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Even after having left EXO, Tao still keeps in touch with Sehun. Of course, how could he not? He’s in his room scrolling through articles and articles of EXO and one article catches his attention. The headline reads ‘EXO’luXion Tour Dates 2015’ and to say he isn’t the least pissed about Sehun not telling him anything about it would be a huge lie.


He grabs his phone and immediately sends a text to Sehun.


[EXO’luXion?] He sends just that to Sehun and stares impatiently at his screen - half expecting Sehun to reply. It’s 1am and Tao knows that Sehun should be done with his studio practice.


[Seriously?] He sends another text.


[Are you just going to ing ignore me?] He’s getting more impatient by the minute and spams Sehun with emojis.


After what seemed like thousand of hours to Tao (although it has only been 5 minutes), Sehun replies.


[Hang on, I’ll reply you tomorrow.]


[It is already ing ‘tomorrow’.]




[Really? Oh Sehun. Really? Are you really going to do this to me?]


[I’m busy.]


[Fine.] Tao sends the last text to Sehun and in a fit of anger, throws his phone against the wall.


His phone which is now on the ground, buzzes once and then stops. He doesn’t want to see what kind of reply he’s going to get from Sehun so he diverts his attention back to his computer. He grabs the mouse and begins scrolling through the entire article and smirks when he spots one of the location where the tour is going to be held.


2015 EXO PLANET #2-The EXO’luXion in Chongqing.

Date: 2015.09.12

Venue: Chongqing Olympic Centre


He pats himself on the back and grins slyly until he realises that it is physically impossible for him to actually get a ticket when the tour is only two weeks away. He knows how crazy EXO fans are and silently prays as he moves his mouse to check the sale of the tickets. He’s expecting it to be sold out. He waits for the page to load and he heaves a sigh of relief when he sees that there are approximately 200 tickets left. How amazingly lucky he is.


Tao swipes out his credit card and begins keying in the details in order for him to purchase the ticket. He grins like a cheshire cat when he sees that the purchase had been successful.




Two weeks flew by in a flash and Tao finds himself standing in the midst of fangirls and fanboys. It isn’t the first time he has seen fanboys so it doesn’t surprise him but when one of them bumps into him and screams when they see his face, he’s most definitely taken aback by his reaction.


“It’s Huang Zitao!” The fanboy screams and covers his mouth in excitement.


A hoard of fangirls runs up to him with huge banners and merchandises and within seconds, he’s surrounded with maniacs trying to push banners and what seemed like undergarments to him. He freaks out a little when he sees one of them trying to throw her lingerie to him but fails. He flashes a weak smile and pushes his way to where the doors of the Olympic Centre are.


The security isn’t strong and there are still a few fangirls hoarding him. He fake coughs and excuses himself to go to the gents. Of course, it’s a lie. He just wants to get away from them and it isn’t because he hates them, he just doesn’t want the attention.


While in the gents, he sends a text to Sehun.


[What’re you doing?]


He receives an immediate reply and opens the text only to see that it’s a picture of him being spotted in Chongqing.


[What are you doing in Chongqing??????]


[Definitely not here for you????]


[It definitely looks like you are here for me.]


[That is your assumption.]


[It starts in an hour so if you’re here, get your in before the entire stadium’s filled.]


[Told you I’m not here for you.]


[You won’t get to see me if you don’t hurry.]


Tao exits the gents and joins the line of crowd entering the stadium. He enters and notices that Sehun is right. The stadium is ing crowded and he has only been in the toilet for 3 minutes, maybe even lesser than that.


[What the .] He types on his phone and attaches an image of the crowd, sending it to Sehun.


[Yeah, you’re most defi

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izzatiakmal #1
Chapter 1: This was so funny and the ending was cute! Can u imagine Tao going to Exo'Luxion! I dieee!! T.T #taohun5eva hahahahahahaha
Pandamaknae123 #2

Aw, their make out session :') My two maknaes. I'll always love them ^.^
