
Valentine's day

I seriously hate valentine's day. I never got any flowers or notes or chocolates or even an girlfriend. Girls don't like dating nerds like me. They like douchebags like Seunghyun or cute idiots like Seungri. They don't date people like me...


I got up, hearing my stupid alarm waking me up at this stupid hour, so I can go to my stupid school every stupid day. I sighed, took an bath, dressed my uniform and left.

"Did you sleep well, honey?" I heard my mother ask before I closed the door. I'm not in the mood to talk. Since my school is not far away, I went to the local cafe and ate some cupcake. I eat cupcakes when I'm upset. And the girl that works here is cute. Maybe I'll ask her out.

I entered my school and Seungri was already mocking me.

"You need to see this! You need to see this! You need to see this!"

"What do I need to see? Your girlfriend?"

"Not at all, hyung. Just go to your locker."

I went to my locker and I found a pink paper.

Meet me at the roof. I want to know you better.

You can say I have a crush on you


"Did you put this here, Seungri?"

"No. That's not my letter."

"And it's also not Seunghyun's."

"Maybe...someone has a crush on you."

"And who?"

"It doesn't say her name?"

"No. It only says YB."

Seungri blushed a lot. Maybe it's an hot chick. And Seungri is jealous. 

"Why are you blushing?"

"O-Oh, i-it's just...it's a really special person to me."

"So you like-"

"I don't like this person! It's just, we're really close."


"And if you dare hurt this sweet heart, you're dead!"


"I need to go to class now."


He already left. Better talk with Seunghyun.

"Hey! Hyung!"

"What Ji?"

"Do you know anyone called YB?"

"I do. Why?"

"She left me a note on my locker."

"Sh?! Argh! I mean...yes! YB likes you for a while now."

"Really? Is she hot?"

"Uhhhh, has a y body, sweet voice and heart and, that smile! Even I would have fallen for YB!"

"Then why didn't you?"

"My is hotter."


"But, please don't break YB's heart. I'll kill you with my bare hands if you do!"

"Seungri told me the same thing."

"Because, YB is our childhood friend."

Childhood friend?! They never spoke about her...


So, I'm gonna meet YB at the roof. I better be careful...She seems fragil. I'm at the roof and, no ones here. I searched around the roof and I only found a guy.

"Hey, Youngbae!" I heard Seunghyun's voice from far away.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Jiyong doesn't know you're...you know."


He turned around and saw me.


"Hi. You YB?"


"I'm Jiyong. Have we met before?"

"N-No. But I'm as old as you are."

"Ok. And I talked with Seunghyun and Seungri today. Asking them about you."

"D-Don't take what they say so seriously. They probably lied."

"I'm afraid not."

"W-What do y-you mean?"

"You have a y body, your voice is super sweet and your smile, no words!"

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Now, should we leave? I wanna go to the park if you don't mind."

We left the school, both holding hands. Youngbae was blushing and really embarreced. I wasn't, though. I brought him to the park, where we sat and chat.

"So, you said you had a crush on me?"

"I-I kinda have..." He said shyly, still blushing with his pink rose cheeks.


"Uhhh, I think you're beautiful and hot...."

"Who? Me? You're the one who's hot and beautiful."

"Don't joke around me!"

"I'm not joking! I think you're hot, y and cute."

"You're lying!"

"Why should I lie?"

"Everyone I had an crush on, played with my feelings. Because I'm gay."

"I don't mind you being gay. I don't know my uality but, I'm clearly gay."


"Yeah. When I saw you at the roof, I thought I was dreaming. You're so perfect." I wrap an arm around Youngbae and I pulled him close to me.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Oh sorry, are you unconfortable?"

"N-No. It's okay. Like this."

"Yeah. You smell nice."


"You don't need to be shy. I just want you to be as confortable as possible." I looked at him and smiled. He's so shy and cute. I wonder if I'm in love with him. "You know, you made my day really great."

"I did?"

"Yeah. I never got anything from anyone in this day. That's why I hate it. But you made me change my mind."

"Great. Hey, some girl gave me chocolates. Wanna eat them?"


