Enchanted Treasures of Syleria Part One The Training Prologue

Enchanted Treasures of Syleria

Enchanted Treasures of Syleria  
Part One
The Training

“What classes are you taking this year?” A young man asked his friend as they walked towards the school they were attending. They are attending a magical school and as senior students they can pick their own classes of what type of magic they wanted to learn since they have finished learning all the basics the year before.

This young man looked around 22 years old and has light brown hair cut at the base of his neck. He is quite handsome. He is tall and lean. His friend is around the same height as him and also has brown hair but the color is slightly darker and it was cut in similar style as his friend. His complexion is a bit lighter than his friend. “Hm… I’m not sure yet. I need to see what fits me first. The teacher told me that I needed to be tested to see what is best suited for my skills. Have you already taken that test?” He answered and asked as they started to arrive at the schoolyard.

Thinking about all the options he sighed and started to answer his friend. “Not yet, I was going for an Elementalist however that seem a little too much for me so I was thinking maybe a Healer… I don’t know yet. I still need to take the test to see what’s available to me.” They entered the building making their way to the testing room.

Nodding at his friend’s comment he smiled. “Yea, an Elementalist seems a little tough having to know all sorts of spells that controls nature. How about a summoner though? I mean you’d get to summon strong beasts to aid you in battle… Wouldn’t that be cool?” He asked as they turned a corner. People are starting to show up.

“Or I can just focus on one particular element… Fire, Water, Wind, Light, Dark, Wood, Life…” He laughed as they arrived at the classroom. “This is where my teacher wants me. I’ll see you later.” He then said and entered the class leaving his friend.

Upon entering the classroom he smiled as the teacher greeted him. “Good morning Kim Kyu Jong, You’re here early. Have you decided on what you want to learn or are you here to take the test?” She asked kindly as Kyu Jong made his way further into the classroom.

Turning another corner after leaving Kyu Jong behind in that classroom he arrived at his own class. “I’m here Mr. Lee…” He said as he entered the class. “I’m here to take the test to see what’s I’m most suitable for.” He then explained before the teacher said anything.

Nodding at his diligent student he smiled. “Hello Kim Hyung Joon, It’s good to see you here at this time. Most students aren’t here yet. So which path will you choose?”

In the other end of the school two students are called forth. They gave each other a confused glance. “Do you have any idea why we were called suddenly?” One of them asked his friend as they made their way towards the room they were called to.

This young man looked about 23 years old and looked strong. He is also very tall with his long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. His friend had short black hair in a bowl cut and was walking backwards ahead of his friend. “I don’t know but it must have something to do with our Grade. I heard that there are new students we must have been selected to be their guidance.” He told his friend confidently.

Smiling at the suggestion he decided to agree with his friend. “Well I hope we’re not in trouble for the prank we pulled last week. They could be calling us in for that too.” The older of the two stated pensively.

Snorting at that comment he shook his head. “You’re too paranoid, how would they even know it was us? We weren’t even there when it happened!”

Closing in at the classroom they were summoned to they decided to continue the discussion later and entered the classroom. The first thing they noticed in the class was two students and a teacher sitting at a desk with two empty seats.
Above the lands a lone figure watched silently as night crawlers made their presence known throughout the world. It was a dark alleyway and a young man on his way home was suddenly attacked. Snapping into action the figure shouted something and a lot of energy beams rained down on the creatures killing some of them. The remaining beasts ran away. Rushing to the now injured man with a sigh of resignation he started to enter the body of the nearly dead man.

It was late afternoon when he finally came to. Opening his eyes he took in his new form. He struggled to stand up. This body was so weak. If it weren’t for him the man would have died last night. Feeling the effects of the wounds he gasped. There was poison mixed in the blood. He would have to stay in this body much longer than anticipated. Knowing that this body’s owner must have been a powerhouse or they wouldn’t have attacked he shook his head and started to make his way to the only safe place he could think of. The magic school of Seoul. The very place he had been raised centuries or even over a millennia ago.

Arriving at the school late at night he finally collapsed as the body gave out from under him. Pain and fatigue slammed into him. Gasping he summoned his powers trying to alert the people in the school of his presence was nearly useless. It would seem the school is abandoned but he knew better. This body is completely out of energy.

Finally after what seemed like ages an elderly man dressed in robes opened the door. “Help…” He pleaded as loudly as he could but the voice that came out was barely above a whisper. The body giving out again and he fell unconscious yet again.
The testing took all day and night. By the time he finished he was exhausted. Miss Kim gave him a smile and nodded satisfied with his progress. “Kyu Jong Ssi, I think you have potential to become these specific classes. The first one is a life elementalist that focuses on life forms and energy, you will have the ability to boost other people’s life force and… or… cut off someone’s life force. The second one is a Healer that can heal minor wounds. The stronger you get the more you can heal. And the third is a Water Elementalist. A gentle water cleansing can really do wonders for the body and it can also be summoned as strong attacks. Which one will you choose?” She asked him.

