Who Is My Angelic Savior


Soo-Hyuk POV 

I look at my watch 5:00pm but I can't get the girl from this morning out of my mind. This teenager that risked her own for mine even though I have to admit that was brave yet stupid at the same time. 

" Key !." I shouted 

A minute later he comes in through my office doors.


" Yes sir ." He said 

" I need information on a girl ." I said 

" Yes sir but sir I need little bit more information for doing correct search ." He explains 

Damn ! I didn't even get her name I only remember what she looks like.

" Hold on I'll draw her for you real quick ." I said 

After three minutes of drawing from memory I hand the drawing Key. As he looks at the drawing, his eyes goes wide with shock. 

" Is something the matter Key ?." I ask him 

" Excuse me sir just give me five minutes ." He said as he quickly exits the office 

Does he know her ? Why did his eyes go wide with shock ? Who is she ?.

Five minutes on the dot he enters my office file that looks kind if patted. 

" Her name is Artemis Santos ." He said 

Artemis what a name for a unique girl. I opened the file to hospital records, a police record from Beijing. 

" She's 17, goes School of Performing Arts Seoul and she currently at the top of her classes. She has three year old son named Apollo and has a part job at small restaurant Chicken Paradise. Which owned by Jinki and also he's a friend of mine ." He explained

" Is that why your eyes widen in shock when you saw drawing ?." I questioned 

" Yes sir I know the girl ." He said 

" What else about her ?." I ask 

His expression on his face soon darken.

" Three years ago her and her father took a trip Beijing. One night Artemis lost her way to the hotel. She soon saw someone stalking and she was right. She ran but it only led to a dead end. She was brutally and beaten. She went to the hospital with four broken ribs and fractured wrist ." He explained but he cringe at the fact of she went through

Hell ! I even I cringed at the very thought of it. 

" Her nationality ?." I ask 

" She's half Korean and half Mexican ." He said 

" Anything else ?." I ask

" She hoping to majored in music and attend Seoul university ." He said 

" She's wants to be a singer ." I said

" Very much so sir and I've heard her sing before. She amazingly good sir ." He said with cheerful expression now 

" Well then ." I said 

Now I'm definitely interested in her.

" Sir, may if be so bold why are you asking for her information ?." He ask 

" She saved me from a car accident this morning ." I said as I looked at her 

" Well that's Artemis for you, always saving other people ." He said 


" You may leave now ." I said 

" Thank you sir ." He said 

As he walks to the doors, he stops at the doors.

" Oh, sir ." He said 

" Yes, Key ." I said 

" Please be careful with Artemis ." He said 

What ? Why should I be careful ?.

" Why ?." I asked him

" Sir, Artemis has gone through more than you can even imagined and trusting someone isn't really all together with her. So, please be careful her as much she doesn't show it. She's a very fragile girl but she puts a strong front in everyone that she loves for the sake of her son ." He said 

Then he leaves.

For rest of day his replay over and over again in my mind. 

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Nalani #1
Yes, I'm Emery101 but I had to make a new one under my middle because Emery is birth name. But I'm waiting for the subscribers to resubscribe to the story.
newtokpop09 #2
Um....are u also user Emery101? Both of you have have the same story ........