Living A Lie

The Seven Wonders

Heyo! Back from the dead again! It's pretty rushed but I mean when is it not ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ so enjoy ~ PS I wanted to use Caught In a Lie but Living a Lie fit better *missed opportunities*

"That's impossible!" Yoongi yelled after they had all moved to the sailer to sit down.

"We're not one hundred percent sure but it's what the archives say."

"Then the archives are wrong! My parents might've been ty but they'd never try to end the world! This is ludicrous!"

"Look, Yoongi, it may or may not be right, but we figured we'd tell you in case you..." Seokjin trailed off.

"In case I what? Wanted to ask them myself? 'Oh hey mom, hey dad, I haven't seen you in over two years, are you trying to destroy the world?'" Yoongi scoffed.

"Two years?!" Jimin questioned.

"Yeah, what of it? They always sent their little guards to make sure I was still within the city, but as long as their blemish wasn't in their palace they were fine."

Jimin frowned, not too happy with Yoongi's answer.

"Then why are there posters all over the city with the word Lost over your head?"

"Because they were too lazy to take them down. Once they found out where I was, they stopped caring."

The group grimaced recalling how the two had seemed aloof when they offered to help find him.

"Like I said, weren't the best of people... I just can't imagine them trying to end the world, it's just impossible," he gnawed on his fingernail, lost in thought.

"We were going to start training, but if you want to make a stop home, it's okay Yoongi," Namjoon offered,"we can even write Mrs. Galloway to assure us, we haven't sent her a letter since the day we found you."

"We've already wasted enough time, doing something that dumb would be a waste of even more time. I've got what I needed, so let's go train or something," Yoongi resolved, standing up away from the group.

Namjoon glanced at him one more time before shrugging at the others, commanding them on what to do for them to set sail.


Yoongi took a spot on the edge, looking out into the sands. His eyes had surprisingly stayed in color even after his heart calmed, so he intended to enjoy it while he could.

"Here's the scrolls I snatched for you," Jimin offered, once the group started their journey.
Yoongi glanced up at him then down to the bag and hesitantly grabbed it. The younger took the opportunity to sit next to him, eager to see what the papers contained.

"I think I'll check them out later," Yoongi decided, closing the one he had started to open and shoving it back into the bag.

"What," Jimin asked, exasperated,"but you can see right now... wouldn't it be a waste not to glance at them?"

"Yeah, but if I look at it now, I'll want to try them, and there's nothing but sand for the next two-three days."

"I guess you're right... but still," Jimin lifted an eyebrow, staring before sighing, deciding to switch topics,"hey Yoongs, do you really believe your parents wouldn't be a part of something this big?"

Yoongi sighed, atmosphere turning slightly darker,"the sad thing... is that I honestly don't. They're twisted individuals. Who knows what's on their agenda, but the longer I go without knowing, the better things are."

"Like that saying, ignorance is bliss," Jimin provided.

"Something like that. Either way, I'd much rather occupy my mind with training than worry about my parents."

Jimin nodded before getting up and offering the other a hand. The older stared at it questioningly.

"Let's train," Jimin smiled brightly.

"On here?!"

"Yeah! It'll be fun! It's the perfect opportunity since your vision is still here."

Yoongi scowled at the hand before relenting and taking it, knowing this probably wouldn't end well.


The two took position in the middle of the sailer, gaining everyone's attention.

"What are you two up to?" Seokjin asked.

"Yeah! Whatever it is I want in," Taehyung ran over.

"I'm going to teach Yoongi some basic air techniques! Like this one," Jimin announced, creating a ball of air and sitting on it, rolling around the sailer as best as he could in the small space.

"Oooo, I wanna try," Taehyung hopped up excitedly. He followed Jimin's motions, crafting the ball, but when he went to sit on it, the air threw him off, making him tumble off the sailer.
The group panicked, halting the mechanism and jumping off to make sure the body lodged in sand was okay.