At the same time Hyung Joon is in the same position. He wanted to rest but he knows that he needs to keep going. The final test finally finished. Mr. Lee gave him a nod and showed him a list of things he is suited for. “Your body doesn’t have what it takes to be a Resistance but your strong will is more suited for being an Elementalist of a certain nature. I would suggest you start with wind. But of course you can also become a weak summoner if you wish. The beasts you can summon might not listen to you though so you must be careful.” He explained.
Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon met back together the next day in the morning. They have finally finished their test and made a decision of what they wanted to be. Today is the day they meet their new teacher and starting learning about their new abilities. They were still tired from the testing but they were both excited to meet their fellow classmates and eager to learn about their new abilities.

When they arrived at the classroom Mr. Lee and Miss Kim are already sitting at the desk waiting for them. “Welcome. Today we will introduce you to two of our students. They’re adepts and will be your guide until you become a Journeyman.” Mr. Lee explained.

Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon looked at each other confused. “Wait, does this mean we don’t have a new teacher?” Hyung Joon asked voicing out his concern. Kyu Jong didn’t look any better than him.

Laughing a little Miss Kim nodded. “Not exactly, you will have more room to practice your new skills in this way. The abilities will basically come to you when you practice so all you need is guidance. These two are more than capable to do so and they might even give you a surprise or two.” She stated with a knowing smirk.

Mr. Lee noted the horrified look the two students were giving them and chuckled. “It’s the system of our school. There are not enough teachers to go around besides, this is the last test for the two experts. Once they finish training you two they will graduate from school. When You graduate, you will go through with teaching a novice student too.” He stated calmly. The door then opened and two students who didn’t look much older than them walked into the room.

Taken aback at how old these students look Kyu Jong’s eyes widened. “They’re our age!” He exclaimed. “How long have they been here then?” He asked not really comprehending the fact that they would be taught by two people around their age.

Hyung Joon just stared at them flabbergasted. “No way! I’m not listening to kids our age! How would they know what to do when we don’t? Kyu Jong, let’s just figure this out by ourselves we don’t need them.” He stated in denial.

Walking into the classroom and settling into the seats the two stayed quiet for a moment for the teacher to start talking but when Hyung Joon complained Jung Min started speaking. “Be grateful at least you won’t be taught by a child younger than you!” He growled. This drew laughter from his friend.

Hyun Joong nodded and sighed. “That was not fun at all. It was way too awkward. Anyway I’m Kim Hyun Joong, nice to meet you.” He said and introduced himself. “That fuming guy over there is Park Jung Min.”

The teachers smiled at the four of them. “You all know what is needed to be done. Since we have other students to tend to I’ll leave it to you now.” Mr. Lee said and got up to leave the room.

Hyun Joong looked over to Miss Kim. “Are you sure we are the right ones for the job? I mean there are others who are more qualified than us.” He said to the teacher.

Miss Kim nodded and gave Hyun Joong a smirk. “Well yes, there are many Adept students we could have picked but we wanted you two because one you and Jung Min are doing great and according to the stunt you pulled last week, I believe you are more than ready to step out into the world.” She said with a wink leaving all four of them flabbergasted.

“How…” Jung Min spluttered

Kyu Jong and Hyung Joon looked at each other and then they glared at Hyun Joong and Jung Min. “That ice pile and the force field that blocked us was not a coincidence then…” Hyung Joon asked as realization hit him. The teacher told them that it was two of their best students playing a prank on whoever that came by and they were the unlucky victims. That those students won’t go unpunished…

Giving a devious smirk Miss Kim looked up towards a corner of the room. Everyone looked up to see a security camera in the corner of the room behind the door. “Have you forgotten about those pesky things around every corner?” She asked them with raised eyebrow. “Now I want you to get acquainted with each other nicely. I would like to see a friendship form between the four of you before the end of the month. You two, follow them to your dorm rooms. I’m sure you already know that as Senior students you are now required to stay in dorm. The four of you will share a dorm of two bedrooms.” She stated casually and tossed a key over to Hyun Joong and left the room.

Glaring at each other Kyu Jong was the first to sigh and held out his hand. “My name is Kim Kyu Jong and this is my friend Kim Hyung Joon. It’s nice to meet you.” He grunt out and gave a sincere smile. He didn’t want to be angry at these guys.

Hyun Joong smiled and nodded. “Since from now on we’ll be your guide, I guess you’ll have to follow us and listen to us huh?” He teased as he shook Kyu Jong’s hand. “I could get used to that. Let’s start with what abilities we have. But let’s get to our new room first. Let’s go.” He stated. He is now playing with the key and soon he started to leave the room


Author's notes: Hi everyone I hope you liked this. This is the first part of the story and I am not sure how well it would be recieved. This is acutally the first time I'm posting my SS501 Fanfic anywhere. Please let me know in the comments section how you liked it. Please correct me if there is any mistakes too thank you for reading and have nice day/evening I will update more after I get some positive feedbacks.


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