
Gradient ♪
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Gentle droplets of water fell from the sky onto my cold skin. The lonelyness evident in my posture, yet no one who dared to ask if i was ok. A cold breeze brushed the hair out of my face, and a chill raking over my chest. The wind felt as if it tried to give me life, but i kept having this empty feeling  while breathing through my dry lips. My clothes were soaked, a darker shade as It stuck against my skin. The air was gloomy and grey, making me wonder where all the colours where hiding. Dark trees surrounding the playground yet, not even a single shadow that hid underneath it. Dark... Darkness was all I could see and no contrast. I watched how people who knew the meaning of green, orange and red walk across the road, which made me wonder how it felt. Should it have a feeling? I didn't know, I couldn't experience. Yet, when I took a better look at the tree standing so tall over me, only gave me shivers as it stared down at me. It wasn't actually doing so, was it? These sort of questions wandered in my mind, desired to be answered while normal people rather worry about money. Somehow I liked the sound of the rain. It sounded gentle, although the feeling proved the opposite. I could fall asleep with the sound, but actually laying under it was a whole different experience. The cars pierced through the waters, making the rain sound more fierce as it clattered on the sidewalk and seeped inside the sewers. I wish I would be able to escape like that. 'Falling from the sky and dancing on the gravel, slowly faltering to find their way towards the careless. ' I softly mumbled as a soft wind brushed through my hair, making me close my eyes. It was cold, and my chest was burning from the cold, inhaling deeply to lose that empty feeling. But who did I try to fool, nothing could heal an empty heart while swaying with my lower legs, trying to move on the swing. The wind helped me slightly as I tried to reach the sky. In my dreams I coul, a frown forming on my face at the thought of it. A raindrop fell on my cheek, whipping it away with my slender finger before another followed, and another, and another. It felt like the sky was crying for me. The water drops covered my whole bruised cheek, cooling it down as if to ease the pain as several more joined. An overwhelming feeling shot in my chest as it slowly covered my face, as if it was trying to comfort me, trying to cover my pain away from the world, which I understood. Who would want to see such an ugly duckling bathe in the pearl waters, if he would only dirty it? It was raining, and for the first time I had closed my eyes as i flew back to the reverie I always dreamed of.

'How is the world with colour?' Echoed in my mind. The rain was working on my emotions as a new tear left my eye.

'Are you al right?' I heard a soft voice ask. I didn't turn to the sound, I couldn't, pretending not to hear anything.

'I said, are you al right?' I heard a bit louder, before the person softly tugged on my arm that was hurled around the metal cord from the swing. I remained my eyes closed before a soft gasp left the man his lips. His eyes probably laid on the skin of my face which had an unnatural blended color from the fists it had to catch from before. The raindrops stopped tearing through my soaked shirt and I could feel a light pressure on my shoulders short after, making me flutter my eyes open in response. I didn't flinch, beside the surprise I had by meeting his eyes immediately. 

'Why are you here all alone in the rain?' The man asked in the back of my head before I shifted back onto the colourless nightmare named 'Earth'. Darkness surrounded me again, and I could feel a slight panic dominate my sense before I felt a big hand on my knee. It felt comforting, yet disturbing. What if the guy was a ert, serial killer, cannibal, molester- my mind getting lost in every single possibility. 'I'm just trying to help you' he gently spoke once again before he stood up from his previous squatted position that I hadn't noticed before. I looked back at him, noticing how the man wasn't wearing a jacket, just a white thee under his black tie. I opened my mouth, about to speak but no words leaving my mouth, noticing a jacket on my shoulders while he watched down on me. 'What?' He asked, but no response before I looked back into the sky. The rain was still falling, splashing onto the black tiled floor but avoiding my presence that was hiding under a dark umbrella held by the mysterious man. The man wasn't really tall I noticed once I stood up from the swing, taking the man by surprise. I couldn't tell if his hair was lighter or darker than his eyes, but it didn't matter, his eyes told every meaningful secret he experienced as he looked back at me. They were slightly rounder than before, almost as deep like the dark orbs from a puppy with a round nose and broad lips that could probably sing heavens. 'Sing for me' I whispered, making the man's eyes widen slightly as if he wanted to ask how I knew he was able to sing. But he complied, for once that someone fulfilled my wish as he slightly opened his mouth to take a deep breath. 


'Baby don't cry I'm by your side'

'I'm sending you my voice, baby my love'

'So you can try dry your tears'

'Your not alone any longer'


I closed my eyes, feeling every single emotion build up in my throat as his sweet voice met my ears. It was as if colours escaped from his mouth, colouring the world with his melodies. It was only for a few seconds which felt like a lifetime while my live flashed through my eyes, as if i was dieing. Flying to heavens, towards a bright light calling out to me with the sound of the rain as the background music. 

'Baby ready, now close your eyes'

'And believe in yourself' 

'Listen to your heart'

'I'm with you' 

My mind felt blank all of a sudden when he stopped singing, as if my burdens flew away for me to forget. I wanted for him to sing more of that beautiful song i didnt know the meaning off. I felt curious to know who he wanted to move with such an emotional song, what feeling he tried to bring, or the reason why he even complied to my request. He had his chin up in the air, his adam apple clearly visible which moved slightly when he swallowed the wet air surrounding us. 'That was beautiful' i spoke first to break the silence. The man smiled weakly at me. It was obvious in his eyes how the song had hurt him, how he had thought back about the days when he was with his beloved ones. 'I'm Jonghyun' he said with a low voice, almost comforting while smiling once again. His teeth showing when he did so. 'I'm Key' i retorted before he gave me a strange look, almost dissapointed. 'Kibum' i spoke quickly after i understood the roots of his disappointment. A tranquility took over once again, taking quick glances at each other through the sound of the rain, comforting us in its own way. 'Want to hide under the slide?' Jonghyun suddenly asked, quite hesitation evident in his voice before pointing at his arm that started slumping from holding up the umbrella. I no

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