"On the brightside, you passed step 1 with flying colors, just didn't do so well on the second one," Jimin nervously chuckled once they were moving again, blowing off sand from the other as he got up to sit on the sidelines with a frown. Jimin turned his attention back to the older.

"Alright so what you're going to do is move your arms like this and gather as much air as you can to shape it into a ball."

Yoongi nodded following along to create the sphere.

"Once you have the shape you need then you jump up and gently land directly in the middle. If you land slightly off then you'll pull a Taehyung. Concentration would be key."

Yoongi exhaled, jumping up and landing as gracefully as he could on what he guessed was the center. When he opened his eyes, he found himself floating on the orb.

"You did it!" Jimin excitedly yelled.

The group clapped from where they sat, all eager to see if they could do it as well after watching.

Yoongi let the air disappear from under him as he landed back on the sailer.

"You're a natural," Jimin smiled,"you got it on your first try."

Yoongi was about to speak, but was interrupted by a gagging Hoseok.

"If you're going to say something as cheesy as 'it's because you're a good teacher' I'm going to throw up. This technique," Hoseok air quoted,"is not that difficult. It's more of a party trick than anything."

Yoongi glared,"alright then, let's see you give it a try hotshot."


Hoseok pushed Yoongi aside and put his arms out to gather air. From the start Yoongi could see how oddly shaped Hoseok's 'sphere' was, nowhere near the shape it needed to be, but he wasn't about to say anything.
Hoseok finished, looked at the terrible excuse for a ball, and nodded in satisfaction. He threw himself up and attempted to sit on it. The group had to give it to him for determination. The male managed to sit on it for a few seconds before the ball exploded under him, sending him crashing down onto the hard flooring.

"That easy 'technique'," Yoongi quoted, copying Hoseok's earlier motions,"just kicked your ."

"Yeah, well it's not like it'd be useful in combat. 'Watch me Shadows, I can roll around on a ball.'"

"No, but if push comes to shove it's a great distraction," Jimin shrugged.

"Speaking of the shadows, we need to look at the information we gathered from the library," Seokjin cut in,"I already told you guys about the writing on the back, but there's more information on the prophecy."

"What more could there be?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"There's information on the monstrosity we're supposed to defeat. It's called the Shadow King and this is what it looks like," Seokjin pointed to the dark scroll.

"It looks... weird," Hoseok grimaced.

"Weird? That's the best description you've got?"

"I can't put it into words. What information is there on it?"

"That's where you all come in," Seokjin smiled, pulling out the satchel he took into the library and placing it on the floor,"it's time for us to do some research."

The group groaned.

"No complaining. At least we have any information," Seokjin scolded,"now everyone take one and we'll regroup later to report."

They all grabbed a scroll and moved to different parts of the sailer to read, mumbling under their breaths.

An hour later and everyone was bored out of their minds.

"Jin, I'm done with my scroll, can we please regroup now?"

"Jimin," Seokjin sighed, worried the others weren't taking the task seriously,"has everyone completely finished looking over their writing?"

The group nodded, all eyes pleading for them to finish.

"Fine, lets regroup."


"Mine didn't have jack ," Yoongi was the first to bluntly report.

"There had to be something written on it, I mean I can see from here that the paper isn't blank," Seokjin pointed.

"The only thing written are the letters TCOTL."

"Is that really it?"

Yoongi nodded, tossing the scroll to the oldest.

"Maybe it means something? We'll figure it out later. Kookie?"

"Mine is about the Boiling Rock, I don't know what it'd have to do with the Shadows, but apparently it's the fire nation's highest security prison."

"Great, more information on the fire nation," Seokjin sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"To be fair, the room was in the firenation section, there were bound to be a few scrolls jumbled together," Namjoon replied,"mine is about Sozin's comet."

"But that's information we already knew about. Taehyung?"

"Day of the Black Sun."

"Yours is about the eclipse? These scrolls are useless!" Hoseok complained," mine is about the Serpent's pass."

