

1,9 words.

It was late in the afternoon when Kyungsoo receives a phone call, taking a glass of wine by himself in his apartment, it wasn’t really big but it was perfectly fine for a single man, it had a balcony where he’d go out and smoke a few blunts with his two closest friends or where he could just relax laying on the comfy chairs, watching the stars at night.

This afternoon, on Saturday, he was going to do the latter, not wanting to go out or invite his friends over, he just wanted time for himself; even if he enjoys company, he likes being alone more. So, sitting on the couch while watching some TV and sipping wine, he’s upset with being interrupted.

in discomfort, the ringing of the phone bothering him, he decides to get up. Putting his glass on the table in the front, he goes to where the land-line phone is placed, ringing non-stop.

—Yes? —He answers, trying not to be rude, even though he’s a little tipsy already.

—Hello, Mr. Do? —The other person, a man, says over the line, a bit unsure.


—Well, I called you to let you know… Jongin died —He said and he noticed he had an accent, but he had a sad tone in his voice as well—. Tomorrow is his funeral, if you wanted to attend.

—Jongin…? —Replied Kyungsoo, confused.

—Yes. It seemed like the right thing to do, letting you know. Even after all, I had to —He sighed quietly.

—I don’t know him —The black haired answered, sobered up—, I think you got the wrong number.

—You don’t have to lie. I know everything about you two. The funeral is at 9a.m, “N” Cemetery. I won’t call again, sorry —And he hung up.

That left Kyungsoo dumbfounded, phone still in hand, wondering what the hell was that about. Who is this Jongin?

He decided to let it go, going back to sit on the couch and concentrate on the film the T.V was transmitting. Of course, things are not that easy, and both the film on the T.V and the glass of wine on the table were forgotten, while he just pondered about this whole situation.

When it was 9p.m, Kyungsoo’s idea of chilling in the balcony didn’t sound as pleasing as always, and he headed straight to his bedroom. Changing into his pajamas, turning off the lights and getting into his bed, underneath the warm blankets, it took him more than an hour to finally let the sleep consume him.



Kyungsoo’s life is quite boring, with only two real friends in his 29 years of life and even though he has a decent job as the accountant of his own business, he’s never been a sociable person. He owns 49% of a construction company with his best friend, Wu Yifan, so he has it pretty easy because he lets the hard part to him.

 He’s always had it hard when it comes to make friends, he’s too blunt sometimes, he loses interest in everyone real quick and he can’t help it. That’s why his relationships never last, no matter girls or guys.

It’s curiosity that moves him, that made him talk to his former partners first in the past.

His first boyfriend, Byun Baekhyun, was a cute classmate; they had Statistics class together in college, and the other always seemed to know everything. Every time the teacher asked something, he always answered first, as if he had a calculator right in his head.  Besides, he had heard rumors of the kid being gay, and a great er.

He liked that, a pretty and smart boy.

So one day, he asked Baekhyun to do a project together. It didn’t surprise him when the red haired accepted quickly, since he had noticed the subtle stares he gave him from time to time.

—How are you able to get all these numbers so fast? —Kyungsoo asked, when they were paired together in class to do the activity.

That made Baekhyun laugh a bit, not meeting the other’s eyes as he took his things out of his bag.

—I just am.

Kyungsoo hummed, looking at him at his left.

—You’re interesting —He smiled softly, plump, pink lips stretching and at that moment, Baekhyun did meet his eyes, for more seconds than he should.

—You too.

That lasted a few months, meeting outside classes, kissing when no one was around, and asking each other silly questions. Baekhyun clueless about the fact that anything he might say could make Kyungsoo lose his interest.


So it’s not a secret that Kyungsoo is a really curious person.

He wakes up the next morning at 8 am, takes a shower, dresses formally, has a nice breakfast with a really strong coffee and thinks about what he’s about to do.

Biting his lip, he keeps his warm cup of coffee, almost finished, in his hand for a while. He looked at the watch on his wrist, and sighs. Then, he finishes his cup of coffee in one sip and washes it quickly.

—What the is wrong with me? —He asks to himself, walking to the balcony, opening the sliding, made of glass, door and the rays of sun showers him, welcoming the fresh air as he takes a deep breath.

He takes a few seconds looking at the city, and the birds coming to sit on his balcony, until he makes a decision.

He’ll go to the funeral to tell them they called the wrong guy. Just for a few minutes.

So, locking the sliding door, he goes to take his wallet and keys. Then, shuts his front door locked and takes the elevator from his 7th floor to the entrance, taking his phone out to call a cab.

Since the cab is going to take a few minutes to arrives, he walks a few streets to a flower shop, a fresh smell greeted him and he looked at all the flowers around, thinking of what type of flowers would fit the situation. But Kyungsoo knows nothing about those things, and ends up buying a bouquet of roses, so he walks through the street with a black suit, tie, and a bouquet in hand; all the stares from girls were directed to him, cooing at him and smiling. That made him blush a bit.

