




The young man muffled a curse as he looked over the files currently spread on the Chairman's table. Yep, you read that right. Byun Baekhyun, is sniffing through Kim Youngmin's office as of the moment.

Why, you asked?


Kris- Wu Yi Fan.

He wanted to clear Kris' name. No- scratched that- He NEEDED to clear Kris' name. He was so fed up with people spreading bull about duizhang. And yes, he is still a leader in his eyes. Always will be. He checked if he got all the copies he needed before slipping out of the office as quietly as possible.


"What should we do with Byun Baekhyun, Sir?" Han, Kim Youngmin's trusted assistant asked the Chairman.

The Chairman rubbed his chin, thinking the same thing. Byun Baekhyun. Tsk. The young man just couldn’t stay still. He started asking questions the other day about the things going on around the internet- things about Kris ing Wu. He was being suspicious and for a little man, he was surprisingly persistent as hell.

"Let him do whatever he wants for a while. He would eventually get tired of asking questions that no one would dare to answer- not even his own group leader." Youngmin said with a sly smirk on his face.


"Hyung, help me out here. I need to know if these files are legit." Baekhyun pleaded to Kim Joonmyeon. He is the leader of EXO so of course he would help but the hope was soon crashed as he heard the leader's reply.

"I can't. You need to let it go, Baekhyun. Let those people deal with their own drama. Focus all your attention to the group." Suho answered with a hint of finality in his voice.

"How could you say that? The "people" you just mentioned includes Kris! Kris is going through this whole mess alone. How can you not care at all?" Baekhyun exploded. He can't believe it. Their own leader is turning his back on them.

"I'm sorry. Let's pretend we didn't have this discussion, okay? We have rehearsal this afternoon and I expect to see you there and not elsewhere, bothering people to talk about this. I'm serious." Suho spared him one last glance as he exited their dressing room.


"Kim Joonmyeon… cleared." Han smiled in front of his laptop. The screen is currently showing Byun Baekhyun, alone in their dressing room as he realized no one would help him. Pathetic. He was shut down immediately by Joonmyeon. Of course the leader would. He was way too loyal to the company that he would never dare stir any up. That man was too ambitious to be involved in any mess that could ruin his career- not even if it's to defend one of his own.


"Holy, hyung! I thought for a second there that you were being serious." Baekhyun exclaimed as he was once again talking to the leader- without any exaggerated acting this time.

"I had to be! They are monitoring our every move. You're lucky I was able to keep a serious face back there. You should have seen your reaction. I thought you were going to cry!" Joonmyeon said as he playfully hit Baekyun.

"I was afraid they got to you." was the silent response.

"Never. We are one, remember?" Joonmyeon couldn't help but tease. God, he was so cheesy.

"Gag. Stop that. Here are the files. Please tell Kim Mama to verify them as soon as possible." desperation could be heard in Baekhyun's voice.

"I will. For the meantime, just stay put. No sneaking around and meeting up with Kris. You know they are awfully being suspicious of you." Joonmyeon reminded and Baekhyun just narrowed his eyes innocently.


"Yifan~" Baekhyun sighed as he fell directly to his boyfriend's arms. He had been deprived of awesome-yifan-hugs for a week now.

"Baek, you're being extremely-beyond usual, clingy today. Is there something wrong?" Yifan asked as he rested his chin on the younger man's fluffy hair.

Baekhyun was silent for a while. He didn’t know how to start. There was no question about his loyalty to Yifan. He knew everything about the man. Everything except the things he decided to keep regarding the reason of his departure from the group. He blindly trusted that he has his own reasons. Sure, he was hurt at some point but he also has this unbreakable bond with him that he cannot just throw away, despite everything the man was accused of.

Now that he found out the truth, the trust and love just kept getting stronger. Why didn’t Yifan tell him anything about those documents? Why didn't he go public and expose the dirty s that SM had done to him? Why did he have to endure the hurt alone? He unconsciously tightened his hold on Yifan.

"You don’t have to pretend anymore, Yifan-ah. I know." Baekhyun finally said his voice barely audible. He felt Yifan stiffened and dropped the hand that was petting his hair.

"What are you talking about?" Yifan held Baekhyun at arm's length.

"I found the documents on the Chairman's office... documents with all stuffs related about you... medical records, written invitations to different projects that were rejected and the uningbelievable contract you signed with them." Baekhyun didn't mean to sound pissed but he was. He was super mega pissed- whether at Yifan or the company, he cannot decide yet.

"You- are you crazy?!" Yifan exploded as he moved away from Baekhyun.