"Mine has to do with a village located within the fire nation. Apparently there's a connection with the spirit world. People have been going missing for years, could be of some use. Jimin?"

"Mine is blank..." Jimin nervously chuckled, face paling.

"But I see writing on it," Jungkook pointed out, looking confused.

"Oh, that? It's just basic Fire Nation knowledge, nothing we don't already know."

Seokjin stared at the younger strangely before looking back to the others,"maybe they all connect somehow. Give me some time I'll figure it out. For now just hang around until we reach land."

The group dispersed, sitting around in smaller groups to pass the time. Jimin, waited for everyone to leave before he approached the oldest with a frown. Seokjin stopped shuffling through the scrolls to glance up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Mine isn't about the fire nation...,"he confessed,"mine actually has names on it."

"Names? What do you mean?"

"It has a list of people involved with the upbringing, the project behind the shadows. It's a research document..."

"What?! Why didn't you mention it earlier?"

It only took a quick movement of the eye for Seokjin to realize why, when he looked over at Yoongi. He silently nodded in understanding before taking the scroll.

"Woah. This is a lot more than a list of names, it's an entire paper. This is how they created the Shadows... this is... insane," he pulled the scroll open more, eyes widening when he landed on a particular paragraph,"Yoongi... his eyes... it was an experiment?"

Jimin quickly jumped on the other telling him to lower his voice, checking back to the older who was laying down.

"If this is true it says his parents were the head researchers for the project," he lowered,"it says they were using him for a way to see spirits, but it went wrong. It also has information on the shadows, they're... lost souls. Then they're connected to the spirits, but they're bad spirits. Jimin, this article... it changes a lot of things."

Jimin frowned,"yeah and a lot of it comes from Yoongi. Don't tell him, please. He'll be devastated to know his parents were the reason he can't see. You saw how he reacted when we suspected them of being behind the shadows."

Seokjin nodded in understanding,"this is a lot to take in even for us... we need to go to the water tribe. Jimin, go tell the others where we're going and if they ask why just say I need to talk to the chief."

He watched the younger scurry off before glaring down at the paper,"I need to know what all this means even if asking for help is the way to go."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Two long days and they had finally made it out of the scorching desert. Unfortunately during the time span, Yoongi had lost his vision once again, making it impossible to read the scrolls.

"I told you to peak at them when you had the chance," Jimin teased.

Yoongi sighed face down on the floor,"you were right. Now what am I supposed to do for the next day? Seokjin insisted we take a day to rest instead of continuing, and yet he takes a fun day off to the village."

"I don't think grocery shopping would be a day off Yoongs, but you'll find something to do."

"Like you're one to talk. You're ditching me to go play in the nearby lake with Taehyung!"

"Don't be like that, I'm sure something will pop up."

As if on cue Jungkook came forward,"hey hyung, I was wondering if you would like to train with me."

"See? Perfect timing Kook! I'll see you guys later. Play nice you two."

Yoongi listened as the younger's footsteps disappeared in the direction of the nearby lake. Then he focused his attention on the youngest.
"Train? I wouldn't be of much help."

"That's not true, as a matter of fact, you're the only one who can help me."

Yoongi swung upward to sit up,"what do you mean?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you could teach me how to sense vibrations. I think it'd be a handy skill to have, and maybe some earthbending techniques," he shrugged.

Yoongi lifted an eyebrow, surprised by the youngest's interest in his technique. He stared in the other's direction, trying to feel his sincerity then stood up,"alright. I'll teach you, but I'm a strict teacher, and if you quit before we finish then don't expect me to try teaching it again. Understood?"

Yoongi was sure the other's eyes lit up in excitement as he answered with an enthusiastic,"okay."


The two had spent the entire day practicing and practicing, with Yoongi explaining everything he knew on the topic. When the two had finally collapsed out of exhaustion it was already night, and Seokjin was calling out for them to join in on dinner.