I grabbed an chocolate and put it in my mouth. Then I grabbed Youngbae's chin and gave him the chocolate. He ate it with an confused look.

"That's a weird way to give a chocolate don't you think?"

"Was it good?"


"Do you want another one?"

"One more."

I grabbed an chocolate and did the same thing. This time, my lips touched his. He blushed and I smiled.

"What's wrong Youngbae?"

"Y-You touched my lips..."


"You touched my lips..."

"Do you want me to touch your lips again?"

Youngbae looked at me, red as a tomato and, shyly nooded. I leaned closer to his face and touched his lips again. He closed his eyes and grabbed my neck. I smiled during the kiss.

"You tasty..." He whispered.

"Was it good?"

"It was my first kiss..."

"What? You could have told me!"


"I could have made your first kiss the best kiss you ever had!"

"And it was. Because it was you."

He was smilling with that cute smile of his. I looked at him, shocked. This guy, I fell for him. It's like the cupid shot an arrow into my heart and made me fell for him, right here, right now. I grabbed his chin and pulled him into a deep kiss. He kissed back later on. Our tongues were interlaced and then I start every corner of his mouth.

"Was this kiss better?"


"From now on, you will only receive kisses like this one, from me."

"That means..."

"I kinda wanna date you...To see where this is going."

"You really wanna date me?"

"Yeah, I do."

"M-Me too."

We continue to eat the chocolates and talk a bit about ourselves. Then, the moon and the stars started to appear in the sky.

"This !"

"What, Jiyong?"

"I can't be with you anymore. It's already night."

"You can come to my place. My parents aren't home."

"That's great."

We headed to Youngbae's house and I got to admit, he has a pretty big house. We entered and the house was perfectly clean and organized.

"Wanna eat somthing?"

"No, I'm fine."

He turned the TV on and some drama was showing. I'm not emotional but I cried. Youngbae made fun of me for that.

"Where am I going to sleep?"

"You can sleep on the extra bed we have or you can sleep with me. You choose." I gave him a quick kiss.

"The answer is a bit too obvious."

He showed me his bedroom and it was cool. Simple as every room is. And his bed was big! We layed there, me touching my chin in his head, and grabbing him close to me.

"Hey Youngbae?"


"I forgot to ask you something. Will you be my valentine?"

"Of course. Today, and forever."




1 year later

"So, Jiyong. How's your worst day ever going on?"

"Who told you that this was my worst day in the whole year, Daesung?"

"TOP hyung did."

"That Seunghyun never changes. And this is my favourite day of the year."


"It was when I started dating Bae."

"Oh yeah. Seungri told me. And what are you giving him?"

"I think I'm gonna purpose."

"YOU ARE??!! I'm the bridesmade!!"

"HAHAH, ok Dae! I promise!"

"Can I tell the others?"

"No need to Dae. We were here at the door." Seunghyun exclaimed.

"So, you gonna purpose, Jiyong hyung?"

"Yeah. But don't tell Bae!"

"We promise!" They all exclaimed.

I left work and texted Bae.

Meet me at the park. 


I found Bae, sitting down at some bank.

"Hello, my sweet sun!" I said while hugging him from behind.

"Hi, Jiyong-ssii! How was work?"

"A living hell, cause you weren't there with me!"

"But you have those 3 idiots!"

"Yeah, I know. But their not you!"

"Yeah. The same happens when I work everyday!"

"But you see me everyday."

"I know. And I love it." I kissed his cheek and he giggled.

"Hey, Bae. Get up."


"Just get up."

I knelt myself on the floor and take one box of my back pocket.


"Dong Youngbae, you make me feel alive everyday, you make everyday of my life special, and I can't spend a moment without you. Will you marry me?"

Bae was crying, hiding his face with his hands.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" He screamed in hapiness. I put him on my lap and kissed him like I never did before.


Now I can say that I trully love Valentine's day...




How was it?

Since I never dated anyone, I can't say much

But I hope that this was cute




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Lyraine #1
Chapter 1: That was beautiful and fluffy and just so cute!!!! Thank you for writing this story and im so happy you did. ♡
Chapter 1: It was kind of cute, but nope, can't see it. I just can't buy Youngbae as gay.