presentation?" Irene said as she began to stand up.  


"For sure." Wendy said a little to fast. Irene laughed at the younger girl and her awkward actions.  


"Okay I'll be waiting there for you." She smiled lightly as she began to walk out of the classroom. Wendy ran her fingers through her blonde hair, she smiled to herself. She was glad that she didn't manage to make everything awkward. She was convinced she made peace with her subconscious and no more dreams were to come.  





Wendy opened her eyes as she heard the bell for lunch, she groaned lifting her head from her desk. She was mentally cursing herself for falling asleep in math, knowing how doomed she was. She began to stretch as the dream came flooding into her mind. She could have sworn that she was dreaming of Irene simply because she wanted to speak to her. But here she was dreaming of all these almost kisses with the older girl. She looked at the clock and groaned remembering she had to go meet the girl from her dream.  She pushed herself out of the chair and walked hurriedly over towards Joy's locker hoping to catch her before she left for the library.  


"Oh hey Joy, I can't eat lunch with you today. Meeting Irene to finalize somethings."  


"Good god." Joy flailed her arms in the air clearly scared by the sudden appearance of the ghost like Wendy.  "Never again Son." She narrowed her eyes at the confused girl.  


"Okay well see you?" Wendy waved goodbye as Joy just continued to glare at the girl. She hurried towards the library only to see Irene talking to some guy.  

"Irene please."  


"I told you already Kai, the answer is no." Irene crossed her arms in front of her.  


"Isn't this a relationship, where two people make decisions."  


"Well we broke up soo..." 


"You know that's not even the point, you embarrassed me in front of my friends."  




"You know I could have any girl in this school right...?"  


"Great." Irene leaned against the wall crossing her arms. Kai hit the wall behind her leaning close to Irene.  


"We were voted the best couple for the yearbook. We should at least act like we like each other till graduation."  




"No, that’s what's going to happen."  


"Oh, pardon me." Wendy awkwardly pretended to trip into their general area. "Oh so clumsy." She laughed awkwardly as she picked up her notebook.  


"Here let me help you." Irene pushed Kai out of her way, leaning down to help Wendy up.  "Bye Kai, I have some work to do." She said grabbing Wendy and pulling her into the library. Irene led Wendy all the way into the back of the library. "No one will bug us here, peace and quite." Irene said as she cutely plopped down on her .  


"Does he act like that often?"  


"Hmm?" Irene looked up at Wendy a little confused.  


"Like an ."  


"Wow." Irene said looking at Wendy intrigued. "Honest."  


"Oh sorry, was that wrong?" Wendy asked as she say next to the girl.  


"No. Thank you. I needed that. Everyone around me tells me how perfect he is, and how perfect we are. But really its lies, all lies." Irene leaned against the wall. "It gets tiring living a lie."  


"People think he's cute?"  


"You don't?" 


"Not after seeing what he's like, even then I guess he's okay. I don't know not my type." Right now Wendy wasn't even sure what her type was.  


"And who's your type." Irene asked with a playful smirk. Wendy looked at the girl with an awkward look than brought her attention to the work they had to do.  


"So let's start putting these notes together." 





Hey yo my beautiful readers, heres the link to the poem.  

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I swear I had another chapter written 🙈


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Favebolous #1
Chapter 20: Hei
Favebolous #2
Chapter 1: Oh wow
-WenRene15- #3
Chapter 20: This story is great so far. =) Really looking forward for the next update. Really belated happy birthday.
Happy birthday author
1727 streak #5
1727 streak #6
Chapter 20: Omy you updated I'm so happy. It's been a while. Huhuhu I still feel bad for Joygi ahhhh. Thanks for the update!!!
cleofierayne 26 streak #7
Chapter 19: Please update !!! Authornim continue this story !!
Silvercopper #8
Chapter 19: Please update soon >< I really love this story ;;~;;
1727 streak #9
Chapter 19: My joygi heart is breaking. Huhuhu update more
1727 streak #10
Chapter 18: Oh god-- Joy-- My poor Joy. Update more.