Park Chanyeol is dating a Highschooler

Park Chanyeol Vs the World

Long ago ,somewhere far far away in the mysterious of land of Vancouver, Canada


Park Chanyeol was dating a highschooler


“Okay, so um guys, “ Chanyeol, self proclaimed idiot at 22, suddenly spoke up ,looking at his friends, “ my new girlfriend is coming to watch us practice so can you please do me favour and act normal?”


“ Cool” remarked Jonghyun fixing the mic stand, “ she hot or something?”


“er, she’s cute I guess.” 


The rest of the members didn’t seem that interested. Chanyeol was pretty sure Amber didn’t even know he was standing there. Said drummer who was her twirling drumsticks probably found the cracks of the basement ceiling more interesting than what Chanyeol had to say. 


Normally he would be slightly hurt how none of his friends gave no s about his opinion or well, even his entire life. But this time he’s a bit relived nobody cared. He hoped it stayed that way.


“So” There goes his hope. Chanyeol turned to the drawling sound of his Childhood friends voice. He nervously looked away the glaring eyes of the keyboardist  Kyungsoo, “ how come we’ve never heard of her.”  It was honestly more of a demand than a question. 


Chanyeol nervously laughed,one hand scratching his neck as the rest of the band expectantly awaited his answer. He could feeling the burning holes of his bandmates, well mostly Kyungsoo’s, heated stare.


He might as well get this over with. Chanyeol took a deep a breath. 




The silence in Jonghyun’s mom’s small basement was deafening. 


Kyungsoo looked at him like he was some stain on the bottom of a preschoolers sneaker. Which at the moment , he kind of felt like, due to  all the judgemental looks his friends are giving him.


“You’re dating a highschooler”


“Yep”Amber looked like she was going to piss herself laughing by the keyboards. 


“And um, she also Korean.” He mumbled quietly.


Kyungsoo raised one perfectly trimmed judging eyebrow. “ A Korean highschooler.”


“and” Chanyeol quickly added on, “ she kind of moved here from Seoul 8 months ago.”  The tomboy drummer face was completely red from laughing at this point.


“So” Kyungsoo calmly began , turning off his keyboard “ how old are you again Chanyeol? 28 now am I right?” 


“Haha funny soo-“ Kyungsoo snapped a drumstick.  “I mean Kyungsoo” Chanyeol quickly corrected himself, “ I’m still 22 remember?” 


“Chanyeol is dating a highschooler” mumbled Jonghyun ,still in shock


“Right, so you like what. Graduated high school 20 years ago?” 


“You’re so funny, Kyungsoo we went to the same highschool FOUR years ago remember?”


“Chanyeol is dating a highschooler”


Kyungsoo didn’t look too impressed.“ So what kind of drugs are you on to push you to date someone 10 years younger than you?”


“Again, soo-“ Another drumstick was snapped, accompanied by Amber’s cry of anguish. “I mean Kyungsoo, she's only 5 years younger than us-“


“CHANYEOL IS DATING A HIGHSCHOOLER.” The blond singer screeched. 




“YEOLIE IS DATING WHO?” Jonghyun’s mom yelled from upstairs.


“ITS NOTHING MRS KIM-“ Chanyeol yelled back as he tried to shush the screeching singer without getting his fingers bit off.


Just as he finally managed to quite Jonghyun to prevent him from damaging , his already tarnished, reputation any further, the doorbell rang. 


“Thats for me “ Chanyeol piped up brightly before rushing upstairs to beat Jonghyun to the door. 


“Heeeyy!” He smiled brightly to beaming girl in front of him. 


“Hey!” chirped back the small girl. “You uh, okay there?” He noticed her looking at the beads of perspiration forming on his red face. 


“Yeah , yeah I’m fine! come in!” He quickly dragged his younger girlfriend away before his best friends’ mom began interrogating her. 


“So guys , this is my girlfriend Park Joy.” 


Joy looked unfazed by the incredulous looks of the other band members. “Hi! I’m Joy,” She smiled sweetly,  “its nice to meet you. “ 


“Joy’s still not good with English.” Channel quickly explained before anyone could ask about her accent. His friends usually have a tendency to speak whats on their minds without a filter to whomever, whenever. (And they wonder why Chanyeol rarely bring his dates to them anymore)


“So thats Jonghyun , he’s the talent” he  introduced in Korean. The singer , who was hysterical a few moments ago over the fact he had a younger girlfriend, surprisingly calmly waved back. 


“Thats Kyungsoo” The owl eyed member merely stared back at the couple, causing Chanyeol to break out in nervous sweating. “And finally, thats Amber.”


“You’re a girl!” Joy squeaked in surprise.


“Last time I checked, I guess. “ Amber lazily replied, while patting her chest. Joy’s cheek tinged with pink at the blatant display , while the others who are used to their drummer’s ‘give no ’ attitude remained unfazed. 


“So um, what do you play?” 


“Call of Duty, Final Fantasy and the occasional Pokemon I guess.” 


“Ambers such a joker,” Chanyeol nervously laughed, while pushing Joy to the couch. Turning around, he glared at said member only to receive a lazy salute in return. 


“Is she going to geek out on us?” Jonghyun whispered into Chanyeol’s large ears.


“Yeah, she might geek?” Channel replied hesitantly.


Jonghyun huffed a sigh of relief. “Good, I really want her to geek. “ 


“Oh yeah,” Chanyeol nodded “She has the capacity to geek.” To say the least, their band wasn’t the most popular. Or as Kyungsoo says, they are the Destiny’s Child in Beyonce’s world.. 


“WE ARE LADY LUCK!” Amber suddenly screamed, slamming on her replacement drum sticks. “1 2 3 GO!”


After ending their last song, Chanyeol looked expectantly over at Joy. Hoping he didn’t scare her off, like he did with most if his previous dates. 


“You guys are…”


Chanyeol held his breath.




Unbeknownst to Chanyeol, this was the moment his pathetic love life was going to spin out of control.





This fix is going to be based off Scott Pilgrim vs The World.  Yeah, I know I should be completing my other fix, but I wanted to attempt comedy. So yeah.


Here are the cast of Characters so far


Scott: Chanyeol (obviously)

Kim: Kyungsoo

Singer guy (sorry forgot his name) : Jonghyun from SHINee

Young Neil: Amber from f(x)

Knives : Joy from Red Velvet



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