"So what were you two up to all day?" Namjoon casually asked taking a big spoonful of soup.

"Yoongi was teaching me earthbending," Jungkook happily replied.

"Wah, you're brave! I'm sure Yoongi killed you."

"I didn't have to," Yoongi cut in,"the kids a natural. He was able to mirror everything I taught him almost immediately. He just needs a little more practice with sensing. I don't blame him though, I'm the only one who does it, and it took me being blind to do it."

"Wow, nice Kookie. You got Yoongi to compliment you," Taehyung nudged the other, clearly impressed.

The rest of the night was made of friendly banter and much needed conversation. Eventually the chatter slowly died down and soon they were all getting ready for the night. They went to their respective places around the campfire and snuggled into the beds with Jimin's somehow managing to end up directly next to Yoongi's. Silence soon engulfed the camp.

Yoongi waited as the night drew on, listening to the group's breathing patterns until he was sure they were asleep. He quietly shifted away from Jimin and creeped around the campsite until he reached the edge. Satisfied, he started strolling around the area, he had a lot of thoughts on his mind and he needed a breather. He made sure to make mental note of the directions he was taking so he wouldn't get lost on his way back and settled at the edge of a cliff on a large rock. He couldn't see anything but the breeze gave him enough to know it was probably a clear night, one where the stars twinkled and the moon was bright.
He brought his knees close to his chest and basked in the cool air, trying hard not to dwell on the day's thoughts.
The two hadn't noticed, but Yoongi's hearing was adept, he had managed to tune into their entire conversation even through the winds of the sailer.
He was an experiment, his parents had sacrificed him for what they believed was the greater good then made him forget they'd done anything at all. They had been the entire reason as to why he couldn't see then they were the reason he was forced to endure the painful procedure to fix it. This entire time he'd thought they were overprotecting under certain circumstances and yet it was only so they could keep an eye on their little guinea pig. He felt sick, sicker than the time he'd mistakenly drank cactus juice, and he was sure this one wouldn't get better.
He sniffled, pushing back the tears threatening to fall when he heard a rustle in the bushes. He quickly jumped to his feet and got into stance. The shuffling got louder and soon he felt another presence.

"Who goes there?"

The body emerged and Yoongi only frowned deeper.

"It's just me hyung!"

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?"

He sheepishly shuffled about, trying to find the right words,"well I was sleeping and suddenly woke up and when I saw you weren't in your bed I kinda panicked so I came searching for you. You shouldn't wander off on your own... we don't know when or where we can get attacked."

Yoongi's shoulders visibly relaxed,"I'm fine, you should be sleeping. Don't worry too much about me."

"How can I not? Jimin isn't the only one allowed to worry, we all do."

Yoongi fondly looked over at the boy, but froze when he sensed another presence. Before he could react there was a rope swinging around his arm. He struggled against the hold in attempt to free it to earthbend but it only tightened.
He could hear Jungkook running over before he stilled.

"Jungkook," Yoongi yelled, sensing his body on the floor.

"He's fine," a deep voiced assured," we just knocked him out. Come with us. You have a high bounty and we intend to cash it in."

"A bounty?"

"Look kid it's been a long day, we don't have time for this. Our stuff is by your little campsite and we don't intend to let your friends know we're here so let's get the show on the road."

"And what makes you think I'd go with you?"

"This brat, that's what. You can come with us quietly or we can chop up the kid and you still end up going with us. Take your pick."

Yoongi breathed out, stopping his attempt to escape and walked closer to the man. There was a swift movement and all the sounds vanished, replaced by the silence of his mind.

•_• •_•

The following morning, Jimin was the first to awake when he noticed the presence next to him was missing. He quickly scanned around the campsite to no avail., even going as far as to walk around the area for a bit, returning once again.

"Has anyone seen Yoongi?"

"I thought he was asleep in the tent," Namjoon groggily replied.

