May The Best Man Win

You're So Beautiful You Made Me Forget My Pick Up Line
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Sehun stood stunned and speechless, mind still processing what Jongin had said. Jongin just continued to stand in front of Sehun with his arm stretched out, waiting patiently for Sehun’s reply, that is, obviously not what he would like to hear. He knows.


Chanyeol stared straight at Jongin, smiling smugly at him. ‘You , Kim Kai,’ Chanyeol’s eyes seemed to say. But Jongin simply ignored him, looking at Sehun. The poor latter was still frozen in shock, mouth slightly agape.


After what seemed to be eternity, Sehun led out a cough, straightening his shirt to compose himself.


Jongin closed his eyes, waiting for the response he definitely knew he would get.


“No.” Jongin led out a little whimper. He knew the response will unquestionably be a rejection, but he just can’t help but to wallow in self-pity and feeling a little more upset than he should be.


“You just don’t learn, do you?” Sehun voiced out, face expressionless. Jongin slowly opened his eyes.


Oh, what a mismatch. Jongin thinks that he should be the one standing beside Sehun. He had a 180-degree change of mood from upset to egoistical. Jongin scoffed internally. What makes Park ing Chanyeol think that he’s fit to be Sehun’s boyfriend? Compared to Jongin himself, Chanyeol looks like dirt. Jongin looks more like Sehun’s prince charming instead of Chanyeol. He would be the one to save Prince Sehun from the big bad dragon, not Chanyeol.


Well, it’s actually possible to have Chanyeol sticking around Sehun though – the personal slave. Jongin’s personal slave – attending to all of Sehun and his needs. Yeah. That sounds great! Jongin guffawed loudly, only to release that he was zoning out right in front of Sehun and peasant Chanyeol.


Sehun looked as if he wanted to kill Jongin, and Jongin gulped.


“Here you are trying to woo me with your cheap tricks, yet when I talk, you zone out on me?!” Sehun’s raised his voice, unable to fathom Jongin at all. “Way to go, Kim Jongin.” Sehun huffed, lips pouting slightly.


“Well, ,” Jongin cursed to himself. How could he just daydream when his beautiful and adorable Sehun is talking to him?! .


And there stupid Park Chanyeol was, chortling like a mad man. Jongin forced himself to ignore Chanyeol and focused directly on Sehun. Which was probably not a good idea.


As soon as he planted his eyes onto Sehun, Jongin felt as if he’s melting into a pile of goo.


A pile of lovesick goo, that is.


Sehun was standing with his feet a shoulder’s width apart, lean yet muscular arms crossed in front of his chest. Sehun was staring at Jongin, brows furrowed. His lips were pursed, yet to Jongin it seemed like he was pouting. Urgh. Jongin so wanna kiss those lips. Sehun might be trying to look like a murderous lion, but in Jongin’s eyes, he merely looks like baby kitten who failed at acting angry.


“You know,” Jongin blurts out unexpectedly (again). “I don’t think your dance routine back there helps you burn much calories. Kissing actually burns 6.4 calories a minute. Wanna work out more, Sehun ah?”


Sehun groaned in frustration and stomped his foot. “You are hopeless!” He screamed and walked out of the studio, with a laughing-till-he-choked Chanyeol tagging behind.


Their interaction certainly did not go unnoticed by the other students in the studio. As Jongin looked around, he realized that everyone’s eyes were on him. Talk about awkward.


Jongin then realised something. Sehun actually blushed a little when he used the kissing pick up line. Jongin broke into a shy smile and cupped his cheeks. Sehun blushed! Does that mean that he actually wanted Jongin to kiss him? Oh my!


No longer caring for anything else, Jongin happily skipped out of the dance studio, leaving the students in the studio with horrified and questioning looks on their faces. It’s not an everyday thing to see the school’s kingka being all shy and giddy for someone!





 “I think he likes me, Luhan!” Jongin gushed, palms and feet on the floor doing pushups. They were at Jongin’s place again, with the addition of Minseok this time.


“He blushed at me! Oh my god, Lu!” Jongin panted as he pushed himself up, smiling goofily at Luhan and Minseok.


Luhan can only shake in head in exasperation while Minseok smiles lightly.


“Really, Jongin?” Luhan said, looking directly at Jongin. “You really think Sehun likes you?”

“You’ve said nothing more but a few sentences to him, and all seeming like you want to get into his pants. You don’t seem to be wooing him properly, Jongin ah.”


Jongin groaned. He knew what he doing wasn’t exactly correct, but he really doesn’t have a choice. All this while, it’s always him that gets wooed by people, not the other way round; Jongin thinks that he shouldn’t be blamed for his not-that-perfect wooing skills.


“It’s not my fault that I’m born good looking,” Jongin muttered to himself, hoping that it went unnoticed by Luhan. He wouldn’t want the latter to scold him for being so conceited.


Lucky for Jongin, the comment went unheard by Luhan but was caught by Minseok’s sharp ears. He gave Jongin a wink, in which Jongin gave him a small smile in return.


“Actually, Jongin ah,” Minseok spoke. “If you want to woo Sehun successfully, the only way to do it would be through your sincerity.”


Luhan nodded his head in agreement, piping up to give Jongin his own piece of advice. “Exactly. That was how I won my Minseokie’s heart, right Min?” Minseok nodded happily.


Jongin frowned again. “But isn’t that what I’ve been doing? Though I always tell him pick up lines, I do mean all of what I had said, okay. Isn’t that sincere enough?”


“Yes but –”


Jongin continued, starting to feel a little despaired, “I also tried to give him a box of chocolates, hyungs. It’s just Park ing Chanyeol who got ahead of me.”


Luhan shook his head. “Yes, but what you’re basically telling Sehun is your merely attracted to him because of his physical looks, and not his character and all.”


“From what I see, Sehun seems like the type to want a long-term relationship,” Minseok piped up. “I think he wants someone who likes him not only based on his physical looks, but someone who appreciate and loves him inside out. Beauty is only skin deep, Jongin ah.”


“I know that! I fell for his entire being, hyung. You should see how compassionate he was to that injured bunny!” Jongin huffed and sat up, crossing his arms.


Minseok stood up and placed a hand on Jongin’s shoulder. Minseok clearly understands that Jongin really wants to know more about Sehun, not on a superficial basis. And he can also clearly tell that Jongi

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Argon_Sora #1
Hi, I told you to be prepared, not going to make you cry or anything, imma just find some of your fics that are super popular and motivate you from here xD

You are a great writer, btw love that title, I'm going to use it on you soon....oh wait I dont think I need to, since I nvr need to use any pick up lines on someone that's already mine ;D
Sorry had to be chesesy

Anyways, feed your subscribers some love and update your fics lmao. I can help proof read it if it can speed up the process, after 21 days are over ok lol

Love ya
I know you are sleeping
It's 12am
Maybe you'll see this in the morning?

HI Senpai :D
Senpai notice my love for you ;3
Oh wait, you already did :D
Chapter 5: Please update !!
monikalusy #3
Chapter 5: Please update ;(
Pomegrenatepuppy #4
Chapter 5: Are you planning to update this fan fiction? I mean obviously you can do what you want but it'd be nice to know so I don't get my hopes up for this...
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 5: Gosh. Jongin is so dumb. Competition, really?
Stupid idiot xd
Chapter 5: Omona waaah
CuTAEpie #7
Chapter 5: Why do i feel that Jongin's gonna lose? hahaha
SuperFluffyCat #8
Chapter 5: Dun dun dunnnnnnnn!!