
Tasty Treats

There’s fire in both our eyes. The blinding anger causes us to spew words we do not mean to say. We explode, shouting “lies, lies!” The house is a mess—split in two—showing the heated rage we display. I threw and shattered anything made of glass. And he responded by punching holes into the wall. And I wonder… wonder when this storm will pass. And so he sees, he sees me wanting to end it all. He sees that I have had enough of all this pointless fighting. He sees the fire in my eyes fading away, and he sees my face in dismay. My tears weld up, and silence befalls us, there’s no more shouting. He grabs me, pulling me in to let our lips collide, and the madness goes away. Ah, and again, the fire within me begins to spark as he softly whispers “I want you.” And he said it with the same blazing fire in his big, brown eyes—the same kind of fire he aroused in my chest. I’m glad it’s not the angry fire from a few seconds ago—I tip-toe to kiss him too. Although fire can get a little bit out of control, the warmth of our fire is the best.


end / 210 words

I rhyme every other time!

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@ caline: Haha, straaange! All of a sudden, I felt the sudden urge to start writing my drabbles. :)

@ mixovercast & caline: But yes, I really like the host!2min idea so it's highly likable that I'll make a continuation.
I'm excited for the other drabbles/short stories ^-^
Omg I need a continuation for the host one!! It was sooo good T~T
aww host club taemin vs minho, how cute! more~~ ^^<br />
are u gonna extend that? teehee
Aww so beautiful. 2min <3
They were siblings too? Damn, so hot ><