"He's not there, and I've checked around the area... there's nothing," Jimin worriedly announced,"all I found was his shoe."

Namjoon immediately woke up, moving toward Jimin to inspect it.

"That's strange. Yoongi doesn't like walking off without his shoes."

"Which is dumb because the entire bottom of the shoes are missing," Hoseok noted.

"I have a bad feeling about this. It might have something to do with his parents."

"Don't be ridiculous Jimin, Yoongi isn't that easy to kidnap. I'm almost positive they're grumbling about what a dumb idea it was to attempt to take him."

"So then he was kidnapped!"

"Wait- what? No, that's not what I meant-"

"Smooth Hoseok," Namjoon amusedly smirked,"as amusing as this is. If Yoongi really was taken then we need to act fast. He may be a good earthbender and fighter, but it doesn't change the fact that he's blind at the moment. If the enemy can find a way to use that to their advantage then we have a problem on our hands."

"Wait," Seokjin interrupted,"where's Jungkook?"


Yoongi rolled his eyes for the millionth time since he was placed in the metal crate. He never knew bounty hunters could be so dumb. He shifted around, finally managing to release his hands from the cuffs they put on him and angrily threw the bag they put over his head.

"Did those es even look into my eyes," he furiously grumbled, stepping on the bag in irritation,"the only thing it managed to do is bother my breathing. What a nuisance."

"Hyung, be quiet, I'm trying to sleep," a groggy voice startled the older.

"Jungkook? What the hell are you doing here?"

Jungkook seemed to remember previous events as he jumped up,"that's right! They were trying to take you, but one snuck up on me."
He let out a loud groan,"they must've brought me along. Gahhh! I'm so dumb! How could I not sense him!"

"Sensing movement doesn't just come over night, you have to train. You can't expect to learn everything on the spot Mr. Golden Maknae. Besides, they bested me too, even lost a damn shoe when they were carrying me."

"Where do you think they're taking us, and who do you think they are?"

"Before they knocked me out the first time they mentioned a bounty so they're hunters. And while you were playing sleeping beauty, I heard them say we're headed to Serpent's Pass, but the only location beyond that would be the Earth Kingdom. Who would want us there?"

Yoongi's eyebrows knitted together as a thought popped in his head, and judging by the other's nervous movement, he probably thought the same thing.

"Yoongi I'm sure you don't want to hear this, but the only ones in the Earth Kingdom are... your parents. I'm only here because I saw their faces and maybe as leverage over you, so the real target was you."

Yoongi could sense the solemn tone in the other's words, making him resign from his usual defense. He was probably right, why would he even think his parents incapable of such a deed, they've done much worse from his recent recollection. He sighed in defeat, looking in the direction of the younger.

"It's the only logical explanation. I guess Seokjin was right."

A hand was placed comfortingly on his shoulder, in what Yoongi guessed was the younger's way of consoling him.

"No use dwelling on it, we need to find a way out of this box before we enter the Serpent's Pass. The others don't even know where we are, so we're on our own."

"Lovely. Looking out through the cracks in this metal death box, I'd say we're about half a days ride in, which means we're not too far yet. Any ideas hyung?"

"I might have one, but there's absolutely no guarantee it'll work. As a matter of fact it's going to seem flat out impossible."

"Then let's hope you can do the impossible because I don't feel like going to Ba Sing Se on the most dangerous path."


"How on earth are we supposed to find them?! There's almost no clues and for all we know they could've gone to the nearest town."

"I say we wait until nightfall and if they still haven't returned then we back track, and head back to Ba Sing Se."

"Why Ba Sing Se?"

Hoseok shrugged,"because I heard there's a new Shadow figurine being sold at one of the shops! If I collect it then I'll have them all!"

"Do you even care about the two?!"

"Of course I do, I'm just saying it'd be a mutual benefit if they are actually there."

Seokjin smacked his forehead, unsure of what to think when a disoriented Taehyung shot up,"aliens have green skin and four fingers."
As soon as he woke up, he was back down, snoring away.

