
Moving In


“What?!” Junsu shockingly asked Yoochun

“Move in with me.” Yoochun repeated.

“Are you crazy?!”

“We’ve been dating for 4 years now, and I want you to move in with me!” Yoochun said grabbing Junsu’s hands.

Junsu pulled his hands away and stepped back. “ I’m not ready to move in with you! I’m still in college!” Junsu defended.

“You can still attend college, you know my apartment isn’t far from here!” Yoochun said

“Still I’m not ready to move in with you, I’m sorry!” Junsu said tears treating to fall and ran away.

Yoochun wanted to go after him but his feet were glued to the ground. He didn’t understand why Junsu didn’t want to live with him. They’ve been dating for 4 years and he was sure that Junsu loved him as much as he love’s him. He felt ready for having Junsu living with him.

Yoochun is 24 years old and Junsu is 19. Yoochun just graduated from college with a degree in Visual Arts and Junsu was in his freshman year of college.

Yoochun kept calling Junsu for the past 4 days and Junsu kept ignoring his calls. Even Junsu’s parents told him he wasn’t home or that he was busy and couldn’t talk to him at them moment.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Junsu who had just been staring at his food during lunch looked up to see his best friend Hyukjae and his boyfriend Donghae standing in front of him.

“Nothing, just didn’t sleep well last night. I had to finish an essay.” Junsu answered.

“It looks like something is bothering you.” Hyukjae said.

Hyukjae knew Junsu like the palm of his hand. They had been best friends since their dipper days. Hyukjae was even the one that convinced Junsu’s parents to let him date Yoochun who at the time was already in college while he was barely starting high school.

“Did something happened between you and Yoochun?” Hyukjae asked

“Yoochun asked me to move in with him..”

“What?” both Hyukjae and Donghae chorused

“What, what?” Changmin Donghae’s friend came up to the table and sat down beside Donghae.

“Junsu is moving in with Yoochun!” Donghae yelled and Hyukjae smacked him on the head.

“Go tell the whole school, will ya!” Hyukjae sarcastically said

“I didn’t say I was moving in with him. I rejected his offer and left.”

“Why? Don’t you love him?” Changmin asked with his mouth full

“I do, but I’m not ready to take the next step in our relationship.” Junsu kept playing with his food.

“Have you talked to him since he asked you to move in with him?” Hyukjae asked and Junsu just shook his head saying no.

Mean while Yoochun is at his cousin’s house asking for help.

“Why don’t you propose first?” Jaejoong, Yoochun’s cousin asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“I don’t think he is ready for marriage and neither am I.” Yoochun said hiding his face in his palms from frustration.

“Moving in together is almost the same thing as getting married!” Yunho, Jaejoong’s husband said.

“Only that he might feel insecure if you two just move in together and not marry.” Jaejoong’s yelled from the kitchen.

“So what should I do? I really want to live together with him already.” Yoochun rested his back on the couch.

“Just give him time, he is barely 19. You shouldn’t rush things.” Yunho said standing up to help Jaejoong with a tray containing three cups of tea.

“I’m not rushing things, we’ve been dating for 4 years! You and Jaejoong moved in together after dating 1 year!” Yoochun yelled grabbing a cup of tea.

“WAIT! IT’S H…” Jaejoong couldn’t finish when Yoochun screamed.


“Idiot! It’s tea, of course it will be hot!” Yunho said.

“Back to the subject.” Jaejoong said as he took a seat next to Yunho. “The gap between Yunho’s age and mine is just 1 years difference and plus I’m the older one. When he asked me to move in with him I was already 23 and I felt ready to move in with him.” Jaejoong took a sip of his tea.

“So I should wait 4 more years then ask him to move in with me?!” Yoochun was now laying on the couch with a cushion on his face.

“No, just give him some more time and don’t pressure him. He is in his first year of college and needs some time to think about it.”

“Ok, I’ll give him as much time as he needs. But what do I do about him ignoring me for the past few days.”

“That you’ll figure it out on your own, I have to go back to work.” Yunho said standing up.

Jaejoong walked him to the door.” Bye honey.” and gave him a quick peck.

He closed the door and walked towards the kitchen. “Are you staying for dinner?” he asked before entering the kitchen.

“I have too, I’m a lonely man and don’t want to eat alone when I’m depressed.”

“Don’t be so emo!” Jaejoong annoyingly yelled from the kitchen.

The next day after school Yoochun was waiting for Junsu outside the college gates. Junsu was walking towards the gate with Hyukjae and Donghae. As they walked out Yoochun stopped Junsu grabbing his arm.


”Y-Yoochun, what are you doing here?”

“You weren’t answering my calls so I came to see you.”

Junsu looked at Hyukjae and Donghae with a I’m going to talk to him expression.

“Okay, see you later Su.” Hyukjae said and pulled Donghae with him.

Junsu waved at them then turned his attention to Yoochun who let go of his arm and smiled at him.

“Lets go watch a movie.” Yoochun cheerfully said.

“Yoochun, why are you so happy? I told you I wasn’t going to move in with you.” Junsu said.

“I know and I respect your decision, I’ll wait till your ready.”


“Yeah, I don’t want to pressure you. I understand if your not ready.” Yoochun grabbed Junsu’s hand and pulled him along.

They went to the watch a movie and after the movie they went to the mall to walk around.

As they walked by the jewelry store a necklace catch Junsu’s eye.


Yoochun noticed and looked at the direction Junsu was looking at and saw the necklace. He smile and let go of Junsu’s hand and walked inside the store. Junsu behind him.

“What are you doing?” Junsu asked Yoochun but the latter ignored him and walked up to the worker.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes sir, how may I help you?” the woman asked him.

