
How Heaven Works
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issakwon #1
Chapter 2: One of the rare angst that ends unfortunately but couldn't be better if it did not happened. I'm in love with this kind of fics (tho I need moderation to keep my sanity aliveㅋ) and I love you 짱
issakwon #2
Chapter 2: As a lover of angst and all the pain a fanfic could give, I love this piece. It is beautifully written and sadly plotted but that's what you need to create a heart-tugging one. Kudos
habobabo #3
Wow so sad :( both of them are so broken :(
I dont think reading this first thing in the morning is a good choice xD but i really love the way you wrote the story. I have this weakness for angst but wow you story made my heart ache
Thanks so much for sharing ♡
Chapter 2: okay so I've read the first chapter and I NEEDED to comment but here I go again with the second one.
Jesus, this is a masterpiece. Ok, sometimes I haven't understood at first but I just had to read it all again to get it. this story is so beautiful, yet so painful. It might be hard to be Kyungsoo, stoic as he is here and so... I don't know, but he might've suffered a lot. And <\3 I'm all tears.
Chapter 1: I want to cry
wait I already am