"This group is going to be the death of me."


Jungkook watched as the older took in a deep breath, seemingly going into a deep concentration before placing his palms forward.
In two swift movements the entire front of the metal coffin bent outward. Jungkook's eyes widened in utter disbelief, holding his mouth to avoid letting out a small gasp as the other concentrated again. This time the entire front blew off, a blast of wind hitting them full force as they were met with the outside world. He glanced around, noticing they were on the back of a type of carriage, deep greenery surrounding them. Luckily the loud noise had been drowned out by the harsh winds and their kidnappers hadn't suspected a thing.

He quickly grabbed the older's hand and pulled him to his side before jumping out of the coffin, and softening their landing with his air bending. He didn't believe conflict would be the best option so he instead let the wagon continue on its journey.

"We're off, so now what do we do?"

"We ride the mountain waves," Yoongi smirked, making Jungkook tilt his head in question.


When Yoongi said ride the mountain waves Jungkook didn't think the other had actually meant riding mountains, but here he was skating along the earth on tiny hills the other taught him how to make. It was fun to say the least, but overall it was fascinating. How was the older such a genius when he was practically blind? It was truly amazing.
Jungkook glanced around to make sure they weren't being followed. They had escaped hours ago, already coming close to the group's last camping location.

He looked over at the older, "Earlier. What did you do? How were you able to open the coffin?"

"Metal bending," Yoongi smirked,"I concentrated on the elements within the metal and I was able to bend it to my will. I didn't think it'd actually work though, takes a lot of concentration."

"When we get back safely you've gotta teach me how you do-" Jungkook started, but soon the mountain he had been riding on dispersed and the ground came rushing at him as a fireball flew past.

"Did you think it'd be that easy to escape? We have orders to capture the blind one alive, but we didn't kill you out of the goodness of our hearts."

Once Jungkook caught his balance, managing to land safely on the ground, he turned around,"what, you want my thanks or something? Yeah, I appreciate you kidnapping my hyung and deciding to keep me alive. Much appreciated,"he scoffed watching another fireball whirl by.

"Watch your mouth kid. You put our journey a day behind, but whatever. As long as we get the prince here back home we get our pay."

"Prince? Then the people who sent you..." Yoongi knowingly asked. Jungkook figured the older more than likely stopped moving when Jungkook was first attacked.

"Obviously the Sir and the Misses sent us. Told us their kid ran away, but we didn't care, the money was what caught our attention. We need the coins so let's get you back to your parents."

Yoongi stood up straighter,"no."

"Great, just what we needed, some rebellious kid running away from home. Spare me brat."

"Come with us now, or we'll-"

"Fight us?" Yoongi interrupted,"I'd like to see you try now that we're ready."

Without hesitation the man threw a rock at them making Yoongi jump up to shatter it. As soon as it broke apart, Jungkook firebended toward them. The two narrowly avoided it and soon one was haphazardly throwing fireballs. Jungkook immediately airbended, causing them to disperse before they could hit the older. Yoongi took the opportunity to earthbend downward, making the ground beneath the firebender sink inward and harden as only his head stuck out. The second man tried to react, but before he could, Jungkook was alrighty blowing him off his feet. When the man landed with a loud thud, the younger quickly tied his hands behind him. As soon as he was done, Jungkook grabbed Yoongi's arm and sprinted in the direction of camp. He pulled the older onto his back and recreated the hill top skis.
"Why are you carrying me," Yoongi questioned when they were in the clear, obviously annoyed.

"I didn't know if you were hurt or anything... I didn't want you falling behind so I just assumed and picked you up."

Yoongi heavily breathed out, deciding to ignore his annoyance for the moment. He clung to the younger until they arrived at their previous camp. When Jungkook let him down, the first thing he sensed was Jimin's figure pacing back and forth. He smiled to himself as they got closer and when Jimin finally noticed them, he practically dove into their arms.