"Yes, I'm going crazy. I cannot stand it anymore. Those people are ruining you. They kept holding you responsible for everything. The last lawsuit they issued was the last straw. You cannot possibly expect me to keep silent! I had to do something... for you." Baekhyun let his head fall. He will be strong. He will not cry. Yifan needed him the most right now and he wouldn't let the man see him break down.

Yifan just stared at Baekhyun. He could feel his anger slipping out. How could he stay mad at his boyfriend when he’s being like this? Baekhyun just wanted to help him out. He never cared about the accusation SM was throwing at him- still throwing at him. Those ers could hurt him all they want as long as they don't touch the people he cared about. Keeping his silence is not an option anymore. Baekhyun is involved now. The company would find out about what he did and they would turn their wrath on him. He cannot let that happen. He has to do something. He needed to keep Baekhyun safe and if that meant, going public with what he has on SM, then that's what he's going to do.

"Hey, come here~" Yifan called as he wrapped his arms around Baekhyun again. This time, he was the one hugging him tighter.

"I just want to help you, Yifan." Baekhyun whispered, snuggling closer- if that's even possible- welcoming Yifan's warmth.

"I know, baby. I know." Yifan replied as he dropped soft kisses on the younger man’s hair.

"I know my hair is super soft and fluffy but I'm afraid my lips are getting jealous with all the attention you're giving it." Baekhyun put on the most adorable and irritable pout he could do at the moment.

Yep, Yifan is whipped, so whipped that he was ready to drop everything for Byun Baekhyun.

"Is that so? We can't have that, can we? Let me give those jealous lips the attention they want" Yifan saw the way Baekhyun's eyes sparkled with the idea.

And giving them attention is what Yifan did and a whole lot more.


[BREAKING NEWS!!!] EX-member of EXO, Kris aka Wu Yi Fan finally speaks about the reasons of his departure from the group.

[BREAKING NEWS!!!] Kris Wu AKA Wu Yi Fan drops a bomb on SM Entertainment

[BREAKING NEWS!!!] Wu Yi Fan responds to SM Entertainment's accusations.

"This bastard." Youngmin cursed as he went through every report on the internet as well as the newspapers.

"Every entertainment reporter in the country wants to have an interview with you, Sir. What do I say to them? Should we issue a response to the news?" Han asked.

"And what do we say to them? That all these are just made up documents?! He has proofs! Legitimate proofs! How do we deny all those?! The answer is WE ING CAN'T." Youngmin shouted as he slammed his laptop close.

Han kept his silence after that. He will let the Chairman process. He will wait for his order. He had to trust that the old man would do something... anything about the issue because if he wouldn’t, he might as well be screwed too.


[Private room somewhere in Seoul]

"As it turned out, there was no need for those documents you got in the Chairman's office." Joonmyeon pointed out the glaring obvious to the way too stunned Baekhyun.

"But how- does it mean that Yifan has a copy of those documents all this time?!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

All the members of the group didn't bother to give him an answer. They were all too surprised with the sudden turn of events too. A sound was suddenly heard. Someone is opening the secured door. Eleven heads expectantly waited for the person. It could only be him. He's the only one missing in the room.

Before anyone could react, Baekhyun was already welcoming the man with the most unwelcomed greeting that anyone could come up with.

"YOU- What the was that?! How did that happen?! You had those files all along and you didn't tell us a damn thing!? You bastard! You have a whole lot more of information about them and you're just dropping them now?! What the were you thinking? Why now? You were keeping your silence all this time and you just decided to stop now? What the ?! I risked my whole damn career for you the other day by getting the files that you just exposed to the public!” Baekhyun was now grabbing Yifan by the collar. He was mad...beyond mad. He was ing furious. What was his stupid boyfriend thinking? He wasn’t thinking, yes, that must be it.

Yifan just let out a tired sigh. He let Baekhyun finished his outburst before he grabbed the younger man by the waist and just hold him in his arms. He let his huge frame envelop Baekhyun’s smaller one. He just wanted to feel Baekhyun’s presence. Everything is going to be okay now... for a while at least.

“Baekhyun-ah, I’m tired.” Yifan whispered weakly.

What could Baekhyun say to that? How could he react when Yifan is being like this? He momentarily ignored every negative feelings he has right now and just let the man hold him. He silently thanked the other members for keeping their mouth shut because it was sure as hell awkward to see their two members being lovey~dovey now.

"You have to explain, Yifan." Baekhyun said and felt Yifan nod slowly.