“I want to buy the dolphin necklace you have on the display window outside.” Yoochun said and Junsu widened his eyes.

“Yes sir, please wait a moment.” the lady went toward the window.

“Yoochun, what are you doing?”

“You like it, don’t you?” Yoochun asked and Junsu nodded and pouted. “Then you’ll have it.”

“Really? Thank you, I love you!” Junsu hugged Yoochun really tight.

“Here you go sir.” the lady handed Yoochun the dolphin necklace.

“Turn around.” Yoochun told Junsu and he happily obeyed. Yoochun placed the necklace on Junsu’s neck and then turned Junsu around.

“It looks wonderful on you. We’ll take it.” Yoochun said and paid for the necklace.

They were walking back to Junsu’s house hand in hand. Junsu was really happy because of the necklace. They finally arrived and Yoochun gave Junsu a quick peck on the lips and caressed his cheek and gave him a smile. Junsu smiled back and was about to walk inside but Yoochun stopped him.

“Junsu…” Yoochun called him and Junsu turned to him.


“I just want you to know that I love you and that I’ll give you all the time you need.”

Junsu hugged Yoochun again this time tighter as he felt his eyes burning with tears. “I love you too chunnie! And thanks you.”

Yoochun broke the hug and kissed Junsu again but this time it was a deep kiss. “Go in, you have classes tomorrow morning and I know you have homework.”

“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ll go pick you up and we’ll go eat okay?” Junsu nodded and went inside, Yoochun stood there till Junsu went inside.

Inside Junsu laid on his bed and took the necklace off to take a better look. He smile as he looked at it and started to think how it would be if he moved in with Yoochun. He loved Yoochun and he knew he couldn’t love anyone else like he loves Yoochun. “ Am I ready to move in with Yoochun” he thought to himself. He’s thoughts got interrupted by his cell phone ringing.

He reached into his pocket to fetch his phone. “Hello?”

“What are you holding there?” Hyukjae said and Junsu quickly turned to his window and looked at Hyukjae’s window.

Hyukjae and Junsu live next to each other and there rooms are right in front of each other. Well Hyukjae’s room was his parents originally, but he begged them to give it to him so he could be able to see Junsu when they talked on the phone.

“I thought you were staying with Donghae tonight.” Junsu said.

“I have a lot of homework today and when I’m with that fish I can’t get anything done.” Junsu chuckled as he imagined Hyukjae scolding Donghae because Donghae won’t let him study being all over him. “You never answered me, what were you looking at?” Hyukjae asked again.

Junsu raised the necklace. “ It’s a necklace, Yoochun bought it for me today.”

“Did you two talk about you not being ready to move in with him?”

“Yeah, and he said he would respect my decision. That he will wait till I’m ready to move in.”

“Really? That’s great.” Hyukjae said cheerfully.

“Hyukjae I think I’m ready to move in with him.” Junsu said almost in a whisper.

“WHAT?!” Hyukjae jumped from his seat and got closer to the window. “ARE YOU CRAZY?! What about school?”

“If I do move in with him I’ll still be able to attend college. Nothing will change only that you won’t be able to see me in this window anymore.”

“Have you told your parents?” Hyukjae asked.

“Not yet.”

“When are you planning on moving in with Yoochun?”

“Maybe next week.”

“So soon?” Hyukjae pouted.

“So you need to sleep here this weekend.” Junsu said and Hyukjae gave him a weak smile.

“Okay see you tomorrow, I have to finish my homework.”

“Ok, see you tomorrow.” Junsu said and both of them hanged up.

The week when fast for Junsu and his friends. Everyone already knew he was planning on moving in with Yoochun, even his parents. The only one that didn’t know anything was Yoochun.

It was Friday and Yoochun went home after dropping off Junsu at his house, he was so tired that he took just changed into his pj’s and went straight to bed. As soon as he hit the bed he fell asleep. Unknowingly he would have a visitor later that night.

After a few hours Junsu sneaked inside his apartment with his luggage, Yoochun had given him a spare key a few months ago. Junsu tiptoed towards Yoochun’s room and sneaked in. unfortunately he hit his knee on the side table and fell with a thud. “Good thing he is a heavy sleeper.” Junsu thought as he saw Yoochun didn’t move a muscle.

He quietly got under the covers and hugged Yoochun with the later never noticing anything, and went to sleep.

The next morning Yoochun woke up to the smell of food. He lazily gets up and starts walking toward the door to go downstairs but trips on Junsu’s suitcase. He looks at it and widens his eyes and quickly grabs it and opens it. He see’s Junsu’s belongings and he realizes the smell of food, quickly getting up and running toward the kitchen.

He goes into the kitchen and see’s Junsu cooking, his back towards Yoochun.


“Oh, your up. Breakfast is almost done.” Junsu says smiling at him.

“What are you doing here?” Yoochun says walking toward Junsu.

“What you mean? I live here.” Junsu said not facing him.

“R-really?! You… you decided to move in with me?” Yoochun asks and Junsu just nods.

“Yeah, why? Don’t you want me here anymore?” Junsu turns around and pouts at Yoochun.

Yoochun quickly hugged Junsu. “ Of course I still want you here. I love you.”

“I love you too.”



Hope you liked the story^^

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itsjuneeey #1
Chapter 1: ggghaaaawwwww... so cute yoosu >3<
Chapter 1: yoochun is so lovely!!
i loved this story so much!
really great
Yoochun's such a great bf :3 He's willing to wait, and that's so sweet<br />
I need a guy like him xDD
Awww...I loved it!!! was awsome...thank you for this great story!!!
hippychick #5
awww so cute :)
awwww so sweet