

Hello everyone~ I'm back~ Although I was never gone so you can practically ignore me...
I wanted to send special thanks to Shiro_Darkness for commenting on this story and for being an awesome fanfiction writer herself (seriously...check her fanfictions out!!!!)

And special special thanks go to my wonderful kittycat~ <3 I hope you'll like the further progress of this story~ >w<
Your encouragement gave me strength~ <3



Taekwoon repeated the name over and over in his head like a mantra. The sound...the pure sound of the name made him smile and he felt his whole body become warm and light. He couldn't explain it but he somehow was sure that he'll be able to get along with him very well.
The closer they got to the place Wonshik's friend Sanghyuk lived in the more excited Taekwoon became.

The house was outside the city, far away from any rest of civilization.
Sanghyuk is probably someone who likes animals.Maybe he works with them. Maybe he rolls around with them in the hay.
He quickly shook his head. Wow...what was he thinking...and why the heck did it make him smile?
After a few more minutes they arrived a house that was far from a friendly farm or whatever Taekwoon had imagined. It was dark and seemed so...cold.
There was no other way to describe it.
On top of a partly destroyed wall which marked the border of the house's garden was a young boy, sitting there and staring into the distance.
Although he seemed to be well build with broad shoulders and tall he seemed so little. So helpless.
Wonshik sighed as he stopped next to the wall.
"Hyukkie, I'm sorry I forgot the time.", Wonshik immediately started to apologize as the young boy crawled on the passenger seat earning just a little nod and a quiet 'Okay.' from the addressed person.
"Oh by the way...this is Taekwoon. You know my friend from college,my former roommate. I told you about him.", Hyuk's head shot up immediately and he looked at Taekwoon with an expression that was difficult to describe. But what Taekwoon could clearly see was...fear.
He usually saw this reaction when people saw him. Mostly because he seemed so 'cold' as Hakyeon described it a few times.

"You know..when I first saw you I was kinda intimidated," Hakyeon threaded his hands through Taekwoon's hair as they sat cuddled up on the couch in the living room. There were two glasses of wine on the table as the couple just wanted to have an evening for themselves. Hakyeon had been busy with his patients and Taekwoon had a terrible inspiration blockade so writing songs was impossible for him right now. So they just...talked. Talked about everything and nothing and at some point they looked on their past as Hakyeon spoke his mind.
Taekwoon looked up to his boyfriend and frowned.
"Ayyyy~ Woonie don't look at me like that! I love you~ Just back then...I didn't know you and it seemed so impossible to get near you. You seemed so perfect and yet you always looked...emotionless."
Taekwoon tried hard to understand what his boyfriend was saying, trying to ignore the light shade of pink that creeped on his face as the older called him perfect.
If someone was perfect then it was Hakyeon.
He had rejected him so many times before but 'giving up' was not in Cha Hakyeon's dictionary.
"Just over time...I saw your little emotions. You might mot wear your heart on your sleeve and you don't talk much...but you care. Especially for those around you and I just wanted you to care for me like that as well~", he grinned as he now saw the pink cheeks of his boyfriend.
He was so glad to have him and he would never let him go.
"I love your smile, Woonie~ Try to smile more,nae?"

To smile...
Maybe the younger thought he was dangerous, intimidating...
He had some problem in his life as well...what if he had problems with quiet and intimidating people.
Taekwoon took a deep breath and tried his best to bring a small smile to his face.
"Nice to meet you, Hyuk-ssi"
The reaction however was not what he expected...he saw...he actually didn't know what he saw in Hyuk's face.
At least nothing that made sense to him. He was pretty sure that he saw hurt in the other's gaze who quickly turned around and nodded.
"N-Nice to meet you too, Taekwoon-ssi"
Needless to say that the drive to the support group was dominated by a deafening silence.
Taekwoon was confused.
What did he do wrong?




As they arrived at the community hall, the place where the support group had their sessions together, they saw Jaehwan running to them while waving his hands in the air.
"Ohmygodohmygod!", he took a deep breath, "You are finally here. I was already scared that something happened to you, Taekwoon hyung! Hakyeonnie surely would've killed me or worse and you were late so I panicked and-", he stopped blabbering as Taekwoon poked his forhead.
"We are here...that's what counts, right?", Jaehwan sulked and rubbed his forehead mumbling a quiet 'meanie' before returning back to his usual bubbly self.
"Ohhhhh~ Come in come in~ And Hyukkie come with us~ I'm glad you came again!", Jaehwan smiled brightly and pulled them both inside leaving Wonshik alone.
"It's okay. Don't mind me. I will just...gaaah who am I talking to anyway...", Wonshik sighed and got bac into the car.
"Now I can understand why Hyukkie wanted to skip..."

There was nothing special about this community hall. At least not from the outside. It seemed like just any other house in the street but as soon as they entered they were greeted by a bright and welcoming atmosphere. The inside was in contrast to the facade of the house modern and there were a lot of windows to the backside of the house which led to a small park with a pond.
Jaehwan laughed at Taekwoon's obvious surpeides expression.
"I call it the magical hideout~ We wanted to make it like a home for all those who seek for help. It took us a while but in the end we made it~", He looked around grinning poudly before remembering why he was actually here.
"Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.. we have to hurry!!! The others are already waiting!", he quickly pulled a amazed Taekwoon and the still silent Hyuk to on of the rooms on the right corridor.
"Let the torture begin...", the words were so quiet that he was nearly sure that he only imagined it but as he looked up to Hyuk, the boy was surprisingly a bit taller than he was, he realized that the younger was looking straight at him and sighed.


Again pretty short...I knooooowwww ;w;
I just don't want to rush things an mess them up... >w<
Anyways~ I hope you like it~
Please leave a comment because comments are the author's payment~ :3
See yaaaa~

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ashkhen #1
missing_vixx #2
Chapter 8: OMG cliffhanger... >< but I can't wait to see what happens next
Chapter 7: I need air... i seriously do
Chapter 7: ùeak:fdcfùsdmkc, O M G
Chapter 7: YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333333
ashkhen #6
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Whatever happened to Taekwoon has something to do with a fire and he probably remembered something that's why he looks pained. I wonder what's going on with Hyuk.
missing_vixx #7
Chapter 6: Taekwoon~~~ TT___TT I hope you will find your answer soon and not be in pain. As well as not hurting the ones who love you.
Good luck Authornim with the writing!
Chapter 6: MY HEARTU!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO LEEEEEOOOOOO WHY U RUN AWAY!?!?! *flips a table but puts it back in place cause i don't want to get in trouble*
joanna20 #9
Chapter 6: Welcome back. But taekwon ah u run away! It will oni hurt yourself & hakyeon!!!! :-(
Karenkitty1092 #10
Chapter 6: I wonder what Taekwoon remembered and what Hyuk has to do with this. Hope you update soon.