t w o

p e r f e c t

NOTE: The title and cover make me want to write some deep, meaningful fanfic that means something... But everything else is screaming " !" -_- I guess the real question is - what do you guys want? And can I do that?

Hoseok watched the robot sitting across from his as he drank his coffee, watching as it ate its own breakfast. Surprisingly, the company had managed to program the robot to eat and convert the food into petrol. It was also able to extract energy from oxygen, essentially enabling it to breathe.

BTS-SUGA-YOONGI ate his toast in silence, knowing Hoseok preferred to eat in silence from the tests he had taken before turning BTS-SUGA-YOONGI on. He watched Hoseok from the corner of his eye, slowly chewing the toast.

He had to make Hoseok want him, and he had to do so fast. It was obvious the man didn't like him and didn't buy him himself, which meant BTS-SUGA-YOONGI had to work quickly to avoid being sent back to the factory or shop.

But what would Hoseok like... It was obvious Hoseok wasn't looking for companionship, and he didn't particularly like robots, so what would make him want to keep him? BTS-SUGA-YOONGI had to try and make Hoseok believe life was better with a robot, and that he couldn't live without him.

But, once again, BTS-SUGA-YOONGI reached the question of 'how?'.How could he possibly make this lonely but not lonely man crave the companionship of a robot? BTS-SUGA-YOONGI almost sighed at this seemingly impossible task before the computer that worked as his brain suggested something - human needs. Hoseok was human, and therefore he had needs. Despite his obvious dislike for humans and robots, surely he still felt the desire to do things with another person, he had to.

If BTS-SUGA-YOONGI could somehow set of those desires, Hoseok would want him. All he had to do was do it in a way that didn't scare Hoseok off...

The plan was perfect, just like him. BTS-SUGA-YOONGI smirked slightly as he bit into his toast, pleased with himself for coming up with the idea.

"What're you smiling about?" Hoseok asked, growing suspicious of the smile growing on the robot's lips. BTS-SUGA-YOONGI shook his head, still smiling.

"Nothing, something just amused me..." Hoseok frowned at the robot, wondering what in the almost silent room could've amused him.

"What?" BTS-SUGA-YOONGI put the remainder of his toast down on his plate and looked up at Hoseok.

"Just the thought that most of the other models that were bought are probably cleaning or providing some form of companionship to a human while I sit here eating toast."

"Sharing a meal involves companionship, even if there's no talking." Hoseok corrected, talking a sip from his coffee.

"Yes, but I meant a different sort of companionship, the type lonely people seek out."

"I'm not lonely."

"I know." Hoseok stared at BTS-SUGA-YOONGI with one eyebrow raised, his cup still raised to his lips. "To be lonely means to be sad at the lack of company one has, you are not sad about this." A smile played on Hoseok's lips as he put the mug down on the table.

"Yoongi, you're not too bad." He said and it was BTS-SUGA-YOONGI's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"'Yoongi'?" Hoseok nodded, playing with the rim of his mug.

"Yeah, Yoongi, I can't be bothered saying 'BTS-SUGA-YOONGI' every time I address you, so I'll just call you 'Yoongi'. It sounds more normal, anyway." BTS-SUGA-YOONGI - no, it was Yoongi, he'd have to remember that - smiled before standing up and picking up his plate and Hoseok's empty mug.

"Okay." He said and took the dishes to the sink, beginning to fill it up with hot, soapy water. He listened to the sounds of Hoseok's footsteps as he wandered around the room, ignoring the robot doing the dishes.

Hoseok frowned as he paused in the doorway, staring at the back of the robot. He disliked the feeling that came with having someone else in his house, the uncomfortableness of it all. He was used to there being one person inhabiting this small apartment and one person only. Sure, Yoongi was a robot so he may not technically count as a person, but it was still another inhabitant nonetheless.

He did not like it one bit...

With a small sigh, Hoseok decided to go watch TV, given the dishes were obviously being taken care of. That was one of the bonuses of having a robot, you had more time for doing nothing.



NOTE: So I know I said I wanted to write a story with some deep message, and then went and basically introduced the potential for , but the first thing can still happen... This'd just need a name and cover change...

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330nai #1
Chapter 25: andwaeeee part 2 pls
badangeliza89 #3
Chapter 25: When I started reading this story I most definitely did not expect such a sad ending. Even tho this was only 24 chapters I feel like the characters really grew on me and they developed really well throughput the story . Really love the writing and the emotional development between Yoongi and Hoseok. But I can't be the only one who felt really bad for Jimin I was just thinking that Jungkookie is just a spoiled brat siriously I felt so bad! But what can you do it's part of the story!: ) Anyway the ending was just classic when Hoseok died and then the doctor gives the little spark of hope about the lung transplant and then the hope just disappeared like Hoseok! Get it Hoseok hope j-hope ? Naah? Ok! And then there's yoongi and I was just like NO. But then again after I was like hey maybe they're together now if you know what I mean! As in in heaven or something I dunno! ^_^ ~~^__^ This was siriously a very good story! ( sorry for my huge paragraph about my love for the story: ) ^_^~ )❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
victoriamars #4
Chapter 25: I don't know what to say, this story was amazing and my God, my heart is aching. the heart of Yoongi broken and mine too. I still can't believe the company restarted it. simply killed the robot OH MY GOD WHY ????? I really like it. Tour friend is a really good writer
Chapter 25: oh my god. i legit wasnt ready for that ending. i mean i kind of knew hoseok was gonna get cancer or smth, in this case cystic fibrosis, but damn it. didnt see that ending there with yoongi restarting. although shouldve expected it since he is indeed a robot. but goshhhhhhhh. yoongi's heart /broke/ that was so -- ;;;;; so basically yoonseok both died.... /cries. i liked this though. its good. your friend's a good writer :')
this sounds awesome already. cant wait to read it.