"I was so worried! What the hell happened to you two?!"

Yoongi felt Jungkook's gaze on him as he explained everything that happened starting from the night before.

"We need to leave. Who knows if those creeps are still chasing us or not, and I'd rather not find out."

Jimin nodded and jogged off to alert the others who all came running out to ask the same questions. When they were all packed they continued their journey on foot as the sailor had become of no use once they reached forest.

"The people in the village told me the next town had Ostrich horses. We'll need to buy them so we can travel faster especially now that we know we're- or rather Yoongi- is being targeted," Seokjin informed them when they stopped for a quick water break,"it should only be about half a day's journey."

They all quickly nodded, placing their items back in their bags and standing up.

"We're heading back to the water tribe right?" Taehyung asked.

"That's right Tae... why?"

"I was just curious. Isn't the winter solstice coming up?"

"Winter solstice," Hoseok lifted an eyebrow.

"Yeah the winter solstice. You know, the one where all the spirits roam the earth," Taehyung explained.

"What kind of nightmare is that?!"

"A historical nightmare. It's a part of history, you should be proud to even be a part of it."

"How can I be excited or happy about it when ghosts will be littering the streets! I need to know what day it is so I won't go out," Hoseok whined," if I'm not careful my soul will leave my body and I'd have to wait till the end of the day for it to come back."

"That's not true," Yoongi assured, patting Hoseok on the back,"it probably wouldn't even return."

Hoseok's face visibly paled and soon he was clinging on the oldest's arm,"Jin!! They're being mean again! Please tell me I'm not going to die!"

"There's no way he can tell you that because you are dying..."


"... of old age. I mean aren't we all?" He amusedly chuckled.

Seokjin only lifted an eyebrow in Yoongi's direction,"stop bullying him Suga."

The name seemed to gain the younger's attention making him scowl.
"Don't call me that."

"Why? Don't like being called what you're not? Suga?"

Yoongi puffed out a cheek,"cut it out."

Hoseok's attitude quickly changed as he gained confidence,"Aw, is little Suga not happy that the tables have turned? Suga's so cu-"
There was an ear piercing scream as the younger was launched in the air. The group watched as he flew high into the sky and quickly began dropping.

"Will he be okay?" Namjoon asked in concern as he watched the small speck falling behind the trees.

Jimin, who had had a hand shading over his eyes to block the sun, simply shrugged," he should be fine. I've seen worse happen. Let's just keep going."

The group all followed one by one, deciding the older could fend for himself. They had reached the town a lot sooner than expected and decided to go eat. Halfway into their meal a dark outline of a person slammed a hand on their table.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys," Hoseok growled, face covered in dirt and hair full of branches and leaves.

"Oh, Hobi! It's so nice of you to join us," Yoongi smiled happily.

"I'm going to kill you guys one day," he huffed, forcibly sitting down and yanking the chicken wing out of Yoongi's hand and eating it.

"Somebody is in a bad mood," the older teased,"it's not our fault you missed half the day, we should be the mad ones, I mean we even got the ostrich horses while you were off having fun."

"You're the reason I was sent flying!"

"Yes and you are welcome. I spared you from the long boring shopping trip."

"Yeah I even got a new necklace and scroll," Taehyung bragged, showing off his new accessory.

"That doesn't seem boring to me! I wanted to buy stuff."

"Well then maybe you should've came sooner instead of taking the detour in the woods."

Hoseok was going to respond, but simply took a deep breath and turned away.

"Oh lighten up Hobi, I'm just messing with you. We won't leave until later so knock yourself out, but take someone with you. We've been advised to stay in groups."

"I'll go with you," Namjoon offered.

Hoseok's face lit up as he removed some of the nature bits in his hair. He quickly grab Namjoon's arm and took off in the direction of the merchants, dragging the other behind.
He had spent the majority of the time window shopping for items he knew he could never afford, but when he came across a specific store, his excitement got the better of him.
He was about to run inside when Namjoon yanked him back, "we don't need a messenger hawk."

