The Final Dance

Just Friends (oneshot)

I gasped.

The dancefloor, the entire gym was just beautiful. Red lanterns were stacked to form glowing pillars, and white ones decorated the ceiling. There were LED lights by the DJ's booth and huge speakers stood on both sides of it. But somehow, this year was different, and not as beautiful as the gym.


On the first year, it was simple, just the stage was decorated, and there were strobe lights like they probably did every year. I was in all red except of my white oversized shirt, so almost all my acquiantances that night remembered me as the 'girl in red', if not 'Mir's cousin'. I was shy; it was my first time going to my cousin's school event, as a matter of fact, my first time going to his school at all. And it was an all boys school to make matters worse.


Being one of the only girls in my cousin's group of friends, of course I was noticed. I noticed even the subtlest form of flirting and ignored them, not wanting to get involved with any of them, no matter how incredibly gorgeous they all were. 


But he caught my eye.


He was not very different, he wore the same flowery collared shirt and brown shoes I found quite amusing, and there was something about his soft smile that reeled me in. Amazing.


He was nice to everyone, even me, so I assumed this was no special treatment. In his eyes, I was the same as everyone else, I did not stand out. And that hurt the most. Me, who attracted attention throughout the night, became attracted to Lee Kikwang.


The day after that, I became curious, adding him as my friend on a social networking site and unconsciously bringing myself to ask about him to my cousin. I ignored all the text messages of my persistent admirers, desperate to know more about him. 


And soon, we clicked.


It was my birthday in two weeks, and he didn't forget. A week before, he had already flooded my page with greetings, and that was more than enough of a gift for me, rather than all the things my suitors gave me.


On the second year, we were closer. As I watched the dance club perform, I couldn't help but wonder where he was. And right after, he was just behind me. His friend Yoseob was part of the dance club.


And just moments later, he was leaning in without a word, his face was getting closer and closer! My heart was thumping and I felt my cheeks burn. 


But then, suddenly--


"Yo, Kikwang, didn't see you there!" Mir had interrupted our little scene. He had blocked Kikwang and was in front of me, a fake smile plastered on his face. He was obviously annoyed, protective little jerk. Kikwang cleared his throat, muttering, "Hello, Mir."


He smiled at me softly before going to Yoseob, who was jumping excitedly, still pumped up after the performance.


Mir raised his eyebrows at me, and I rolled my eyes, going up to the cafeteria.


The night was just awesome, I danced with him most of time, with Mir keeping close watch. I shaked away the thought of his eyes straying towards us.


As he left, he only smiled.


And 8 months before this year's dance, was Valentines. It was Friday, and I had to rush over at Mir's school, I was late. I only got to see the variety show, and stayed with my cousin, who was once more being so overly protective. 


"I'm gonna buy pizza," I told him, hopping off the bleachers.


"You sure you can go alone?"


"Yes, Mir," I said reluctantly and went off to the pizza stand. I caught sight of Yoseob as I walked, but it seems he didn't see me. But Kikwang did.


"You with Mir?" he asked as I payed for my pizza, to which I nodded in reply. He had followed me over to the stand and walked me back to the bleachers. "I... I have something to say."


"Yeah?" I asked hopefully, looking back at him, my eyes twinkling in delight.


"No, nevermind."


"But Kwangie--"


"Later," he smiled, and walked back up to the bleachers with Yoseob.


Later came, and I was nervous. Later was after the variety show, and everyone was filing out of the gymnasium. 


I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. Kikwang. Without a word, he handed me a single red rose, and smiled as Yoseob pulled him away with a grin. I watched as he was carried away in the sea of people, and mouthed "Happy Valentines."


And now, 8 months later, here I was, still in my jeans and hoodie, waiting for a miracle to happen. We hadn't seen each other in 8 months, in this was one of the last times I was going to see him before he finally graduates and heads off to college. I smile as I see him in the cafeteria, and I couldn't believe Mir was actually taking me to him and asking him to watch over me while he goes to the floor and performs with his crew.


My heart was ready to burst.


After talking for a while, we decided to go down. Only a few steps from the stairs, Mir and his crew were starting to perform.


I grabbed him hand, dragging him down the stairs. I smiled to myself as I heard him chuckle and follow me willingly. I asked him to take pictures with my cousin's camera, and he agreed.


"I. Can't. See!" I whined, standing on my tippy toes. Kikwang laughed. "Don't laugh at me!"


"But it's funny!" he chuckled, and continued taking pictures. I grabbed on to his shoulder for support, and I saw a smile creeping up to his face. I smiled as well.


Once the performance was done, we walked away from the crowd. I found it sweet that he was pushing people out of the way politely, one of his arms wrapped protectively around my shoulder, making me blush like mad.


"Hey, introduce me to your date, Kikwang!" A girl giggled behind us, and we turned around. She was pretty, with long hair, fair skin and pretty eyes. She was wearing an LBD, unlike me, the boyish little dork who didn't own even one pair of sandals. "I'm Sohyun!"


I mumbled my name shyly, and she laughed.


"Oh, no need to be shy. And you don't have to worry about me, I'm Kikwang's little sister," she joked, and Kikwang and I both stared at her for the 'don't worry about me' part. "What, aren't you guys going out?"


"No!" we shouted at the same time, and Sohyun laughed. "We're just friends," Kikwang added.


"Well, you should. The both of you look very good together," she smiled. "You don't have a boyfriend right?" I shook my head. "And Kikwang has no girlfriend, so you two should give it a try." And she walked away, hooking her arm onto her date's.


No, we're just friends.


Kikwang stared at me for a while, and I got a bit uncomfortable. Just friends.


"Hey," he said, "Let's get our picture taken at the photo booth." He smiled, that smile that forces me to give in every single time.


He just had to look out for me, every single time. Every time I looked at him, his eyes were filled with concern. But what kind of concern? For a friend? For a girlfriend? The pain of knowing we could never be more than this was unbearable.


I faked my smiles in front of the camera, hiding the pain.


As we walked back to the dance floor, he noticed how quiet I had been.


"Are you okay?" he asked. "Sleepy?" I just nodded. We sat on the bleachers before he said, "That's not it. Was it because of what Sohyun said?"


I didn't answer.


"Look," he grabbed my chin, making me look at up at him. "I... I love you, okay? I hoped so much you would see that. Everytime you're here, I don't know what I should do to make you laugh and smile. My heart wants to jump out of my chest and leap into your hands, because it knows its yours. I couldn't tell you because Mir was going to kill me. I tried so many times, and I.. I... I always failed."


He let go, and stared at the ground. I took his face in my hands, cupping his chubby cheeks.


"I love you, Kwangie," I smiled, and hooked my arm around his, resting my head on his shoulder and falling asleep.




Comments? I'm working on an update for Red, White and Black so the guy just had to be Kikwang, lol. 

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AThirteen #2
hi beshie bahahaha
AThirteen #3
sorry na kailangan ko lang ng karma HAHAHAHAHAHA
DancingQueenHyoyeon #4
so cute!!!!!!!!!!
m0zarts0nata-- #5
cyopta! :3
>/////////////////<<br />
he's just too adorable... i just watch their mv beautiful, Kwangie's soooooooo cute!!!! LOL<br />