See through

Symptoms of you
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Park JinYoung: "Mr.Wang -- can you hear me? -- J-Jackson --"

Jackson: "I'm right here Doc, you don't have to keep calling out for me, heh."

          Jackson chuckles lightly under his breath, his brightly lit smile lighting up the entire room.

Park JinYoung: "I just wanted to make sure you were present."

Jackson: "I'm here Doc... I'm here."

          He adjusts himself in his seat, spreading his legs apart widely and sinking deep into the burgundy leather sofa cushion, whilst leaning back. His eyes wander, as he continues to fidget, his arm extending over the top of the sofa. 

Park JinYoung: "are you --uncomfortable? You can switch seats if you --"

           Jackson halts in his movement, a toothy grin exposed.

Jackson: "no -- it's okay, I'm fine."

Park JinYoung: "okay -- so Jackson -- how are we today?"

Jackson: "uh... We~ are fine."

              He giggles lightly.

Park JinYoung: "you seem a bit agitated today. Do you not want to be here?"

Jackson: "I didn't think that I had a choice."

Park JinYoung: "you're right -- though these sessions are mandatory, you don't have to engage if you don't want to."

        Jacksons head tilts slightly.

Jackson: "so~ we can just sit here for an hour?"

Park JinYoung: "if you want. My job is only to observe you Jackson."

          Jacksons head returns to its previous position.

Jackson: "that sounds a bit -- boring."

             His arms wrap around his midsection.

Park JinYoung: "okay, so -- what do You want to talk about?"

Jackson: "I don't really know."

Park JinYoung: "do you mind if I suggest a topic then?"

Jackson: "...sure."

Park JinYoung: "you've been away for a while. Can you tell me where you went?"

Jackson: "I have?"

Park Jinyoung: "Y-yes."

Jackson: "I uh -- I don't really remember to be honest."

            He laughs airily, while scratching at the back of his neck in an attempt to mask his embarrassment. 

Park JinYoung: "hmm -- does that concern you?"

Jackson: "I -- I never really thought about it. Until now..."

Park JinYoung: "so -- no idea on what made you come back?"

Jackson: "I didn't even know I was gone, heh..."

            Jackson sits there silently, his legs slowly bringing themselves together at the knees; his hands clasped against the Other, and tucked in between them, held in place by his kneecaps. His head lowers, and he exhales lightly.

Park JinYoung: "is something the matter Jackson?"

Jackson: "n-no."

           His head lowers gradually. 

Park JinYoung: "so may I ask why you, why the sudden change in your demeanor?"

               Jackson scoffs. 

Jackson: "because... it's weird... it's like... All my life... I've only seen my memories in flashes, never completely."

Park JinYoung: "in flashes?"

Jackson: "Yeah."

         Using his index finger, he scratches along the side of his nose whilst expelling a breathy laugh. 

Park Jinyoung: "Can you tell me what you remember in regards to~ transferring here?"

            Jackson lowers his hand. 

Jackson: "I uh... I uh... I just remember seeing you."

            He raises his head, and proceeds to stare forward, his smile beginning to waver. 

Park JinYoung: "me?"

            Jackson nods lightly.

Jackson: "y-yeah. I just remember feeling really, really sick and then -- I was taken to meet you..."

Park JinYoung: "and then?"

Jackson: "Nothing... until..."

Park Jinyoung: "Until?"

Jackson: "Until... Mark..."

Park JinYoung: "Mark Tuan?"

Jackson: "I-I don't want to do this anymore."

            He begins to squirm, still held within his own arms. 

Park JinYoung: "Jackson -- What were you doing before you met Mark?"

Jackson: "I really can't remember."

Park JinYoung: "not a single thing?"

Jackson: "no."

            He unwraps his arms, and grips along the sides of the cushioned seats. 

Park JinYoung: "you do realize that, that is quite a gap of time missing there, right?"

             Jackson lowers his head once again. 

Jackson: "I'm sorry that I can't remember."

Park JinYoung: "don't be -- this is why you're here. To piece together those missing spaces in your memories."

             He raises his head, a flickered smile exposing itself. 

Park JinYoung: "how are things going with Mark?"

Jackson: "I'm~ not quite sure."

             He smirks lightly. 

Park JinYoung: "can you elaborate?"

         Jacksons head lowers once again, and his right hand raises to remove the cap from his head. His left hand follows suit, brushing through his hair, sweeping it back before placing the cap back atop his head. He chuckles softly under his breath, then looks back toward Park JinYoung and smiles softly. 

Park JinYoung: "last time we spoke -- things seemed almost fairytale like."

Jackson: "I just -- I just don't know where we stand sometimes."

Park JinYoung: "and why is that?"

Jackson: "sometimes~ I just feel like he doesn't see me, you know?"

Park JinYoung: "I'm not really comprehending."

Jackson: "I just don't feel like I'm enough sometimes. Like -- he doesn't look at me the same way he looks at others."

Park JinYoung: "others such as?"

Jackson: "Jr."

Park JinYoung: "Jr Is back in the picture?"

Jackson: "Y-yeah."

Park JinYoung: "I thought that he was gone. Haven't heard about him in quite some time."

Jackson: "you know the way it is Doc, it's like he can smell when I'm
Feeling unsure of myself... and he takes advantage of that."

Park JinYoung: "so he came back only after meeting Mark?"

            Jackson nods his head in response. 

Jackson: "Yeah... and of course he's only even being nice to Mark because he knows that I -- that I like him."

Park JinYoung: "and why do you think that is?"

Jackson: "because he always has to prove that he is better than me. It's like it's his only reason for existing."