He sees the cab arrive in front of the apartment, and he jogs to get in it. He gets inside, gives the address, and stays the whole way in silence, checking the time, 9:24 am, until they get to his destination.


Paying the driver, grabbing these damn flowers, he gets out and slowly walks to the cemetery where more than 20 people were there.

He feels his heart beating fast and his tie feels suffocating, he has to loosen it up a bit.

At his arrival he notices that there’s a priest talking in front of the urn which is decorated with pretty, colorful flowers, and besides it, there’s a big picture of a smiling young man. He has this beautiful smile, showing all of his teeth proudly, glowing thick lips. He’s tanned, straight brownish hair covering part of his forehead, and pretty little eyes that shine.

Kyungsoo feels sad, because this boy is extremely beautiful, and it’s such a shame he died. So young. He’d have liked to meet him.

He sits on the rows of chairs at the back, mostly empty so he places the roses on the chair beside him and after the priest finishes, an older woman comes to him.

—Who are you? —She asks, harshly. Kyungsoo stood up quickly to properly talk to the woman, who he imagined was Jongin’s mother.

—I’m… I live at “The Sun" Apartments, I’m-

The woman didn’t let him finish, though.

—You bastard! —She screamed, getting closer to the black haired, and he could see the sadness and rage in her ebony eyes. She had beautiful short and brown hair, some gray hairs showing, a bit dark skinned, she was skinny and a little smaller than Kyungsoo, her petite body covered in a loose black dress with her face stained with tears, wrinkles marked as she yelled— How dare you come here?! You truly have no shame —She spat.

—I’m sorry… —Was all Kyunsoo could say, since he had no idea what the was going on.

It seemed like the wrong thing to say, after all, because the woman slapped him in the face with such strength it resounded, making all the guests look at the scene.

—You- You’re sorry!? —She repeated, with an incredulous face— I can’t believe this —As tears fell down her face, a tall, young looking guy with lean body came running to them. Standing by her side, circling his arms around her and she turned to him, crying harder in his chest.

—What’s going on? —He asked, worried, looking at a surprised Kyungsoo.

—I… —The smaller was startled at everything, and the guy standing in front of him was really beautiful, curiosity—I came here to apologize and she…

—Are you Mr. Do? —The tall guy asked with soft voice, interrupting him as well.

—Yes, I’m Do Kyungsoo —He answered, uncomfortable with everyone’s eyes on him.

—Get out of here! —A girl yelled when she heard him— You’re disrespecting everyone here, everyone who actually cared about Jongin… go away! —She said, there weren’t tears in her eyes, but for the look in her face, she had been crying— Go away, go away, go away! —She repeated, as she stood next to the tall man and the crying old lady. She was moving her arms upset, her eyebrows were furrowed, looking extremely mad and the veins on her forehead could be seen.  She had long, dark hair tied in a high pony tail, beautiful porcelain skin that seemed withered now and was wearing a tight knee-length skirt with a black, long-sleeved blouse that showed the amazing figure of her body.

She would be a woman Kyungsoo could feel attracted to in normal circumstances, but this weren’t normal circumstances and she looked like she was going to kill him at any time.

He could hear the other people whispering things and he gulped.

Unexpectedly, the tall man let go of the older woman, and he grabbed Kyungso by his arm.

—Take him away, Zitao! —He heard the woman yell as he walked away with the other guy taking his arm.

They walked for a few minutes through the cemetery until they reached a really big tree, with little people around there.

The weather was amazing, despite everything.

—I was the one who called you —He said as they stopped—. To be honest, I wanted to meet you, to know the man who ruined my brother’s life.

Kyungsoo stayed in silence, admiring the beauty in front of him.

—I… —He bit his lip. What should he do? Tell the truth or lie? He’s already done a mess, and he can get out of it easily by telling the truth. But…

—Maybe if I get to know you like my brother did, I’ll understand. I’ll understand him, and maybe forgive you —Zitao continued, looking at his black leather shoes on the green grass.

—Okay, okay… —Kyungsoo answered, staring at the other’s face— let’s get to know each other.

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vanelf #1
Chapter 2: OMFG!! ed up, indeed!
Who was at Kyungsoo's apartment with Jongin?!
Wait... Kyungsoo actually do drugs or was he just trying to come up with a lie and he thought drugs would be a good excuse but he's never done drugs before? Maybe Kyungsoo used to get high every time before Jongin got to his place and that's why he doesn't remember...?
Or maybe Kyungsoo has multiple personality disorder...?
OMG this fic is driving me insane! Needless to say, I can't wait for the next update.
vanelf #2
Chapter 1: Well, this is quite intriguing. Can't wait for the next chapter. ^^