"But-but! It'd be so cool to have one!"

Namjoon shook his head,"cool? Yes. Logical? Not at all."

Hoseok frowned, glancing at the building when he noticed two males entering the building with a poster and letter. He curiously eyed them as they paid and attached the items to the birds leg.

Hoseok froze when he saw the two's faces. He smacked Namjoon's arm to get his attention, lowering his voice down to a whisper," they match Jungkook's description. We need to leave before they find us."

"Hey!" Someone suddenly yelled, gaining their attention,"have I seen you two somewhere before?"

Hoseok furiously shook his head,"no of course not! The world is far too big, I'm sure you saw someone that looked like me. I've never seen you in my life."

The man watched Hoseok's almost robotic movements, glancing at Namjoon.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse my brother he's a little-" Namjoon twirled a finger around the side of his head,"- you know?"

The man nodded in understanding,"I get it. Well you fellas haven't happened to see anyone blind that looks like this have you?"

To their horror Hoseok had been right as they stared at a poorly drawn picture of their friend.

"Not at all, but if I do I'll make sure to let you know," Namjoon assured, waving the two off as they headed in the opposite direction.
When they were out of sight they breathed out and made a beeline for the others.

"We need to leave! They're in the town already. We ran into them while shopping."

Luckily the rest had decided to stay by each other as they had managed to get their desired items earlier, so they quickly cleared out.

"Those s are persistent. More annoying than the damn shadows if I do say so."

"Say away Yoongi, I agree. At least they take their job seriously. Too bad we're almost broke, I'm sure we could offer them a higher amount to leave us alone and they'd take it," Jimin rolled his eyes,"shallow hunters."

"For now, Yoongi ride with Jimin. I'll ride with Taehyung, and Jungkook can ride his own. We just need to get out of here. Yoongi wear this until we get out of the town," Seokjin commanded, throwing him a long piece of cloth.
The older stared it in confusion until it hit him, automatically wrapping it around his head and neck. It was to protect his identity while looking quite fashionable. With Yoongi's disguise they made it out with ease.
"If we don't get attacked by the time we reach the shore, the journey to my tribe should be smooth sailing. As long as we get out of their sights and off the main path I doubt we'll be spotted. We should be okay."

"It's been a long time since I've said this but... Water Tribe here we come!" Taehyung yelled, fist pounding the air.

Ayo! Lots been happening but most recently I went to a Dance Gavin Dance concert, and the Skillet/ Sick Puppies concert ^.^ (great bands) and I was also a victim of fraud quite recently... life is lovely as an adult *sigh* anyway! Sorry the chapter is low quality, I was trying to fill in the plot but couldn't connect the ideas as nicely as I would've liked to but I mean... whatta you gonna do bout it, we win some and lose some ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ  ~lots of love

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MjYb_J_cKjS #1
Chapter 13: This is really good author-nim! I always come back to aff just to see if you updated! And I absolutely like the amount of yoongs x jimin scenes in every chaps. I'm looking forward to more of them!
Chapter 13: Whoa this is good Please update as soon as u can!!! <3333
allisonlee21 #3
Chapter 10: Yes finally update
Chapter 9: It's been so long T^T
Chapter 9: It's been so long T^T
Namjin_monster123 #6
Chapter 8: I love this your story make me want to do nothing all day but to read your story.
-Jimean #7
Chapter 6: THIS IS AWESOMEE!! Please update
BlueeWings #8
Chapter 5: I am so sorry for your loss
Please take care of yourself before anything else, okay?
You come first.
This chapter was amazing btw XD
BlueeWings #9
Chapter 4: Oh my god I am also sorry I completely forgot to subscribe to this no wonder I got no notifications
Thank god I found it omg
BlueeWings #10
Chapter 2: I LOVE THIS ONG