Yifan withdrew from Baekhyun's arms, wanting some distance between him and the man while he explains the super mega he just did. Baekhyun would either suffocate him with love after his explanation or just plain suffocate him to death.

"I just finished three interviews with trusted entertainment reporters about the issue with SM Entertainment. As for your question, yes, I've had those documents with me ever since the issue with SM started. I just chose to not reveal them because there are far more important matters than exposing SM's ." Yifan looked down, feeling too much.

"What?! What could be more important than your wellbeing?!" Baekhyun interrupted.

"Yours." Yifan raised his head and looked directly at Baekhyun's eyes. He saw genuine surprise there. Ah, Baekhyun-ah~ you should realize by now that you're the most important person to me.

"Explain. Yifan." Baekhyun recovered from his shock and was now determined to get to the very bottom of this matter.

"Okay, but no more interruptions, hmm?" Yifan patted his fluffy hair.

"As you all know, I was having difficulties with my health the past few months prior to me leaving the group. I told SM my situation and they immediately shut down my request for medication leave.  That was okay because I believed that I can still manage. A week before our concert, a couple of staffs and one of our managers saw me throwing up in the backstage and I guess instead of helping me, they chose to go to Kim Youngmin.  I figured that was the case because the next day, I was called to the Chairman's office to discuss my situation again. They realized that my health condition was worse than they thought and that they should have been considerate with my health. The only solution they could come up with was for me to just drop out of the group. They didn’t want to take responsibility and stir up the infamous "slave contract" issue if they suddenly pull me out due to medical reasons.  I told them NO. I fought hard for my rights but they didn’t care about that either. I threatened to expose them to the media but of course, they held a much more important matter over my head." Yifan was rambling. He knew that. It was hard enough to be reminded of those memories... especially the last bit of the argument.

"Hyung, what was it?" Kyungsoo asked, pure understanding in his voice.

"They threatened to ruin Baekhyun's career. They must have caught what was going on between us. They knew he was important to me and they have all resources to do what they had threatened to do.” Yifan looked down again. He closed his eyes and tried to block out the knowing smirk that Youngmin had given him as he was describing in great details what he would do to Baekhyun if he decided to expose SM. That bastard.

Baekhyun just stared at the man in front of him. He couldn't believe what he just heard. There was no way all of those happened without him knowing about them. He couldn't form a proper reaction so he just listened as Yifan continue his explanation.

"Of course, threatening Baekhyun was not enough so he went and held everyone's career over my head. He said he would ruin EXO. He is very powerful and could do just about anything. I realized it was a lost cause so I signed a nondisclosure contract about the matter and the next day, I was flying out of the country." Yifan looked at each and every one of the members in the room and muttered "I'm sorry."

"First, you don't have to be sorry. It was clear as day it wasn't your choice. Second, that still didn't answer why you didn't expose the you have on them the moment they threatened us." Yixing asked, moving closer to Yifan now.

"I could have but I just chose not to at that time." Yifan answered with a small smile in his pretty face.

"Why?" Luhan asked, as he too moved closer to Yifan.

"Why do you think? If I told them I have everything I need to expose their s that time, what do you think they would do? How do you think it would affect the group? Our- your concert was just a week away and if I suddenly dropped a bomb on them, they would cancel everything. I saw you guys working your off to make the first concert perfect." Yifan looked at every member in the room and he was suddenly reminded of those days when they were killing themselves in the rehearsals.

"Chanyeol, I'm sorry to say that your lameass excuses for staying longer in the practice room didn't work for me. I know you intended to stay longer because you thought you needed to catch up on the other members. Sehun and Jongin, don’t think I didn’t see those bruised on your legs from dancing nonstop. Yixing, your waist was acting up again that time, you lil , I told you to have that one checked out again. Luhan, Chen, Kyungsoo and Suho, you guys were exhausting your throats too much just to perfect a note. Tao and Xiumin, your rapping skills were getting kickass good too. And Baekhyun, you were being the perfectionist that you are. You're already perfect but you still worked yourself to death trying to be. You have a whole great year ahead of you guys and I couldn't possibly ruin all that. As for me, I could always do something with this pretty face and I'll be just fine." Yifan was smiling to himself when he finished his little speech; sometime during his explanation, the members managed to move closer to him and give him comforting pats and words, with the exception of one person, of course. His little puppy was still processing.