            With his elbow digging into his upper thigh, he props his head up within his opened hand. 

Park JinYoung: "and was Mark receptive to his games?"

Jackson: "He just seemed so much more interested in him. I've been trying to pretend that it doesn't bother me but, I feel like it's making me crazy!"

           He exclaims, nearly jumping out of his seat, and returning to an upright seated position. 

Park JinYoung: "you know that we don't use that word here."

Jackson: "sorry..."

Park JinYoung: "don't apologize -- instead, why don't you tell me what was it that he did."

            Jackson sighs gently. 

Jackson: "okay, well -- it started when I was on my way back to my dorm. I had gone to see Mark, but he wouldn't answer the door."

Park JinYoung: "maybe he wasn't there?"

Jackson: "no, he's just bi polar that way... one day he'd be happy to see me, the next he'd act weirded out by me."

Park JinYoung: "what did I tell you about diagnosing people?"

Jackson: "sorry Doc."

Park JinYoung: "so what happened after? -- did you go back to your room?"

Jackson: "I never made it... I started to feel really sick again... and --"

           A small collective of students brush by Jackson, who, in his weakened state simply drags himself across the beige tiling beneath his feet, pushing past each of them. A sudden insufferable throbbing in his head causing him to freeze in his actions. His hand presses firmly against the nearest door, pushing it open before stepping inward. A black baby grand piano sits at the head of the class, its bench already pulled out. 
         He motions toward it and seats himself, his elbows resting against its fallboard, his face planted in his sweaty palms. He groans lightly, digging his fingers into the sides of his head, as the throbbing pain continues to grow. He releases a shallow breath of air, while shutting his eyes tightly and trying to tune out the world.

Jr: "you know -- I look the same exact way when I think of you playing the piano."

Jackson: "I'm really not in the mood..."

Jr: "why don't you go see the nurse? -- you look worse than usual."

           He raises his head and turns to face Jr,  he scoffs before pushing away from the piano and standing up shakily. He stumbles lightly, and Jr rushes forth to catch him but is thwarted away by Jacksons flailing arms. He stands aside and watches Jackson make his way to one of the empty seats near the back of the empty classroom. Jr Shakes his head while making his way toward the now vacant piano bench.

Jr: "I don't even know why you're in here... just you being near an instrument is blasphemous to all of the truly great artiste."

           He raises the fallboard while scooting closer to the now exposed keys. Jackson, unable to even keep his eyes open, lays his head flat atop the desk attached to his seat. His hands push down on the desk as he tries to raise his head. Successfully doing so, he stares straight ahead, his lips twitching slightly as he attempts to form a smile upon seeing Mark, now standing in the doorway.
           Music then starts being played on the piano, by Jr. Jackson turns his head hesitantly, and he watches as Jr.s thin fingers tickle the ivory keys. His head lowered,mind focused, and completely absorbed in the music being produced. Jackson cringes while turning back to face Mark who has yet to even realize he is in the same room, his attention solely placed on Jr.
           Jacksons bottom lip quivers, as a cold sweat takes over him. He watches as Mark begins to approach the piano, resting his hand atop it and watching Jr play as if under some sort of trance. 

Park JinYoung: "and then you left?"

Jackson: "no..."

Park JinYoung: "may I ask why not?"

Jackson: "I guess that -- I'm just a glutton for punishment, heh..."

Park JinYoung: "how did it make you feel for Mark to not even notice you were there?"

Jackson: "it's something that I've had to get use to -- people tend to not see me when Jr Is in the room."

Park JinYoung: "so then what happened?"

Jackson: "Mark just stood there, until he finished playing an entire song."

Park JinYoung: "had they met before?"

Jackson: "I- I don't know. But it seemed as if Mark already knew him. It was weird. He told me that he hadn't made any other friends, and that he didn't plan to... but..

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Chapter 20: I'm in tears again. Please don't tell me Mark is dead. Please don't. They should be together. My heart is in pain right now.
Markson95 #2
Chapter 20: Oh god !! I can't stop the tears why is this do sad?! TT
Chapter 20: oh no...i couldn't stop crying well i was reading just felt so real (TT_TT)
Chapter 19: This chapter has me in tears...
carolbension #5
Chapter 19: OMG This is story is amazing !! A master piece.. everytime that i read i feel like if i was watching a tv serie!! a good one!!! i cant describe it but is so wonderful .. the emotion that you make me feel trough your words is inexplicable ... the whole story is well written and so catchy .. the mistery that it had is woww and the way you describe each scene is amazing .. for example.. the last part of this chapter just broke my heart .. the way that mark explained jackson that their love need to end because he doesnt exit .. that he needs to go back to the clinic in order to get better but the same time it means the end of their love story.. it's just so hearbroken TTTT this story just touch my heart so deep .... your story is like a rose with its thorns beautiful but painful ... and i love it !!! i fall in love with your story .. with your writing style!!! Thank you for writing this fic!!!! .. this story is amazing ... the amazing plot and the way you developed is incredible!!! how i wish i could express myself better so that i could tell you every emtoion that you made me feel through this story!!!! if i could upvote every time you update , i will because you deserve it!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for my lack of english skills TT i'm not good at it since it's not my native language.... I will wait to the next chapter !!
Chapter 18: God this story is amazing.
Oh my God I so love this story, it's definitely one of my favourites!!♡
Lunaywolf #8
Chapter 16: Whats happening??? Where is Mark??? whats going on?
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg omg is Kayee going to meet Mark? Or Mark's mother? Oh dear God I love this story. ♡