Chapter 9

Life is difficult
After art where I got a project I go to the cafeteria. I buy some pasta and a strawberry milk, then go to sit by my locker. Jungkook is already sitting there and I sit next to him. "How was art?" He asks opening my milk and drinking some. "Bad. I have a project where I have to sketch a persons face. Like someone I know." I tell him. "Hello just draw me. I'll be your muse or whatever." He says. "Oh, I guess I could. I didn't think of that." I say. He pouts and eats some of my pasta. "Hey don't you have your own food?" I ask. 
He ignores me and eats more as I try to take it away. "I do but I always eat your food." He tells me. I drink some strawberry milk and take a couple bites of pasta. It's always too much so I give it to him. "No wonder you're so skinny. You don't eat anything." He says. "I do. Sometimes anyway." I say. We continue talking and eating until the bell goes and Yoongi comes up to me. "Let's go." He says. "Sure." I say, "I'll see you after school." Jungkook looks confused but nods his head. Yoongi and I head to the basement for math. 
He sits next to me a lot now that he knows who I am. Kind of strange but I'm fine with it. After math I go to science all the way upstairs. Jimin comes in late and apologizes to the teacher. He sits next to me and we pay attention to the lesson. The bell rings and I go to my locker and then outside. I find Jungkook and the guys and stand with them. "Mia and I are dating." Jungkook says and they all turn to us. "I knew it!" Namjoon shouts, "I knew you both liked each other. It was so obvious you two would get together. Congrats kookie and Mia of course." Namjoon hugs the both of us and the rest congratulate us. Only one stays out of it listening to music, Jimin doesn't seem interested or anything. I don't mind so whatever.
We get on the bus and go home. "Since you're my muse come to my house so I can draw you." I say and drag him out of the bus. Namjoon winks at me and I roll my eyes. When we get home Jackson isn't there so I make Jungkook sit on the couch as I grab some drinks. I give him a drink and food while I get an easel to draw on. I place my easel by a chair an sit down with my pencil. "Just watch tv or something. You have to be doing something." I tell him. He looks at me and then smiles. "You're going to smile the whole time?" I ask. "You better hurry." He says. I begin the sketch and in about an hour I'm finished and Jungkook is laying on the couch. 
I sit next to him and run my fingers through his hair. "Aww, are you tired of smiling?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Of course not. I can smile all day." He replies. He sits up and walks to the easel. "Wow, it looks so good. I'm so handsome on a piece of paper." He says. "Thanks. I don't really like it but whatever." I say. "You're a great artist. Aren't you supposed to paint it or something colour it?" He asks. "I'm not sure maybe that's the other half of the project." I respond. He comes back to the couch and sits next to me. 
I put my head on his shoulder and he turns on the tv. A little while later Jackson comes home. "Hey Mia and Jungkook. Are you staying for dinner?" He asks. Jungkook looks at me and I smile. "Yeah he's staying." I say. "Alright. Great I'll start making it then." "What are you making?" I ask. "Just some chicken stew." He replies. Jungkook grabs his phone and looks a little distressed. "What is it?" I ask. "My dads in the hospital. He got a heart attack. I'm sorry Mia, I have to go." He says. "Alright tell him I say hi and your mom." I say when he heads for the door. "Jungkook." I call and he turns. "It's gonna be fine." I say. He nods his head. "If I don't come to school I'll tell one of the guys to stay with you." He says and leaves. 
I feel bad for Jungkook, he actually has a caring dad but then bad things happen to him. I sit at the table and wait for Jackson. He turns with the big poet of stew in his hands and places it on the table. "Hey where's Jungkook?" He asks me. "He had to leave for personal reasons." I reply. "Oh alright, just you and me then. Hope you like chicken stew and lots of it." He says. "Mhm I do. I'll bring some to school tomorrow." I tell him. We eat our dinner and then sit on the couch after doing the dishes.
"This is a nice drawing." Jackson comments, "is it Jungkook?" "Yeah it is. I'm glad you can tell." I say. "You guys are pretty close huh?" He says. "He actually asked me out today." "Oh congratulations then." He says, "I have to do some work." He gets up and goes to his room. Why is he so suspicious all of a sudden? I decide to send Jungkook a text to see how it's going.
Hey what's going on?
He doesn't reply so I just decide to do some homework. After a couple hours I go to bed. The next morning I grab my phone and see Jungkook texted me. 
Hey, sorry I couldn't respond my phone was in my car. Um...he's alright now but has to stay in the hospital for a couple days and then rest at home. I'm not coming to school today but the guys will accompany you. I'm sorry I have to leave you alone. I'll visit after school.