“Well, all those protective gestures ended today when I handed everything to the media.”  Yifan offered them an apologetic smile. He searched for the eyes of the person who hasn’t taken the courage to move to him yet

“I need to gather those protective gestures and put them to one person. Apparently, my precious boyfriend here decided it was time to put SM down so he went ahead and illegally gather evidence against the company. Eventually, Youngmin would find out about it and my effort from a year ago would be useless if he managed to put into actions his threats to Baekhyun in the end- now that he’s done something unnecessary himself. I can’t let that happen so I did what I had to do.” Yifan is now standing in front of Baekhyun. He saw the realization hit the younger man and finally, everyone is on the same page as him. It felt nice.

“You didn’t have to go that far.” Baekhyun said weakly. How could he be stupid? He thought he was the one protecting Yifan but as it turned out, the man was the one protecting him all this time. Byun Baekhyun, you’re so foolish.

“I love that you were ready to do everything to defend me but I couldn’t let you do it. I had to do something to keep you and the group safe.” Yifan replied, as though reading the younger man’s thoughts.

I told you! Duizhang would never betray us!” Chen blurted, finally recovering from the mind boggling revelation of the day. He was grinning from ear to ear which is a pretty sight actually- thanks to the adorable corners of his mouth.

“We all knew that!” someone from the group exclaimed.

“Duizhang, you’re so cool.” Sehun and Jongin said at the same time.

“Of course, he is. He’s our leader!” Luhan proudly claimed.

“So what will happen now?” Suho asked, making everyone silent again.

“We wait. I’ve done my part in this whole mess. It’s their turn to find their way out of this- not that it’s going to be easy because I myself can’t see ANY way out of the hole they made themselves.” Yifan answered as he moved closer to Baekhyun. He didn’t know what to do with SM now but he sure has a few ideas with what to do with a certain Byun Baekhyun.

The members seemed to realize his intention once they saw him grab the younger man by the waist and give his full attention to him. Some coughing could be heard and they soon started to vacate the room one by one after saying their abrupt goodbyes of “Uh-“, “We’re just going to let ourselves out.” “Later, duizhang! “You are really so cool.” “Use protection! “Be gentle~!”

Alone in the room, Yifan finally let all his frustration out and pour all of them to kissing his boyfriend. Baekhyun saw this coming, waited for it actually. He was caught off guard by the intensity of the kiss but soon responded with as much as enthusiasm the older man is giving.

“Do I need to do more explaining?” Yifan said between kisses.

“Nope. You’ve done enough talking for today. I just can’t believe you did all those things without me knowing about them. You didn’t have to go through this mess alone. You have me, Yifan.” Baekhyun pulled out of the kiss and look at his boyfriend. He wants him to know that he was hurt with all the secrets but also he understood why his lover had to do it.
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.” Yifan confessed as he dropped his head to Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“I know but from now on, there will be no more secrets or surprises, hmm?” Baekhyun nudged his head and felt Yifan nod.

Yifan raised his head and met Baekhyun’s eyes. The older man blessed him with his infamous grin.

Oh God. What now? Is he still keeping something from me? Baekhyun thought.

“I sort of know you would react like this so I prepared one last surprise for you. You know, just to soothe all those un-lovely feelings you have for me~” Yifan said, fully smiling now.

“What is it?” Baekhyun asked curiously.

“I can’t promise that it will be easy for us, Baekhyun but I promise to protect you all the way. Do you trust me?” Yifan asked seriously.


That is one thing that Baekhyun will never lose when it concerns Wu Yi Fan. He trusts him with all his heart. He is a good man and he will be foolish not to give anything he deserves so of course, there is only one way to answer the question.

“I do.”

The answer had Yifan grinning like an idiot. His precious idiot, Baekhyun thought lovingly.

“Thank you, Baekhyun. Now, let’s go get your surprise~” Yifan started to push him out of the room. He looks like a nine year old kid about to show his best friend his birthday gifts.

Baekhyun just let his boyfriend drag him around. He didn’t like secrets or surprises but if it involves Yifan, he’s more than willing to entertain them.


As it turned out, the surprise was not as innocent as his best friend analogy a while ago. It was more like a man trying to show his lover how he loved him the most in this world, how the lover is the most precious person he could ever have the pleasure of meeting… having.


A/N 2.0: Soooooooo, what do you guys think? I know this fic is far from perfect but I enjoyed writing it so there’s that. I couldn’t decide which POV to write on so I just did both J I’m still having a hard time with grammar proofing (as you probably noticed while reading). Sigh. I’ll do my best next time!


More KrisBaek to come <3

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Chapter 1: Ijustcant ㅠㅠ this deserves more reads and comments. This is way too good!!!