Pisces, the adaptable and sensitive.

The Aries' Pisces

Irene's lazy personality became more evident as days go by. Unwashed dishes, sleeping on a bed with piled up clothes, shoes all around the floor. Wendy surprisingly adapted well to the situation though. She did Irene's dishes and even helped her arrange things all over the floor when she came back early from her lessons. Wendy would sometimes remind Irene to attend her lessons ever since the first day and she did, but still sneaking out at times with her new friend Seulgi. But honestly all Irene and Seulgi does is chat and sleep during lectures.

Wendy and Irene sort of grew closer as they start to know each other's habits. Irene knows how Wendy is neat, organized, and of course, always studying, while Wendy knows Irene is the total opposite of her. However, they haven't actually got to have a proper chat with each other yet. All they had was a simple introduction the first day they met. They often had their meals on their own. Until the end of the second week. Irene came back but realised she ran out of food and it just so happens that Wendy was about to make her dinner. So Wendy, looking at Irene's pout as she walked out the kitchen, decided to make dinner for two. Irene's face immediately lit up and gave the most adorable smile to Wendy, giving her butterflies for a moment. 

Wendy, being the culinary student she is, whipped up mouth watering dishes with just a few simple ingredients. She served the dishes on the table where Irene was waiting, texting with a grin.

"Who are you texting so happily? Boyfriend?" Wendy teased as she served the rice and sat down opposite Irene.

"The friend I played pool with on the first day. Her name is Seulgi. And I don't have a boyfriend"

For some reason Wendy felt both relieved and disappointed at her reply. She couldn't explain why.

Irene put down her phone to face the table of dishes and stared in amazement. But seconds later her face softened and she just stared at the table, seemingly in deep thoughts. Wendy was puzzled and questioned her expression.

"Oh.. it's nothing. It's just that... it has been a long time since someone cooked for me" Irene replied softly.

"I see.. Well I just did, so let's eat!"

Wendy could tell a lot was in Irene's head in that moment but didn't want to probe further. The two picked up their chopsticks and dug in. They started talking about school and the people in their class.. or rather the people they disliked.

"The only friend I have in my class is Seulgi" Irene brought up Seulgi, which aroused Wendy's curiousity for some reason.

"How did you get to know her? Are the two of you very close?"

"Yeah we just happened to sit beside each other on the first day. She noticed how restless I was and we somehow just decided to sneak out to play. We hit off very well though. It has only been two weeks but I feel like I have known her since forever"

"I see... what about me?" Wendy was obviously jealous.

"What about you?" 

"Well... you've known me for as long as you've known Seulgi..."

"You're the total opposite of me," Irene chuckled, "how can you stay so organized and study so well?"

That wasn't the reply Wendy wanted but she accepted it.

"I plan to graduate with good results here.. and you've gotta be organized to study well right?"

"That's true... so... do you have a boyfriend?" Irene questioned.



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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 3: Jello
Taxxmi #2
Chapter 1: Woah so interesting
ca9899 #3
Chapter 1: Creative story with wenrene!!!!! Hope u update^_^