Thinking of You

EXO: The 14th Floor

9:00am -Day 5

Luhan's POV

I'm sitting in the busy emergency room with the other members. The managers are busy doing something somewhere else, who knows what. I don't really care.  The only thing on my mind right now is ______. 

My manager, manager Lee, the other members and every doctor I've asked has told me she will be fine. Even Sehun bought me a cup of Bubble Tea to try and relax me. However since I haven't actually seen her yet, I can't believe them.

I haven't recieved any major injuries, unlike Tao who now has a broken arm and bruised ribs after being thrown against a wall, but yet this annoying doctor won't stop talking to me.

"Luhan please be sure you take this medicine once a day to prevent any infections on your cuts." The doctor says to me. I wish he would just leave already to be honest.

"Yes I will, thank you doctor" I reply and give him a convincing smile. He stares at me in response, I guess he finally got the message that I'm not interested. Slightly annoyed, the doctor nods, stands up and stomps off to his next patient Kyungsoo, who is across the room.

Anyway as I was saying, yes they've told me she's fine but I have to see her for myself. They won't let me into the room she is staying in though, they won't even tell me where she is. "The doctors are with her." "She needs to rest." Excuse after excuse. None of them understand, if I didn't let go of her hand she wouldn't have been in that god damned elevator in the first place.

I just want to see that she is okay, is that too much to ask for?

I slouch back into my uncomfortable chair and stare at the ceiling. I'm sorry _______.

I feel someone pat my left shoulder.

"Stop blaming yourself Luhan. It wasn't your fault." I look up and see a concerned Xiumin. I almost forgot he was sitting next to me. He is one of the few members that hasn't been injured in the slightest and surprisingly he is handling everything very well.

"Thanks hyung but it was. I promissed her nothing would happen to her." 

"Yes but we were dealing with a haunted hotel, you couldn't control what happened in there." Xiumin persists. 

"I know but"

"But nothing Luhan." He cuts me off, I don't think I've seen him like this before. He continues to speak "If I know ______ she will be fine, she is the toughest girl we know. And how do you expect to ask her out if you keep blaming yourself." 

My eyes widen and I sit up. "How did you know that?" 

He giggles and says "No offense Luhan but all 12 of us know how you feel about her. I've known ever since you accidently spilled bubble tea all over her when she first became a trainee at SM."

Seriously? I had no idea I was that obvious. Wait, actually... maybe I do. That first time I met ______ I probably seemed like such an idiot, who wouldn't be able to tell. I smile to myself at the memory of it.

"She will be okay, I promise" Xiumin says again. I look at him and can tell by his eyes that he is confident that _____ really will be okay.

"Thanks hyung" I reply. 

"Anytime younger brother. Now please do me a favour and try to sleep" He hands me a neck pillow. "You look exhausted" And before I can disagree he gets up and leaves. He can be really wierd sometimes.

I look down at my lap and stare at the pillow he gave me. Maybe I am really tired, I haven't had a proper sleep in a while. But what if they finally agree to let me see ______? But then again who knows how long it will be till she wakes up.

I place the pillow around my neck and close my eyes. I'll only have a short nap, I'll wake up before she does.



Third Person POV

It took longer than expected for you to get dressed considering you had a cast on your leg and a sling around your arm to make things more difficult by a considerable margin. Luckily the clothes manager oppa gave you weren't anything too challenging. You wore a denim skater skirt and a yellow top. Once you were ready you grabbed your crutches and headed out of the room.

When you closed the door behind you, you decided to ask someone for directions since you have no idea where to go. On cue, you see a nurse walking by.

"Ni hao. Could you please tell me where I can find exo?"

"Oh yes of course they are in the private emergency room, just take that elevator over there to the ground floor." 

Elevator? That's definetly not going to happen. "Is there any other way there? A flight of stairs maybe?" you ask.

The young nurse stares at you with a confused expression for a few seconds. It then seemed like something clicked in her mind and she agreed to help you get down the stairs. She must have known who you were.

As you and the nurse made you way to the emergency room you thought about exo, Luhan in particular.

Hopefully he isn't badly hurt. Actually, hopefully none of them are hurt at all. These 4 days have been terrifying and the 13 of you are already going to be emotionally scarred. It would just make it worse if you are all physically injured as well.

Stop thinking like that!  you remind yourself as you start to hop down the stairs with the nurse. 

You then start thinking about some old memories with Luhan. You liked him, so what was the chance that he liked you? You remember the time the two of you first met.

You hold back a laugh. He was so shy back then. 


It was your first day at SM and you were looking for Practice Room 4. Your eyes were locked down on your phone as the company were nice enough to send you a map of the giant building.

As you turned the corner you felt something bump into you and then a cold, wet feeling all over your body.

"OMO. MIANHAE, I didn't see you there." You looked up and saw two boys staring at you with a shocked expression. One of them with a now empty bubble tea cup. 

"Uhh it's fine I guess." you reply, what a great first day so far right?

"Here take these napkins" The boy next to him says and the three of you try to clean up all the bubble tea on the floor. When your done you all stand up.

"My name is Xiumin by the way, the pabo over there is Luhan" hearing that, the boy named Luhan gives Xiumin a glare and slightly blushes.

He clears his throat and says "Uhh yeah um sorry for spilling bubble tea all over y-you" poor guy he seems so shy you almost feel bad for him "I've never seen you before, are you a staff member?" he asks quietly.

"Uhh don't worry it's okay. And aniyo, I'm a trainee. This is my first day." you smile and introduce yourself  "My name is _______." 

His deer like eyes light up and he smiles "Well it's nice to meet you"

"You too. Now could one of you tell me where the bathroom is so i can clean up? Oh and practice room 4?"

-End of flashback-

"Here you go Miss, the private emergency room" says the nurse, interrupting your thoughts.

"Oh uhh Xièxiè" you reply and the kind nurse leaves.

You look into the private emergency room and see people rushing everywhere. One by one you start to spot the exo members throughout the room, they are all busy either talking to each other, to doctors or eating. You take a breath of relief when you see that they are okay. Yet you still can't see Luhan.

You open the door and quietly walk in. Nobody notices you enter because it is so busy when you spot a figure sitting on a chair.

You take another step closer and see that he is actually asleep, his deer like eyes are closed. And on the table in front of him was a cup of bubble tea.

Same old Luhan you think to yourself.

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minyoonchoi #1
Chapter 15: so,that means the murderer targeting Exo-K..? being born as a person who full of curiosity..I wonder how they can survived..?most important,what the motive of the murderer..?and I'm dying to know what happened to the 6 young men that disappeared...
i like this fic much much ^^...... keep up the good work