I smile after reading his text knowing that his father is okay and that he cares about me a lot. I take a shower, get changed and eat some breakfast. Then I hear a knock on the door. I open it and see all of the guys but Jungkook in front of it. "We're here to take you to school." Namjoon says. "Alright wait a minute. Let me get my bag." I say. I grab my bag and leave with them. When we get to school they don't leave my side. Some go to their classes but Namjoon sticks with me and brings me to the gym. "I'll see you at lunch alright." He says. I nod my head.
I go to the changing rooms and all the annoying girls there are just watching. "What do you want?" I ask. "You need to watch your mouth girl and evrything else that you do." One of the girls says. They push me on the ground and start kicking me in the stomach. I shout in pain but nobody can hear me. The worst part is that the girls are wearing high heels. They finally stop and look down at me smirking. "You need to be careful. Someone's going to talk to you soon and you're going to listen." The leader I assume says. This doesn't make sense. 
"Don't come to gym today. We'll tell the teacher that we didn't see you." The turn and leave letting me be in pain on the ground. I manage to pull myself up and head to the bathroom. Since I can't go to class I grab my bag and go sit by my locker. When the bell eventually goes I head to art, I don't see any of the guys which is good for now. I don't want them or Jungkook to know even though I promised to tell him anything. 
At lunch I'm walking down the hall when Dean comes in front of me. "We need to talk." He says pulling me by my arm to a quiet area with no one. "Lift up your shirt." He says. "Excuse me?" I ask. He lifts it up for me and gasps. "I knew it. Be careful, I heard you weren't in gym class and I knew someone was out to get you. They are upset you're dating Jungkook is his name?" He explains. I look at him confused and he continues. "A gang of some sort think he's bad or something. I don't know all the details but you gotta be careful." "Why do you even care?" I ask. "I broke up with you but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I want you to be happy. Watch those girls carefully and tell someone. Jungkook, his friends, anyone." I nod my head and he leaves. 
I go to my locker and see all the guys waiting for me. "What happened?" Namjoon asks. "I have to tell you something." I say and he nods his head. He grabs my hand and brings me out to the front of the school. I tell him what happened with the girls and with Dean. Namjoon seems furious and I didn't even show him my stomach yet. Maybe I shouldn't. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine I just don't want anything to happen to Jungkook. We've been dating for a day and this already happens, maybe it wasn't such a good idea." I say. "Hey listen to me." He grabs my shoulders, "you and Jungkook are great together everyone knows that. You just have to believe everything will be alright. We will stop whatever is happening and it will be fine. Alright?" "Okay." I say and he smiles. 
"I'll tell the guys everything later." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we go back inside. "Is everything alright?" Jin asks. "Yeah she just wanted to tell me she got a good grade on her art project." Namjoon says. "You could've told all of us that." Yoongi says looking curious. Namjoon gives him a look and Yoongi understands. "Alright well that's great. Let's go eat I'm starving." He says and we sit down. 
The rest of the day moves on and nothing really happens. We're sitting by a tree waiting for the bus to come. When it comes we all get on and I sit alone because Jungkook isn't here. I sigh and lean my head against the seat and close my eyes. I hear someone sit next to me but don't bother looking because I don't really care. "Are you tired?" Jimin asks. I open my eyes and turn my head to look at him. "Yeah I guess. It's only Wednesday. I can't wait till Friday." I say. "Hey congratulations with you and Jungkook. I know you'll be a great couple." He says. "Thanks but why didn't you say anything yesterday?" I ask. "I was listening to music and couldn't hear anything. I just saw everyone hugging each other but I heard today from Jungkook." He explains. 
"Oh, what did he say?" I ask. "Take care of my girlfriend today cuz I'm not here." He says. I laugh and he smiles at me. "Well then." 
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Happy new year to all my subbies and readers!!!!!!


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 1: Aw I know this is only the first chapter but I really like it! And I live in canada! >.< and by the way was the hey girl hey thing from a certain YouTube that makes DIY videos or just a thing you used?
snsdkara #2
Chapter 57: Omg why do I still ship Mia and Kookie
Armygoldenmaknae7 #3
Chapter 49: Am i still the only one who ship jungkook and mia????
Chapter 48: Okay, even though I want Jungkook to understand his wrong actions and go back to Mia, I have to say Brian is really good too! I mean who wouldn't say yes to that confession, soooooo romantic!!!!!
googlemaniac #5
Chapter 47: What the hell?? Its so sudden! Mmmmm...mia...what a playgirl.
Armygoldenmaknae7 #6
Chapter 47: Jungkook-ah do something...that Jieun stuff is killing me right now. Why did she need to mess everything up ???
Chapter 47: Why do I have a feeling I want Brian and Mia together??? Arggg. My head!!!!
exo_krystal #8
Chapter 46: Please let Jungkook and Mia get back together again... Please author -nim...
Armygoldenmaknae7 #9
Chapter 45: Oh gosh..iI just wanna kick that jieun ....I mean she needs to stop and makes problems